Payment orders for copyright royalty fees to the Copyright Clearance Center may be submitted on a schedule of your choice as long as all transactions requiring payment for the specified date range are at a finished status in ILLiad. In the past, most ILLiad licensees have submitted copyright royalty payment orders to the Copyright Clearance Center either once or twice yearly. While this is still possible, the ILLiad Client makes it easier for you to submit these payment orders as frequently or infrequently as you wish, even on a daily basis.
Since the Copyright Clearance Center requires that the copyright royalty fee information for any article request be current at the time of the payment order submission, rather than at the time the request is processed, there may potentially be cost savings in submitting payment orders to the CCC more frequently.
Because charges for copyright orders submitted to the Copyright Clearance Center for payment are based upon costs at the time you submit the order, we suggest submitting your copyright orders frequently.
Verifying Your Readiness for Copyright Ordering
Before submitting a copyright order, you should first test your readiness by selecting a date range. This is done using the Copyright Web Report for your system. Open the ILLiad Web reports for your system and pull up the Copyright Report, located under Administrative Reports. Enter the date range for the copyright order and any other parameters that might apply. For Shared Server ILLiad systems that do not process copyright collectively, this may include specifying a site. Once the parameters are specified, click the Generate Report button. This will run the report. This report should display the same transactions that will display on the copyright order once it is created.
To determine your readiness for copyright order submission for the specified date range, scroll down the report results until you get to the section labeled Outstanding Requests with Copyright Fees. This section of the report displays all transactions that fall within the specified date range and will require copyright payment upon completion, but are not yet at a completed status in ILLiad. The report also contains total copyright fees amount (based on the current fee values attached to the transactions) for the outstanding transactions. The copyright order should not be submitted unless no transactions appear in this section of the copyright report. If necessary, you should delay submitting the copyright order until all transactions that display here are completed.
Generating the List of Transactions Requiring Payment
To generate a list of transactions requiring payment, go to the Borrowing Tab on the Main Menu of the ILLiad Client and click the bottom portion of the Process Copyright icon. In the submenu, select Submit Copyright Orders. This will bring up the CopyrightOrders Form as a tab in the ILLiad Client.
This form allows you to do all of the following:
- Specify a date range for payment.
- Generate a list of transactions requiring copyright royalty payment.
- Refresh the recorded fee amount information attached to each transaction based on the current Copyright Clearance Center pricing for each journal title.
- Submit the results to the CCC for payment electronically.
Selecting a Date Range
Select the date range for generating your copyright payment order list at the top of the form. You may input the dates you wish to use manually by typing them into the appropriate fields, or you may select the dates by clicking the dropdown arrows to the right of each current date value and using the calendar interface to select them.
There is no reason that the begin date value actually needs to be changed each time this list is generated. When payment orders are submitted, the transaction numbers, for which copyright royalty information is being submitted, are recorded in the CopyrightSessions table in the ILLiad database. This prevents these transactions from being returned in any future copyright payment order list should the same begin date be used again. In fact, leaving the begin date value at its current value will allow for any transactions from prior date ranges, which may not yet have been completed at the time of the last copyright order list generation. These transactions will then be caught, and have the correct copyright royalties paid for them when they become finished and the next list is generated for payment.
Generating the List
Once you have selected your date range, you can generate the list of finished transactions that require payment by clicking the Load Copyright button.
This will pull every Borrowing article transaction in the system that meets ALL of the following conditions:
- The Tracking table shows the transaction as having been routed to a status of Awaiting Copyright Clearance between the specified date values.
- The journal title is not blank.
- The transaction status is either Request Finished or Delivered to Web.
- The CopyrightAlreadyPaid value for the transaction is No.
- The BaseFee value for the transaction is not NULL.
- The BaseFee multiplied by the number of pages of the article is not equal to zero.
- Copyright payment information was attached to the transaction during the specified date range.
The CCCNumber value for the transaction is neither blank nor NULL.
The CCCNumber field in the database corresponds to the CCC Publication ID field on the ILLiad request form. This field was formerly labeled "CCC Number." - The CCCOrder value for the transaction is Yes.
The Copyright Report in the ILLiad Client may differ from the Copyright Report in the web reports as the Client only shows those transactions with a CCC Publication ID/CCC Number (attained on the copyright clearance form after retrieving a price quote from the CCC Gateway). The web report may show more requests that do not have a CCC Publication ID if the copyright information was manually added.
Refreshing Fee Amounts
The Copyright Clearance Center requires that all submitted fee information agrees with the current CCC pricing at the time of the copyright order submission. When an item was actually requested from the Lending institution is not relevant to pricing. To connect to the Copyright Clearance Center and update the fee information attached to the generated list of transactions requiring copyright royalty payments, you may do so using the Refresh Fees button. The system will connect to the Copyright Clearance Center database and update the price on every transaction in the generated list.
Depending on the number of transactions to be updated, this process may take several minutes. The progress bar at the top right of the form will keep you apprised of the system's progress. If at any point you wish to stop the process, click the Stop button in the top right corner of the form. When the process is complete and all transactions have been updated with current price information, you will see an update in the information bar at the bottom of the form.
Nothing is being submitted for payment at this point. The system is only updating price information. No information about the requesting institution is sent to the Copyright Clearance Center.
Submitting a Copyright Order
When you are ready to submit a copyright order for payment to the Copyright Clearance Center, click the Submit Copyright Order button. If you chose not to refresh the fee information before this point, you will see a message indicating this. To continue with this process, click No. To continue, click Yes.
Once you acknowledge this message, or if you have already refreshed the fee information, you will see a message indicating that you are about to connect to the Copyright Clearance Center and submit an order for payment. To continue with this process, click No. To continue, click Yes. The system will connect to the Copyright Clearance Center database and submit the order for every transaction on the generated copyright order list.
Depending on the number of transactions to be submitted, this process may take several minutes. The progress bar at the top right of the form will keep you apprised of the system's progress. To stop the process, click the Stop button in the top right corner of the form. When the process is complete and all transactions have been submitted to the Copyright Clearance Center for payment, you will see an update in the information bar at the bottom of the form. At some point after the submission of payment information, your institution will receive an invoice from the Copyright Clearance Center for the items submitted.
Dealing with Data Errors
If any errors are returned during the submission process, you will see a message containing an explanation of the problem. The error may apply to all transactions in the ordering queue (e.g. if there is a problem with your CCC credentials or configuration) or only for specific transactions in the queue. Transactions for which no errors are detected will be sent through for ordering and any problem transactions will remain in the queue to be dealt with after the rest of the order is completed. If something needs to be changed in an individual transaction record, double-clicking on the transaction in the Copyright Orders form will open up the Request form for the chosen transaction. From here, you may make whatever change is necessary and then return to the Copyright Orders form to resubmit that transaction for ordering.