Aeon Default Web Pages Overview

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This article explains the look and layout of the Aeon web interface when the default Aeon web pages are used. The overview below covers the Aeon 5.0+ Fully Accessible & Responsive Web Pages. For information on older legacy web pages, see the Legacy Web Pages section.

Main Menu Page | Navigation Bar | Legacy Web Pages

Further Reading 

See the Aeon Default Web Pages article for more information about the layout and design of the HTML files that comprise the default Aeon web pages. These pages can be customized to match your institution's website or requirements. A comprehensive list of the Action, Form, and Type numbers used with the default Aeon web pages is also available; use this list to help you format new forms such as generic request and OpenURL form types.

Main Menu Page

Users logging into an Aeon account using the default web pages land on the Main Menu page.

The Main Menu opens to show the navigation bar and a list of the currently logged-in user's outstanding requests. From here, users can manage their requests listed on this page or use the options in the navigation bar to navigate to other web pages in the Aeon web interface. Web alerts configured in the Aeon Client will display under the navigation bar.

This is the same list of requests the user sees when clicking Outstanding Requests from the Order History menu as explained below in the Navigation Bar section.

Aeon Main Menu web page

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar at the top of the screen contains options for navigating to various web pages for managing requests, photoduplication orders, activities, appointments, and user information, and also houses the search and logoff options. This navigation bar will display on each web page in the Aeon web interface. Detailed descriptions for each option on the navigation bar are provided below.

Navigation Bar

Main Menu | New Requests | Order History | Activities | Appointments | Search | My Profile | Logoff

Main Menu

The Main Menu option will navigate the user back to the Aeon home page when clicked.

New Requests

The New Requests dropdown menu contains options for creating new requests. Each of the options opens a new request form tailored to that specific request type.

Default New Request options:

  • Default
  • Monograph
  • Serial
  • Manuscript/Archives
  • Photoduplication

Order History

The Order History dropdown menu contains options for viewing and working with existing requests and photoduplication orders. Clicking on an option opens a new web page containing all requests in that category.

Default request options include:

  • Saved Requests: Displays all requests that a user opts to save for later in the Awaiting User Review status before submitting them for staff processing 
  • Outstanding Requests: Displays all active requests. Requests are considered active and outstanding as long as the request is not at one of the following transaction or photoduplication statuses:

    Transaction Status Photoduplication Status
    Cancelled by Staff Order Cancelled by Staff
    Cancelled by User Order Cancelled by User
    Awaiting Item Reshelving

    Item Delivered

    Request Merged Order Finished
    Request Finished  
    Imported from Legacy System  
  • Cancelled Requests: Displays all requests that have been cancelled by either the user or staff
  • Request History: Displays all requests that have been processed as finished by staff
  • All Requests: Displays a complete list of requests, including those that were cancelled or processed as finished
  • Orders to Submit: Holds photoduplication cost estimates for user approval. These new photoduplication requests have been submitted for processing and are in the Awaiting Order Submittal status; the estimated costs must be approved by the user
  • Order Billing: Lists photoduplication requests that have been invoiced and billed to the user. The user has the option to approve the order and pay the invoice with a credit card. The request is sent here when the invoice is generated and the request is moved to Awaiting Order Approval status. When the invoice is approved and there is an unpaid balance due, the status changes to Awaiting Order Billing. Requests at any status will display here if the invoice is awaiting approval or if there is a balance due for payment
  • Electronically Delivered Items: Holds all photoduplication items that have been processed for electronic delivery, including the associated PDF download files


The Activities option brings the user to the View Activities web page that displays a list of the user's activities. Clicking on an activity in the list opens a new page displaying the activity's details and a list of all requests associated with it. Deleted activities do not display here.

Download links on the activity web pages allow researchers to download an Excel document containing activity, user, and request details associated with a particular activity as well as an iCalendar file that can be added to a user's own calendar and emailed or shared with other users. 


If appointments are enabled and have been implemented in the Aeon web interface, the Appointments option will be available in the navigation bar. Clicking this option brings the user to the View Appointments web page that lists the user's appointments. Users can also schedule new appointments from this page.

For a detailed description of the appointment scheduling web pages, see Appointment Scheduling Web Interface.


