Here are the recommended steps for moving edited ILLiad web pages from testweb to production. Please be sure that you've thoroughly tested the web pages in testweb before going live with your edited pages.
If you need assistance identifying your production directory, finding your testweb, or completing any of the steps in this article, please contact your ILLiad support representative.
Please note that if your server is a shared server, you'll want to be careful to modify only the pages in your own web directory. If you are using a shared set of pages with the other sites on your server, please coordinate with the other site administrators before making changes.
If you have issues after loading your new files, locate your backup and contact your ILLiad support representative to discuss best options for troubleshooting or reverting to your backup.
Implementation Process for Sites using Remote Authentication
If your institution is using remote authentication, you will have to perform the process below for both your unprotected and protected web directories and also make sure to test your dual authentication landing page (index.cshtml), if applicable. Please note that the dual authentication landing page does not have a testweb. Any edits must be made on the live page and should be tested as soon as it is published.
Implementation Steps
Prepare Production folder (usually c:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad or c:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\site for shared server locations)
- Copy and save current production folder contents (including subfolders) and store locally as backup. Do not save backups on on production ILLiad server. If Atlas support staff are implementing pages for you, they'll send you a zip file of your current production directory via SendSafely.
- Delete css, js folders
- This assumes you are using only css and js located in your testweb folder. If you are relying on css or js from production folder linked from testweb, you will need to retain those files in production directory.
- Delete all .html files
- Delete all .replaced files
- Delete any old ILLiad web backup folders to reduce confusion and prevent errors referencing the wrong web files.
Leave in place and do not modify or delete:
- .dll files
- .txt files
- .props files
- .config files
- Lending folder (unless replacing with new testweb Lending files)
- Folders including
- WebCirc
- WebReports
- Testweb
Install new web pages:
Copy into production folder from testweb folder:
- Folders (with contents including any subfolders)
- css
- js
- templates
- All html files
DO NOT copy over webpath.txt or .props files from testweb to production.
Thoroughly test logging in and navigating the new pages.