The ILLiad default web pages are standard HTML files with a DLL serving them from the ILLiad server. These pages can be fully customized to match your site using standard HTML and CSS. The default HTML web pages are stored under the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad folder on your ILLiad server.
General Pages
- ILLiadMainMenu.html: The Main Menu page contains the Outstanding Requests table. It is accessible by clicking Main Menu on the navigation menu (include_nav.html).
- AboutILLiad.html: Displays a descriptive paragraph about the ILLiad software. It is accessed from the ILLiad link in the footer (include_footer.html).
- FAQ.html: This page contains answers to questions about ILLiad and is accessed from the First Time Users page (FirstTime.html).
- FirstTime.html: This page is accessed by clicking the First Time Users link on the Logon pages (Logon.html and Logon2.html). It outlines the ILLiad registration process and contains the links to New User Registration (NewUserRegistration.html) and the Frequently Asked Questions page (FAQ.html).
- Error.html: This page contains a STATUS line that displays the error message generated when a logon is entered incorrectly, the required information is not completed on a form, or a page cannot be found.
- SiteMap.html: This page contains a list of all the active ILLiad web pages with navigation links.
Request Forms
- LoanRequest.html
- ArticleRequest.html
- BookChapterRequest.html
- ThesisRequest.html
- ConferencePaperRequest.html
- PatentRequest.html
- StandardsDocumentRequest.html
- ReportRequest.html
- MultimediaRequest.html
- GenericRequestTesting.html
- EditLoanRequest.html
- EditArticleRequest.html
- EditBookChapterRequest.html
- EditMultimediaRequest.html
- EditThesisRequest.html
- EditConferencePaperRequest.html
- EditPatentRequest.html
- EditStandardsDocumentRequest.html
- EditReportRequest.html
- EditGenericRequestTesting.html
User/Account Forms
- Logon.html: User enter their Username and Password here to access their ILLiad account. Contains logo and search bar.
- Logon2.html: The logon page that displays when a user types incorrect information. Logon2.html can be used with OpenURL.
- Blocked.html: Notifies blocked users attempting to log into ILLiad to contact their ILL office.
- DisavowedUsername.html: Notifies disavowed users attempting to log into ILLiad to contact their Interlibrary Loan office.
- ChangePassword.html: Users change login password here. It is accessed from the Change Password link in the Profile dropdown of the navigation menu (include_nav.html).
- ForgotPassword.html: Users can reset their password from this page, accessible from the Logon page (Logon.html).
- NewPassword.html: This page shows if the user forgets their login password and allows them to reset their password.
- ChangeUserInformation.html: Users change personal information here. It is accessed from the Change User Information link in the Profile dropdown of the navigation menu (include_nav.html).
- EditAccountInformation.html
- NewAuthRegistration.html: This page is a version of NewUserRegistration. It is used if you are using UserValidation to authenticate. It takes them to this page, if it exists, to confirm their registration information. If the page doesn't exist, users are taken to the ChangeUserInformation page. This allows you to show different options on the initial page.
- NewUserRegistration.html: This is the page new users access to register for an ILLiad web account. It is accessed from the FirstTime.html page.
Include Pages
Web pages starting with "include" are used as menus and other elements on other web pages to simplify the editing of those pages.
Captcha files
- include_captcha_none.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on NewUserRegistration.html and LendingNewUserRegistration.html when no captcha provider is configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
- include_hcaptcha.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on NewUserRegistration.html and LendingNewUserRegistration.html when an hCaptcha integration is configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
- include_mtcaptcha.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on NewUserRegistration.html and LendingNewUserRegistration.html when an MTCaptcha integration is configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
- include_recaptcha_v2_checkbox.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on NewUserRegistration.html and LendingNewUserRegistration.html when a reCAPTCHA v2 integration using the "checkbox" option is configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
- include_recaptcha_v2_invisible.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on NewUserRegistration.html and LendingNewUserRegistration.html when a reCAPTCHA v2 integration using the "invisible" option is configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
- include_recaptcha_v3.html: Populates the <#CAPTCHA> tag on NewUserRegistration.html and LendingNewUserRegistration.html when a reCAPTCHA v3 integration is configured in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
Other files
- include_footer.html: Contains hardcoded ILLiad copyright information, the link to AboutILLiad.html, and the link to SiteMap.html. This include file appears in all standard web pages except Logon.html on which the footer is hardcoded.
- include_head.html
- include_header.html: Contains the ILLiad logo and Skip to Main Content link.
- include_menu.html: Contains the link to include_nav.html and the STATUS line.
- include_request_buttons.html: Contains the default buttons found on the request pages: Submit Request, Clear Form, and Cancel - Return to Main Menu.
