The Aeon default web pages are standard HTML pages with a DLL serving them from the Aeon server. These pages can be fully customized using standard HTML and CSS. The default HTML web pages are stored in the C:\Program Files\Aeon\Web folder on your Aeon server.
CSS Pages
main.css | The main CSS format stylesheet used on the Aeon web pages. |
print.css | The CSS format stylesheet used on the Aeon web pages when the page is printed. |
mobile.css | The CSS format stylesheet used on the Aeon web pages when the pages are viewed on a mobile device. |
HTML Pages
Request Pages
DefaultRequest.html | This page is used to submit a new default request. It is accessed from the New Request section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
EditDefaultRequest.html | Users make changes to submitted requests using the Edit Request feature and resubmit them using the Edit pages. This page works in conjunction with the DefaultRequest page. |
GenericRequestMonograph.html | This page is used to submit a new monograph request. It is accessed using the Monograph link in the New Request section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
EditGenericRequestMonograph.html | Users make changes to submitted requests using the Edit Request feature and resubmit them using the Edit pages. This page works in conjunction with the GenericRequestMonograph page. |
GenericRequestManuscript.html | This page is used to submit a new archive request. It is accessed using the Manuscript/Archives link in the New Request section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
EditGenericRequestManuscript.html | Users make changes to submitted requests using the Edit Request feature and resubmit them using the Edit pages. This page works in conjunction with the GenericRequestManuscript page. |
GenericRequestSerial.html | This page is used to submit a new serial request. It is accessed using the Serial link in the New Request section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
EditGenericRequestSerial.html | Users make changes to submitted requests using the Edit Request feature and resubmit them using the Edit pages. This page works in conjunction with the GenericRequestSerial page. |
PhotoduplicationRequest.html | This page is used to submit a new photoduplication request. It is accessed using the Photoduplication link in the New Request section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
EditPhotoduplicationRequest.html | Users make changes to submitted requests using the Edit Request feature and resubmit them using the Edit pages. This page works in conjunction with the PhotoduplicationRequest page. |
EADRequest.html | The default page used to submit EAD Finding Aid requests. It can be added and accessed in the New Request section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
EditEADRequest.html | Users make changes to submitted EAD requests using the Edit Request feature and resubmit them using the Edit pages. This page works in conjunction with the EADRequest page. |
Include Pages
Web pages starting with "include" are used as menus and other elements on other web pages to simplify the editing of those pages.
include_footer.html | This page contains hard-coded Aeon copyright information and appears in all request pages as well as MainMenu.html and Logon2.html. Copyright on Logon.html is not hard-coded. |
include_footer_request.html | This page text contains Aeon copyright information but can be edited with request-specific text and placed within all request pages. |
include_head.html | |
include_head_request.html | |
include_header.html | This page contains the Aeon logo, STATUS line and a search box. |
include_header_request.html | This page contains the Aeon logo and a search box. |
include_menu.html | This page contains the side menu visible on the Main Menu page (MainMenu.html) and all request pages. |
include_photoduplication.html |
This page contains the input fields for ItemPages, PageCount, Format, ShippingOption, ServiceLevel, and ForPublication and is included on the following forms by the use of a conditional tag that has the type="photoduplication". The filename parameter is valid for this include tag so different request forms can have different contents included.
include_request_buttons.html | This page contains the default buttons found on the request pages: Submit Request, Clear Form and Cancel - Return to Main Menu. |
include_ResearcherTags.html | |
include_ResearcherTagsUpdate.html | |
include_scheduledate_review_toggle.html | This page contains the default buttons used to toggle between the Schedule Retrieval and Keep for My Review options. |
include_sortableTables.html |
View Pages
ViewActivities.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing a list of all Activities. It is accessible by clicking Activities in the Activities section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ViewActivity.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing a list of all Activity Requests. It is accessible by clicking on an Activity in the Activities grid. |
ViewAllRequests.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing All Requests. It is accessible by clicking All Requests in the Requests section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ViewCancelledDetailedInformation.html | This page contains detailed information about a cancelled request. It pulls the detailed transaction information using the <#INCLUDE type="DetailedDocTypeInformation"> command and pulls from the ReasonforCancellation field from the Transaction database table and the NotesInformation and TrackingInformation tables. It is accessible by clicking the Transaction Number of a request on the Cancelled Requests page (ViewCancelledRequests). |
ViewCancelledRequests.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing Cancelled Requests. It is accessible by clicking Cancelled Requests in the Requests section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ViewCheckedOutDetailedInformation.html | This page contains notes and tracking information for Checked Out items. |
ViewCheckedOutItems.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing Checked Out Items. It is accessible by clicking Checked Out Items in the Requests section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ViewDefaultDetailed.html | Displayed when linked from the AllRequests table (ViewAllRequests.html), ViewSearchResults table (ViewSearchResults.html), UserReviewRequests table (ViewUserReviewRequests.html), ViewOrderEstimates table (ViewOrderEstimates.html), ViewOrderBilling table (ViewOrderApprovals.html), ViewElectronicDelivery table (ViewElectronicDelivery.html and ViewElectronicDeliveryUndelete.html), and NotificationInformation table (ViewNotificationsDetail.html) To view the form, click a transaction number after clicking All Requests, Review Requests, Order Estimates, Order Billing, Delivered Items, or Notifications. It also displays when clicking on a transaction number from search results. |
