- WCAG 2.1 & Section 508 Compliant: Makes ILLiad web content more accessible.
- Mobile Responsive: Better support for mobile devices and varied desktop configurations.
- Updated look: Newly designed with a modern style based on Bootstrap 4.
- Enhanced patron experience: Easier to understand interfaces and navigation.
Navigation Bar | Main Menu Page Layout | Request Details | Forms | Site Map | Cookie Notification | JSON Output of Web Alerts | Tables Generate by Div Elements
To ensure any changes made to the default web pages adhere to accessibility standards, please review the Bootstrap 4 documentation before making changes. For example, logo images can be made accessible in both the pc and mobile view by adding the bootstrap class img-fluid as mentioned in the Bootstrap image documentation.
Navigation Bar In ILLiad 9.1, the old vertical menu structure has been changed to a horizontal navigation bar to maintain accessibility when the navigation is condensed into a mobile view. Main Menu Tab: The Main Menu will now list all Outstanding Requests, Checked Out Items, and Available PDFs. New Requests Tab: Each form has been redesigned with a new layout and a more streamlined appearance.
History Tab: The RSS feed has been removed as a notifications option since it's no longer supported in web browsers. Profile Tab: Notifications have been removed from the drop-down menu and moved to the main menu. Logoff Tab: Webpage logoff. Search Bar: A search bar has been added to the navigation menu to easily search requests in all statuses. There are two options for the search bar: Alternative- Replace this:
With this:
The search bar is also used to locate a request and undelete an electronically delivered PDF. In the search results, select a request, then click the Undelete button. |
The Main Menu will display tables for Outstanding Requests, Checked Out Items, and Available PDFs even if there are not currently any PDFs or Checked Out Items available. Each request item has quick action menu buttons that allow you to Edit, Clone Request, Cancel Request, Resubmit Request, Delete PDF, Undelete, View PDF, View Details, and Renew. Action buttons are either hidden or greyed out if they are not applicable to the request or currently available. For example, renew would not apply for articles so it wouldn’t show at all but for a loan, it would show but be grayed out if renewals are not allowed/not available at the time. |
If there is no value, then the field will be left hidden. Default Fields:
New Multi-Media FormThe Other form has been removed from the form options. The other form was too ambitious and would create extra work for the staff member who had to parse out the request information. In its place, a Multi-Media form has been added. The DLL has been updated to properly handle how each field is put into the request form. Hidden & Removed Default Request Form FieldsThe forms have been redesigned with a new look and feel. By default, several fields have been removed or hidden from the forms since the previous default pages. These fields are still in the database. After a thorough investigation of what information ILL staff needs and what information patrons will have, it has been determined some fields are no longer necessary. The deleted fields were not accurately being filled out by patrons to warrant their continued use. The hidden fields were removed from patron view since most patrons won't know the answer to those particular questions and we don't want to completely delete the field since the information can still be passed through OpenURL or other external systems into the database. Out of the box, the following fields are no longer default fields in the 9.1 pages:
To add a hidden field back to the request form, remove the comment <--! --> tags. Any of the removed fields (e.g., Not Wanted After Date) may also be added back to the request form; however, these fields will not be in the default web pages. |
A SiteMap page has been added with links to all navigation items. To access the site map, click the link in the footer of any page.
Added cookie notification in accordance with the EU cookie law. By default, the cookie notification will let patrons know that cookies are utilized to obtain data on the ILLiad web pages. Patrons must accept the cookie notification before they can create and submit a request. The notification will only appear once during the patron's initial login after the 9.1 web pages have been implemented. If you elect to add a link your own privacy policy on the cookie notification, please make the following change to the logon.html page:
Replace the "#" (referenced in the highlighted section below) with the URL of your privacy policy in your logon.html file.
As of ILLiad 9.1, a new AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) method is available to retrieve a JSON output of web alerts. This improves the ability to be able to customize web alerts. For more information, see Performing an AJAX Request to View/Customize Web Alerts. |
Tables Generated by Div Elements New #DataRepeater, #DataRow, and #TRANSACTION, and #INCLUDE tags have been added. In the new ILLiad default web pages, the tablesorter.css and HTML tables have been replaced by the new tags (#DataRepeater and #DataRow) that generate formatted div with elements based upon the template element file. All tables, lists, and any organized values with the #TABLE tags produced by the DLL are populated and organized based on the new tags. The tags also determine whether to disable or enabled an option (e.g., the view item link) based on if the item is available. For example, if the item isn't available, then the option to view won't be displayed on the web page. |
These customizations are made within the tag itself and can't be edited within the web interface to re-order requests or remove items from tables.
Attribute |
Value(s) |
Description |
Name |
Name of the repeater. |
The title provided for the repeater element. |
templateFile |
“<Path/To/File>” |
The relative path to the template file to be used for formatting the data rows. |
noDataAction |
Whatever string wanted. |
The message to be displayed in lieu of a data table in the absence of any data. |
orderby |
“<columnName> [ASC|DESC]” |
The column by which to order the input data. |
Available ILLiad DataRepeaters in Lending Web DLL
- "Restriction" - Attribute added to <#INCLUDE> tags that allow elements to display only if a certain condition is met. Currently only supports restriction "IsValidSession".
- "IsValidSession"- Allows elements to display only if the user is authenticated.
- "CompareValue" - Attribute added to <#TRANSACTION> and <#DATAROW> tags that allow elements to display differently based on certain database value associated with the transaction.
