Product | Aeon |
Version | All |
Ticket | N/A |
KB Permissions | Public |
Photoduplication billing fields such as Format, Shipping Option, and Service Level are disabled on the Aeon web request form when they should be enabled.
This issue most often occurs when the billingContextOptionHandler.js or the duplicationPermissionToggle.js JavaScript files are not up to date in the Aeon web directory. In some cases, outdated include HTML files in your web directory used to populate the photoduplication billing fields on the web form may also cause issues with these fields. To resolve these issues, please follow the troubleshooting steps below to identify and update the outdated files in your web directory:
Step 1: Check the Web Page for JavaScript Errors
Begin troubleshooting this issue by checking for JavaScript errors on the affected web page that may indicate exactly which JavaScript file needs to be updated in your web directory:
- Using a web browser such as Google Chrome or Firefox, navigate to the affected web page on the Aeon web interface where the billing fields are incorrectly disabled
Open the developer console in your web browser. For many major web browsers, you can open the developer console using the F12 key on your keyboard or by right-clicking on the page and selecting Inspect from the dropdown menu:
The developer console will open at the side or at the bottom of the screen. Click the Console tab and review the information displayed for any JavaScript errors. The image below shows the console in Google Chrome when no errors are present:
If there are Javascript errors in the console, you will see a detailed error message and the associated file causing the error:
- If an error message is not displayed in the console, skip to Step 2: Update JavaScript Files
If an error message is displayed in the console, identify the file causing the error and visit the Aeon Downloads page to download the latest default web pages for your major version of Aeon (5.2, 5.1, etc.)
For a step-by-step walkthrough of this process, see steps 3-8 in Step 2: Update JavaScript Files. - Replace the file(s) in your Aeon web directory causing the error with the updated file(s) from the new web pages you downloaded in the previous step
Once the files are updated, test the affected web page in your web browser and determine if the issue has been resolved
Note: You may need to clear your browser history, cookies, and cache before the updated JavaScript file will be applied to the web page and resolve the errors. Please refer to your web browser's documentation for assistance on this process.
- If the issue is still not resolved or if there were no JavaScript errors present in the developer tools console, continue troubleshooting the issue by following the steps in the next section below
Step 2: Update Billing JavaScript Files
If no JavaScript errors were displayed in the developer tools console or if updating the file(s) causing the error(s) did not resolve the issue, follow the steps below to ensure that both the billingContextOptionHandler.js and the duplicationPermissionToggle.js JavaScript files in your web directory are up to date and do not contain any modifications that may be breaking their functionality:
If your web pages are hosted by Atlas, please see Editing Atlas-Hosted Aeon Web Pages in GitHub for more information on accessing and editing your web page files in GitHub.
Navigate into your Aeon web directory and locate the WebPageVersion.txt file to find the detailed version information for your currently installed web pages:
If you do not have a WebPageVersion.txt file in your web directory, you can also find the version information in the include_head.html file:
Once you have the version number, visit the Aeon Downloads page and check to see if a more recent version of the web pages for your major version of Aeon is available and, if so, download the updated web page files to your machine
Determining the Correct Web Page Package to Download
You can use the first two numbers in the noted version number for each web page package to determine which major version of Aeon those pages are compatible with. For example, web pages compatible with Aeon 5.2 will have version numbers beginning with 5.2.x. Please also note any minor server version requirements when determining which set of web pages to download for your major version of Aeon. For example, the Aeon v5.2.4 default web pages can only be used when the Aeon 5.2 server has been updated to at least v5.2.4. If a minor server requirement is not marked for a web page package, those pages will work with all minor server versions released for that major version of Aeon.