- include_request_cited.html
- include_detailedTransaction
- include_nav.html: Contains the horizontal navigation bar with menu options that displays at the top of the web pages.
- include_notification_preferences.html
Detail/View Pages
- ViewDefaultDetailed.html: Displayed when linked from the ViewAllRequests table (ViewAllRequests.html), ViewSearchResults table (ViewSearchResults.html), ElectronicDelivery table (ViewElectronicDelivery.html and ViewElectronicDeliveryUndelete.html), and Notification details (ViewNotificationsDetail.html). To view the form, click a transaction number for a request.
- ViewNotifications.html: Contains the Notifications table. It is accessible by clicking Notification History in the History dropdown of the navigation menu (include_nav.html).
- ViewNotificationsDetail.html: Lists the details for a notification. This page is displayed after clicking on a notification in the Notifications table (ViewNotifications.html).
- ViewAllRequests.html: This page contains the table All Requests. It is accessible by clicking All Requests in the History dropdown of the navigation menu (include_nav.html).
- ViewOutstandingRequests.html: This page contains the table titled Outstanding Requests.
- ViewResubmitCancelledRequests.html: This page contains the table Cancelled Requests. It is accessible by clicking Cancelled Requests in the History dropdown of the navigation menu (include_nav.html).
- ViewRenewCheckedOutItems.html: This page contains the table titled Checked Out Items.
- ViewRequestHistory.html: This page contains the table titled Completed Requests. It is accessible by clicking Completed Requests in the History dropdown of the navigation menu (include_nav.html).
- ViewSearchResults.html: (A dll form) This page contains the search option and search results. Fields searched include: Transactionnumber, ESPNumber, ISSN, LoanTitle, LoanAuthor, PhotoJournalTitle, PhotoArticleAuthor, and PhotoArticleTitle. It is accessible by using the Search option in the ILLiad navigation menu (include_nav.html).
- ElectronicDeliveryInformation.html
- ElectronicDeliveryUndelete.html
Tables Generated by Div Elements
Tables, lists, and any organized values. For details, see New Fully Accessible and Responsive Web Pages (v9.1).
- DataRow_CheckedOutItems.html
- DataRow_DefaultNote.html
- DataRow_DefaultRequest.html
- DataRow_ElectronicDelivery.html
- DataRow_ElectronicDeliveryUndelete.html
Form Numbers
Tip: You can use the form numbers below to easily navigate to a web page for viewing and testing purposes. Just plug in the relevant form number at the end of your ILLiad server URL:
- https://yourILLiadServerURL/illiad/illiad.dll?Action=10&Form=[FormNumber]
- For example, https://yourILLiadServerURL/illiad/illiad.dll?Action=10&Form=1 will take you to the AboutILLiad.html page.
1 | AboutILLiad.html |
3 | SiteMap.html |
10 | ILLiadMainMenu.html |
12 | FAQ.html |
21 | LoanRequest.html |
22 | ArticleRequest.html |
23 | BookChapterRequest.html |
24 | ConferencePaperRequest.html |
25 | PatentRequest.html |
26 | ReportRequest.html |
27 | ThesisRequest.html |
28 | StandardsDocumentRequest.html |
30 | Used with OpenURL requests. |
32 | MultimediaRequest.html |
60 | ViewAllRequests.html |
62 | ViewOutstandingRequests.html |
64 | ElectronicDelivery.html |
66 | ViewRenewCheckedOutItems.html |
67 |
Used with the Renew action to redirect to ViewDefaultDetailed.html This form cannot be directly accessed by inserting the form number into the URL.
This form number previously redirected the user to ViewRenewCheckedOutDetailedInformation.html in the legacy ILLiad web pages. This file no longer exists in the newer version of the ILLiad web pages and should be removed if still present in your web directory.
68 | ViewRequestHistory.html |
70 | ViewResubmitCancelledRequests.html |
71 |
Used with the Resubmit Request action to redirect to ViewDefaultDetailed.html This form cannot be directly accessed by inserting the form number into the URL.
This form number previously redirected the user to ViewResubmitDetailedInformation.html in the legacy ILLiad web pages. This file no longer exists in the newer version of the ILLiad web pages and should be removed if still present in your web directory.
72 | ViewDefaultDetailed.html |
73 | ViewNotifications.html |
74 | ViewNotificationsDetail.html |
79 | FirstTime.html |
80 | NewUserRegistration.html |
81 | ChangeUserInformation.html |
82 | EditAccountInformation.html |
83 | ChangePassword.html |
84 | ForgotPassword.html |
85 |
NewPassword.html This form cannot be directly accessed by inserting the form number into the URL. Please test it by first using the Forgot Password form and following the email link to reset the password.
86 | NewAuthRegistration.html |