ViewDetailedDefaultInformation.html | This page is used as an include file in other templates. It is the default file included for the tag <#INCLUDE type="DetailedDocTypeInformation">. If a request has a document type specified, Aeon looks for a file named ViewDetailed<DocumentType>Information.html. If a file by that name is not found, then it falls back to ViewDetailedDefaultInformation.html. |
ViewDetailedInformation.html | Displayed when linked from the ViewRequestHistory table (ViewRequestHistory.html). Click History Requests and then click a transaction number to view the form. |
ViewDetailedManuscriptInformation.html | This page houses the Manuscript Information grid shown when a Transaction Number for a manuscript request is clicked. It is included in other pages by using the <#INCLUDE type="DetailedDocTypeInformation"> command. It references fields from the Transactions table. |
ViewDetailedMonographInformation.html | This page houses the Monograph Information grid shown when a Transaction Number for a monograph request is clicked. It is included in other pages by using the <#INCLUDE type="DetailedDocTypeInformation"> command. It references fields from the Transactions table. |
ViewDetailedSerialInformation.html | This page houses the Serial Information grid shown when a Transaction Number for a serial request is clicked. It is included in other pages by using the <#INCLUDE type="DetailedDocTypeInformation"> command. It references fields from the Transactions table. |
ViewElectronicDelivery.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing Electronically Delivered Items. It is accessible by clicking Delivered Items in the Orders section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ViewElectronicDeliveryUndelete.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing Deleted Electronically Delivered Items. It is accessible by clicking the Undelete link on the ViewElectronicDelivery page. |
ViewNotifications.html | This page contains a grid titled Notifications housing a list of all request emails that have been received as well as a link to subscribe to the Notifications feed. It is accessible by clicking the View Notifications link in the Requests section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ViewNotificationsDetail.html | This page contains a grid titled Notification Information housing details of a selected email. It is accessible by clicking the email link in the Subject field of the Notifications grid (ViewNotifications.html). |
ViewOrderApprovals.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing Orders to Approve. It is accessible by clicking Order Billing in the Orders section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ViewOrderEstimates.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing Orders to Submit. It is accessible by clicking Order Estimates in the Orders section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ViewOutstandingRequests.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing Outstanding Requests. It is accessible by clicking Outstanding Requests in the Requests section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ViewRequestHistory.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing Request History. It is accessible by clicking Request History in the Requests section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ViewRequestsByTag.html | |
ViewSearchResults.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing Search Results. It is accessible by using the Search box in the Aeon header. |
ViewUserReviewRequests.html | This page contains the grid titled and containing Requests in Review. It is accessible by clicking Review Requests in the Requests section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
DetailedInformation.html | Displayed when linked from the ViewOutstandingRequests table (MainMenu.html and ViewOutstandingRequests.html). Click Outstanding Requests and then click a transaction number to view the form. It is also displayed when linked from the ViewActivityRequests table (ViewActivity.html). Form 63. |
ActivityInformation.html |
User Pages
ChangePassword.html | Users change login password here. It is accessed from the Change Password link in the Preferences section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
ChangeUserInformation.html | Users change personal information here. It is accessed from the Change User Information link in the Preferences section of the side menu (include_menu.html). |
DisavowedUsername.html | Notifies disavowed users attempting to log into Aeon to contact their Special Collections office. |
FirstTime.html | This page is accessed by clicking the First Time Users link on the Logon pages (Logon.html and Logon2.html). It outlines the Aeon registration process and contains the links to New User Registration (NewUserRegistration.html) and the Frequently Asked Questions page (FAQ.html). |
ForgotPassword.html | Users can reset their password from this page, accessible from the Logon page (Logon.html). |
Logon.html | User enters their Username and Password here to access their Aeon web interface account. |
Logon2.html | The logon page that displays when a user types incorrect Username or Password information. |
Logout.html | |
NewAuthRegistration.html | This page is a version of NewUserRegistration. It is used if you are using UserValidation to authenticate. It takes them to this page, if it exists, to confirm their registration information. Because the NewAuthRegistration form contains code to perform functions that the ChangeUserInformation page does not (such as send the new user registration email), the ChangeUserInformation page should not be substituted for this form. |
NewPassword.html | This page shows if the user forgets their login password and allows them to reset their password. |
NewUserRegistration.html | This is the page new users access to register for an Aeon web account. It is accessed from the FirstTime.html page. |
Other Pages
AboutAeon.html | Displays a descriptive paragraph about the Aeon software. It is accessed from the About Aeon link on the side menu (include_menu.html). |
Blocked.html | Used with Patron API authentication and displays with the appropriate status line when (1) the patron is not found or (2) the patron record is expired or (3) the patron has fines or (4) the patron has an invalid type. |
CreditCardPayment.html | |
Error.html | This page contains a STATUS line that displays the error message generated when a logon is entered incorrectly, required information is not completed on a form or a page cannot be found. |
FAQ.html | This page contains answers to questions about Aeon and is accessed from the First Time Users page (FirstTime.html). |
MainMenu.html | The Main Menu page contains the grid titled and containing Outstanding Requests. It is accessible by clicking Main Menu on the side menu (include_menu.html). |
RIS.html | |
RIS_Default.html |