Clicking the Search option will open the Aeon Search web page where users can perform searches for their requests. Users can search all requests or filter the search results to only include currently active requests. 

My Profile

The My Profile dropdown menu contains options for viewing and changing the user's account information. This menu also contains the link to the Notifications web page.

  • Change User Information: Allows a user to change personal information such as name, address, and status.
  • Change Password: Allows a user to assign themselves a new Aeon account password.
  • View Notifications: Displays a list of the last 20 request-related emails generated by the Aeon Client and sent to the user.


Clicking the Logoff option will log the user out of the Aeon web interface.

Legacy Web Pages

Information for versions of the Aeon default web pages prior to Aeon 5.0 can be found by expanding the section below.

Information for Aeon 4.1 and earlier


This section explains the look and layout of the Aeon web interface when the default Aeon web pages are used. See the section Aeon Default Web Pages for more information about the layout and design of the html files that comprise the default Aeon web pages. These pages can be customized to match your institution's website or requirements. A comprehensive list of the Action, Form and Type numbers used with the default Aeon web pages is also available; use this list to help you format new forms such as generic request and OpenURL form types.

The Main Menu Page

Users logging into an Aeon account using the default web pages land on the Main Menu page.

From here users can place requests, view and work with active, cancelled and finished requests and Activities, and approve photoduplication estimates and invoices.

The Main Menu opens to show the sidebar menu and a table containing Outstanding Requests.

This is the same table the user sees when clicking Outstanding Requests from the Requests menu as explained below in The Sidebar Menu.

The Sidebar Menu

You can create, view, edit, cancel and merge requests using the various menu options on the default sidebar.

New Request

Users create new requests by choosing the type of request they want to submit under The New Requests menu.

Each of the options opens a New Request form tailored to that specific request type.

Default New Request options:

  • Default
  • Monograph
  • Serial
  • Manuscript/Archives
  • Photoduplication


Users can view and work with their requests by choosing from several menu options. Clicking on an option opens a table containing all requests in that category.

Default options include:

  • Review Requests  All requests that a user opts to keep in a review status before submitting to processing are visible here.
  • Outstanding Requests  All active requests are visible here. Requests are considered active and outstanding as long as the request is not at one of the following transaction or photoduplication statuses:

    Transaction Status Photoduplication Status
    Cancelled by Staff Order Cancelled by Staff
    Cancelled by User Order Cancelled by User
    Awaiting Item Reshelving

    Item Delivered

    Request Merged Order Finished
    Request Finished  
    Imported from Legacy System  
  • Cancelled Requests All requests cancelled by either the user or staff.
  • History Requests All requests processed as finished by staff.
  • All Requests A complete list of requests, including those that were cancelled or processed as finished.
  • View Notifications A list of the last 20 request-related emails generated by the client.


The Orders menu houses photoduplication requests, including those that need estimated costs or invoice approval.

  • Order Estimates holds photoduplication cost estimates for user approval. These new photoduplication requests have been submitted for processing; the estimated costs must be approved by the user.
  • Order Billing lists photoduplication requests that have been invoiced and billed to the user. The user has the option to approve the order and pay the invoice with a credit card. The request is sent here when the invoice is generated and the request is moved to Awaiting Order Approval status. When the invoice is approved and there is an upaid balance due, the status changes to Awaiting Order Billing. Requests at any status will display here if the invoice is awaiting approval or there is a balance is due for payment.
  • Delivered Items holds all photoduplication items that have been processed for delivery. This includes PDF download files, as they can be accessed from the Delivered Items table.


The menu houses the Activities grid, which holds all Activities that are currently open and active in the Aeon client. Clicking on an Activity ID in the grid opens the Activity Information form that displays Activity details and a grid of all requests associated with the Activity.

Download links added to the Activities and Activity Information forms allow researchers to download an Excel document containing Activity, User and Request details associated with a particular Activity as well as a calendar that can be added to a user's own calendar and emailed / shared with other users. Deleted Activities do not display here.


Choosing either of the options here opens a form to change information.

Alerts Feeds

On the right side of the Main Menu page is a box where staff can place announcements for researchers.



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