You can click the plus sign (+) next to the download button to view more detailed version information for each set of web pages available for download. -
Navigate to the location where you downloaded the .zip folder containing the new web page files on your machine:
Unzip the file: One way to do this is to right-click on the .zip file and select Extract All from the options menu:
Click Extract to complete the unzipping process:
The files will be extracted to a new unzipped folder on your machine:
Navigate into the unzipped folder and into the js subfolder. Locate the billingContextOptionHandler.js and the duplicationPermissionToggle.js JavaScript files:
- Open each JavaScript file from the downloaded web page package in a text editing application such as Notepad++ and compare it against the file in your Aeon web directory for differences
- Ensure that the files are identical. If they are not identical, this likely means that the files are not up to date with the web page version you are on or that the files have been modified and may be breaking the normal functionality
- If the latest billingContextOptionHandler.js and duplicationPermissionToggle.js JavaScript files are not identical to the files in your web directory, install the updated files by replacing the JavaScript files in your Aeon web directory with the newly downloaded versions of those files
Once the files are updated, test the affected web page and determine if the issue has been resolved
Note: You may need to clear your browser history, cookies, and cache before the updated JavaScript file will be used with the web page and resolve the errors. Please refer to your web browser's documentation for assistance on this process.
- If the issue is still not resolved, or if your JavaScript files were already up to date, continue troubleshooting the issue by following the steps in the next section
Step 3: Update Photoduplication Include Files
If the billingContextOptionHandler.js and the duplicationPermissionToggle.js JavaScript files in your web directory have been updated or were already on the correct version and the issue is still occurring, the next step is to check several other web page files that may be causing the issue:
- Open the web page file for the web request form on which the billing fields are incorrectly disabled in the GitHub editor or in a text editing application such as Notepad++ (if your web pages are not hosted in GitHub)
View the code for the web page and determine if a photoduplication include HTML file is being used to pull the code for the photoduplication fields (Format, Shipping Option, and Service Level) into the web page. The following are the default photoduplication include files that can be used with the Aeon web pages:
- include_photodup_toggle_enabled.html
- include_photoduplication_archival_request.html
- include_photoduplication.html
Note that if the web page file includes the code <#PHOTOTOGGLE> (as is the case with ArchivalRequest.html), this means that the photoduplication fields are being pulled into the form using the include_photodup_toggle_enabled.html file in your web directory:
If you see the <#PHOTOTOGGLE> tag on the affected web form, open the include_photodup_toggle_enabled.html file in your web directory and examine the code to determine if this file itself is using another include file to pull in the photoduplication fields. By default, the include_photodup__toggle_enabled.html file will use the include_photoduplication_archival_request.html file to pull in the billing fields:
Once all of the photoduplication include files used with the form have been identified, download the latest Aeon web pages and ensure that these include files in your web directory are up to date using the same steps detailed in Step 2: Update JavaScript Files above
Updating Feature Specific Appointment Scheduling Include Files
If you are using appointment scheduling functionality in Aeon and need to check your include_photodup_toggle_enabled.html file, you must download the latest Feature Specific Web Pages to get the most up-to-date versions of this file. The version of this file used when appointment scheduling features are enabled in Aeon is different from the version included in the default web pages package, which is used when appointment scheduling is not enabled in Aeon.
- If the include files in your web directory are not identical to the latest versions of those files available on the Aeon Downloads page, install the updated include files by replacing the file(s) in your web directory with the newly downloaded version of the file(s)
- Once the files are updated, test the affected web page and determine if the issue has been resolved
- If the issue persists, the next step is to ensure that the Request For field is still included in the relevant web page file containing the billing fields and has not been removed:
On some request forms, such as PhotoduplicationRequest.html, the Request For field is located directly within the code for that form and is not pulled into the form using an include file. Check the web page file and ensure that the Request For field has not been removed from this file:
In the case of a file such as ArchivalRequest.html that uses the <#PHOTOTOGGLE> tag to pull in the billing fields, the Request For field will be located inside the include_photoduplication_archival_request.html by default. Ensure that the Request For field has not been moved from this file:
- If the Request For field is missing from the code for the relevant web page file, download the latest version of the web pages from the Aeon Downloads page (or use the web pages you downloaded in step 5 above)
- Unzip and navigate into the downloaded web page package on your machine
- Locate the latest version of the specific file that needs to be updated in your web directory to re-include the Request For field
- Open this file in a text editing application such as Notepad++
- Copy the code for the Request For field and paste it into the copy of that file in your Aeon web directory where this code is missing
- Save your changes
- Once the files are updated, test the affected web page and determine if the issue has been resolved
- If the issue is still not resolved, contact Atlas Support at for assistance