In the example below, the content of a div would be hidden by making the class "d-none" if the transaction is not of type "Article".
div class="<#TRANSACTION displayStyle='CompareValue' field='RequestType' compareValue='Article' disabledValue='d-none'>">This is content</div>
See the field values below for the #DataRow values. The #Transaction tag can utilize the same values.
Used in conjunction with the #DataRepeater tag. It provides a string replacement within DataRow templates that are being constructed by the DataRepeater. The tag will be replaced by the transaction number of the corresponding data which is being iterated through by the data repeater. It will additionally be formatted to ISO8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) by the style keyword. See example below:
<span class="convert-local" data-iso8601="<#DATAROW field="CreationDate" display="ISO8601">"><#DATAROW field="CreationDate"></span>
ISO8601 - formats date according to the ISO8601 standard.
- Currency - Format numerical field by USD standard.
- Percentage - Format decimal value as a percentage.
- "scopedRowHeader" - Used in conjunction with the hideColumnHeaders when enabled. This forces the table output to use the "TH" HTML tags for the first column instead of "TD". By default, the attribute is disabled. This option is added to prevent issues in older web pages, where CSS may not have been applied to the TH tags and may display the values differently than expected.
To enable the scoped row headers, use the following type of TABLE tag that sets scopedRowHeader to true.
To produce an output like:<#TABLE name="DetailedInformation" headerText="Transaction Information" hideColumnHeaders="true" scopedRowHeader="true">
<tr class="row-even">
<th scope="row">
- “Field” - The name of the row element which to replace the tag with.
- “Style” - The style in which to format the replacement text.
- Special tag replacement functions are reserved words for the “Field” attribute which allows for specialized or conditional behavior for a given DataRow and has special corresponding attributes.
- "CompareValue" - Allows elements to display differently based on certain database value associated with the transaction.
- FileSize - "Default" is a user-friendly display (e.g., 203.99 KB). Alternatively, the file size can be set to "Bytes" which will display the file size in bytes (e.g., 208885).
- <#DATAROW field='FileSize'>
- <#DATAROW field='FileSize' displayStyle='Bytes'>
- Title - If the RequestType is Loan, then the LoanTitle will be displayed. If the RequestType is article, then the associated title in the database based on the DocumentType will be shown based on the request (e.g., PhotoJournalTitle).
- Author - If the RequestType is loan, the LoanAuthor will be displayed. If the RequestType is Article, then the associated author based on the DocumentType will be displayed.
- TransactionStatus - The display status will be used.
- "RequestActionAllowed" - Allows for tag replacement based on whether those tags are enabled or disabled for certain transaction types on specific transactions. It can be used for building new menus. These options should be used similar to how the options were used with the <#MENU> tags in the olde web pages.
- Borrowing DLL Action Names: Edit, Cancel, Renew, Resubmit, Clone, ViewPDF, DeletePDF, and UndeletePDF.
- Lending DLL Action Names: Edit, Cancel, Renew, Resubmit, and Clone.
- Other attributes available on tag:
- Enabled/Disabled Values:
- enabledValue - Will output this value when the action is allowed.
- disabledValue - Will output this value when the action is not allowed. This will output "disabled" when the edit action is not allowed for a transaction. In ILLiad 9.1 web pages this is used to control which CSS classes are added to a request action.
- CheckHasValue -Adds the ability to check if a value exists and is not blank for a transaction. Similar to RequestActionAllowed with enabledValue and disabledValue.
- DisplayStyle - Adds a value based on the CheckHasValue output.
For example: The following will output the word "Missing Publisher" if the LoanPublisher field is blank.<#TRANSACTION field='LoanPublisher' displayStyle='CheckHasValue' disabledValue='Missing Publisher'>
- DisplayStyle - Adds a value based on the CheckHasValue output.
- CompareValue - Adds the ability to compare a value from a field to offer differing functionality
- DisplayStyle- Displays request type value of the transaction from CompareValue Outout.
For example, the transaction request will compare the loan value in the example below. If the item is not a loan, then the output will be "d-none" which is the CSS class to hide the HTML element.<div class="<#TRANSACTION field='RequestType' displayStyle='CompareValue' compareValue='Loan' disabledValue='d-none'>">
- DisplayStyle- Displays request type value of the transaction from CompareValue Outout.
- Enabled/Disabled Values:
Request Action Allowed Example:
<a class="dropdown-item btn btn-light <#DATAROW field='RequestActionAllowed' name='ViewPDF' disabledValue='disabled'>" href="illiad.dll?Action=10&Form=75&Value=<#DATAROW field='TransactionNumber'>" class="ViewPDF">
If you are utilizing the RequestActionAllowed field value to specify the setting, then you can have the string look for a name-value (e.g., ViewPDF) and then choose to enableValue or disableValue.
For example, in the code above, the RequestActionAllowed, will allow for the ViewPDF to be a diabledValue so users can't see the option on the web interface if there are no current files to view. If there were files to view, then the string wouldn't substitute the values and the user would be able to see the button and click viewPDF.
Attributes |
Value(s) |
Description |
Field |
RequestActionAllowed |
Specifies the setting. |
name |
Borrowing DLL Action Names: Edit, Cancel, Renew, Resubmit, Clone, ViewPDF, DeletePDF, UndeletePDF |
The name of the specific transaction action to check if specifically Enabled/Disabled for the requested item. |
disabledValue |
The designated string. Usually 'disabled' |
This is the replacement string substituted on the event the option is not available for the requested item and has been temporarily disabled. |
enabledValue |
Whatever string wanted |
This is the replacement string substituted on the event the option is enabled for the requested item. |