You may allow other institutions to make lending requests of your institution through a set of ILLiad default web pages. This is similar to the way customers make requests through borrowing web pages.
The default URL is http://yourservername/illiad/Lending/LendingLogon.html. This location is controlled by the LendingWebURL key in the ILLiad Customization Manager.
Default Lending Web Pages
Like the Borrowing web pages, the Lending web pages are standard HTML pages with a DLL serving them from the ILLiad server. These pages can be fully customized using standard HTML and CSS. The lending pages are located by default in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\Lending folder.
Only the default generic Loan and Article request forms can be used on the Lending web pages. Custom request forms are not possible.
General Pages
- LendingChangePassword.html
- LendingFAQ.html
- LendingFirstTime.html
- LendingForgotPassword.html
- LendingLogon.html
- LendingLogon2.html
- LendingNewPassword.html
- AboutILLiad.html
- LendingNewUserRegistration.html
- LendingUpdateAddressInformation.html
- LendingViewNotifications.html
- LendingViewNotificationsDetail.html
- SiteMap.html
Request Pages
- LendingGenericRequestArticle.html
- LendingGenericRequestLoan.html
- EditLendingGenericRequestArticle.html
- EditLendingGenericRequestLoan.html
Detail Pages
- LendingMainMenu.html
- LendingViewSearchResults.html
- LendingViewAllRequests.html
- LendingViewRequestHistory.html
- LendingViewOutstandingRequests.html
- LendingViewDefaultDetailed.html
- LendingViewRenewCheckedOutItems.html
- LendingViewResubmitCancelledRequests.html
Include Pages
- include_footer.html
- include_header.html
- include_header_request.html
- include_menu.html
- include_request_buttons.html
- include_request_cited.html
- include_detailedTransactionInformation.html
- include_navy_search.html
- include_nav.htm;
- include_TransactioMenu.htm;
Tables Generated by Div Elements
Tables, lists, and any organized values. For details, see New Fully Accessible and Responsive Web Pages (v9.1).
- DataRow_DefaultNote.html
- DataRow_DefaultRequest.html
CSS Style Pages
- main.css
- print.css
- cookieconsent.min.css
JavaScript Pages
- atlasCookieConsent.js
- atlasUtility.js
- buildSiteMap.js
- cookieconsent.min.js
- illiad.js
- lending.js
- lendingWebAlerts.js
- userNotificationPreferences.js
Customization Keys
LendingWebCancelAfterProcess | Determines if a Borrowing library can cancel a Lending web request after it has gone to In Stacks Searching. |
LendingWebDefaultNVTGC | Default value for Lending web request site codes. This determines which site on a shared server gets Lending requests or is set to Lending for a single server. |
LendingWebLogoutURL | The URL or file name to take the Borrowing library when they log out of the Lending web. This value can be a local page or a URL starting with http://. |
LendingWebURL | The URL for the Lending web pages. |
SLLendingMainMenu | Status line that displays on the Lending Main Menu. |
SLLendingRenewalRequested | Status line that displays when borrowing library requests a renewal on lending web from your library. |
SLLendingRenewalsNotAllowed | Status line that displays when lending web renewals are not allowed after the borrowing library clicks on the renew request button. |
LendingBillingDefaultCategory | You can set the Lending web pages to use the LendingBillingDefaultCategory key to specify billing categories for Lenders. |
Shared Server ILLiad Systems
In general, there are two possible ways to set up the ILLiad web pages in a Shared Server ILLiad System. These are:
- Shared Server with Split Web Pages: Each site in the system has its own set of web pages specific to the NVTGC code for each site. Customers register with their "Home Library" of choice by going to the appropriate set of pages to register.
- Shared Server with Shared Web Pages: All Shared Server sites share the same set of web pages and customers choose their "Home Site" from a drop-down menu on the registration page (based on the NVTGC value assigned to each site) upon registration with the system.
Note that Shared Server sites with multiple site locations using RemoteAuth Authorization must use Shared Web Pages.
Shared Server ILLiad Systems with Split Web Pages
This is the most common web page configuration for Shared Server ILLiad systems. If your Borrowing web pages are split out so that different sites in your Shared Server system have their own sets of ILLiad web pages, your Lending web pages will, by definition, also be split out. In such a system, the Lending web pages would be used, enabled and managed separately by each Shared Server site.
The LendingWebDefaultNVTGC value for each Shared Server site in this type of system (found in the Customization Manager under Web Interface | Defaults) would need to be set to the NVTGC code for that site. A logon.txt file containing the username and password for the site must also be added to the Lending folder. By default, such a system will have a split LenderAddressesALL table to account for each site having its own set of LenderAddresses. In such a system, you MAY choose to use only one set of the ILLiad web pages for all Shared Server sites. While you may be sharing these web page sets, your system would still be considered to have a Split web page configuration.
Shared Server ILLiad Systems with Shared Web Pages
If your Borrowing web pages are shared by the various Shared Server sites, your Lending pages MUST also be shared. It is currently not possible to share the Borrowing web pages and at the same time have separate Lending web pages for each site. In such a system, the Lending Web pages would be used, enabled and managed by one "Primary Lending" site. This "Primary Lending" site would accept all incoming Lending requests from the Lending web pages and route them to the other Shared Server sites as appropriate based on whatever internal policies they decide to use to make such decisions.
The LendingWebDefaultNVTGC value for each Shared Server site in this type of system (found in the Customization Manager under Web Interface | Defaults) would need to be set to the NVTGC code of the "Primary Lending" site. In addition, you will need to consider whether your Shared Server sites also share LenderAddresses values, if you instead have a LenderAddressesALL table with the addresses split out for the various sites by NVTGC code. The name of the table, LenderAddresses or LenderAddressesALL, should be sufficient to indicate how your system is set up.
Split LenderAddressesALL Table
This is the most common LenderAddresses configuration for Shared Server ILLiad systems. If you have a split LenderAddressesALL table, the Lending web pages will need to be moved before the shared Lending web pages will work. If your ILLiad web pages are currently located in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\, move the lending pages to a folder directly beneath this location, such as c:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\ABC\ where ABC is the NVTGC code of the "Primary Lending" site. This should only be done for the primary Lending site. No other sites' pages will work in this type of configuration. This will allow the shared Lending pages to work properly.
Shared LenderAddesses Table
If you have a shared LenderAddresses table, the standard location of the Lending web pages in the ILLiad web page folder with the Borrowing web pages should work fine. Nothing needs to be changed.