released 2 June 2014
- This version should only be used by sites running ILLiad 8.5 or higher.
- New statuses created for ILLiad 8.5 (In Transit to Pickup Location, etc.) are now included.
Now uses version 4.0 of the .NET Framework, previously used .NET 2.0.
released 13 March 2012
This version of the Patron Request Service uses version 2.0 of the .NET Framework, but ILLiad used .NET 4.0. To use the Patron Request Service, both versions will need to be installed on the ILLiad web server. Note that the ILLiadWebService application would use v.2.0.50207.
You will also need to download the following file and place it in your WebService bin folder: Patron Request Service Version History
- Changed so that serviceDetails element is not included if empty.
- Corrected addition identifier field lookup so that it passes in the requiring namespace manager when doing SelectSingleNode.
- Corrected the ILLStatus processing logic to be moved out of the request type specific processing branches. This allows cancellation processing logic to perform as expected.
- Added Windows Server 2008 R2 support to the Patron Request Service installer.
released 4 January 2012
- Validated PatronRequestAPI RTM mapping against new schema/mapping.
- Moved Book Volume and Journal Publisher fields from additionalIdentifier to additionalDescription.
- Added two new additionalIdentifiers now supported in WorldCat: DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and PMID (Pub Med Identifier
- Removed mapping of MARC 260$c (Pub Date) for Journals and Articles, since 260$c carries the Journal's original pub date, not the part pub date of the issue being requested.
- Updated RTM ItemFormats schema
- Provided support for cancelling loan requests by updating cancellation logic for loans.
- Updated to check for ILLiad request limit and return error number 204 if exceeded.
Use the status line SLActiveRequestsWithLimit with replacement tags of <#ACTIVEREQUESTS> and <#REQUESTLIMIT> to return an errorValue string stating the patron's current request limit.
Corrected Issues
- Article requests at the status of Delivered to Web display correctly in the Navigator Patron UI.
- ILLiad Patron Request Service correctly parses item data using the 'page' element instead of the 'pages' element.
- ILLiad Patron Request Service correctly sends output as UTF-8 encoding.
released April 1, 2011
- Corrected an issue that prevented delivery locations at shared server sites to view requests from the patron interface.
- Authentication type for users created by web service can now be set using tags in the ILL.xml configuration files. The fields are: UseNote10ForUsername, Note10AuthType, UIDAuthType. The UseNote10ForUsername is a Yes/No value. The Note10AuthType and UIDAuthType fields correspond to what value should go into the AuthType field for that user record. Some sites expressed the desire to have the authtype be a different value if a Note10 value was found versus if there was only a UID.
The installer (.exe file) will load version OCLC can provide you access to version files after you have installed version
- The "DateRequested" field is now populated based on the request history, rather than the "TransactionDate" field.
- The request retrieval service no longer excludes requests in the "Cancelled by Customer" or "Cancelled by ILL Staff" statuses.
- Corrected an issue that was causing errors to occur when attempting to retrieve requests in certain statuses.
released February 17, 2010
- Corrected an issue with invalid due dates that caused a service exception when attempting to determine if a request could be renewed.
- Only active requests are returned from the GetRequests service.
- The service should no longer return a 202 error when the transaction was actually created but a status update fails (usually from a routing rule error).
- New users will now only be created when invoking the place request service.
- Corrected an error in the processing of the condition of supply field that was causing an exception due to a null value.
- Changed the way we retrieve the user's username from the EZProxy user document. The system now checks for a value in the note10 field and uses that in place of the uid field if a value exists.
- Corrected a condition with user creation that was causing the system to attempt to recreate a user that had just been created.