Cancelling Docline Requests

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When new Docline Requests are imported in the ILLiad Client, the client looks at the symbol of the requesting institution and determines if that symbol is blocked or not. If the symbol of the requesting institution is not blocked, the import proceeds normally and the new Lending transactions appear in the ILLiad Client at the usual statuses. If the symbol of the requesting institution is blocked, the client imports the request and sets the status of the transaction to Awaiting Cancellation Review for the ILL staff to either cancel manually. There is no automatic Cancellation for Docline Requests.

If the Lending String field contains Docline locations, check the status of the request by looking up the Docline Request Number on the Docline web page. Enter the Docline request number and click on the Go button. This will bring up the Docline request. The Docline Request Number is located in the request's ILL Number field on the Cancelled by Customer queue grid and is also available within the Request Form in the Docline Information Section.


If the Docline status is Pending, simply delete the request in Docline. When you have successfully canceled the request in OCLC, return to the Request Form and cancel the transaction.


If the Docline status is Filled, the request cannot be deleted in Docline. Return to the Request Form and change the status to Cancelled by ILL Staff.

When the item is received, ILLiad will know that the item has been canceled and will immediately prompt to return a loan or, if the item is an article, to throw it away.


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