Follow these Installation instructions ONLY if ALL of the following are true:
- You are on ILLiad version 9.1 or later
- You are installing the ILLiad ISO Service on the same machine that runs the ILLiad SQL Server
- You installed ILLiad using the default ILLiad database name of ILLData.
- You are using the standard SQL port of 1433.
- You haven't changed the ILLiad user's SQL password.
Before getting started, please review the OpenJDK documentation. As of ILLiad 9.1, the ISO Service no longer requires Java 8 to be installed on the server. In its place, the ISO Services uses OpenJDK, an open-source implementation of the java platform that does not require an Oracle Java license.
ILLiad ISO ILL Installation
Unpacking the Distribution
If this is the first time you've installed ISO ILL on this ILLiad server, create an ISO folder, for example: C:\illiad\iso\. Unpackage the contents of the file (located in the ISO directory). The 9.1 update should pull down the latest version of the ISOManager.exe.
Run Install.ps1 PowerShell Script
Installing the ILLiad ISO Manager
Check to see if there is an updated version of the ILLiad ISO Manager in your update folders. These are located in the ILLiad Setup folder, under Setup\ISOManagerUpdates#.#.#.#, where # is the latest version number. If there are any folders with ISO Manager updates on your machine, copy the ISOManager.exe from the latest version folder into the illiad\iso folder. If the system won't let you replace the ISOManager.exe file in the ISO folder, then you'll need to stop the ILLiad ISO Manager service using the Services administration tool in Windows.
Starting the ISO Service
Go to the Services module (under Control Panel or Control Panel - Administrative Tools). There are two new services - ILLiad ISO Manager and ILLiad ISO Service. Start both of these services (they should be set to automatically start the next time you boot).
Customizing Values for ISO ILL
The last step is to open the Customization Manager and set the following keys under System | ISOILLDefaults:
- ISOEnabled = Yes
- ISOIFMBorrowing = Yes if you support IFM
- ISOIFMLending = Yes if you support IFM
- ISOReturnIPAddress = <Your Web Server IP Address>:1611
- ISOSystemID = <Your symbol when sending to other ISO libraries - usually your OCLC Symbol or similiar>
The most important key is ISOEnabled, which turns on ISO ILL for ILLiad.
You MUST also set up the LocalInfo table with valid values for your address information for each site. The ISO Server uses these values as your information when creating requests to send to other institutions.
Identifying ISO ILL Institutions
To interact with a specific institution using ISO ILL in ILLiad, you need to mark that institution on the Lender Address form as using ISO ILL. In the ILLiad Main Menu for either Borrowing or Lending, go to the Maintenance menu and select Edit Addresses. Look up the lender symbol of the institution for which you wish to enable ISO ILL.
When the Lender Address screen comes up, do the following in the ISO Information panel:
- Check the ISO ILL checkbox for the Lender
- Enter the IP address of their ISO ILL server (for ILLiad sites, their ILLiad server) in the appropriate field followed by: 1611.
- Example:
- Enter the ISO ILL Requester ID in the Requester Override field (if needed). This is only necessary if your institution is known to the other specified institution by a symbol other than what you have set as your ISOSystemID. When sending ISO communication to this site only, ILLiad uses the Requester Override alias as your ISO Symbol instead of the Customization Manager ISOSystemID. This field is usually blank.
If you have enabled ISO ILL for a particular library, you can still send them requests via OCLC or Docline (where appropriate) in addition to sending ISO ILL requests. Sending via ISO ILL is currently an option on a request by request basis.
ISO ILL Networking
ILLiad ISO ILL uses port 1611 to send and receive ISO ILL APDUs. This port must be open on your firewall for incoming and outgoing traffic to your ISO server from your ISO ILL partners.
ILLiad ISO ILL automatically tries to send a request 4 times before failing, over a period of an hour. If ILLiad cannot successfully send the request, the reason is added to the Notes field for the request and the status is changed to ISO Sending Failed. After fixing the problem, you can resend the request by right-clicking on the APDU that was not sent on the ILSOILLTracking tab of the General Update Form and choosing Resend Selected APDU.
ILLiad ISO ILL Shared Server Installation
In a Shared Server configuration, it is possible for each site to define its identity for ISO requests independently of the other sites. This requires some additional records in the Customization and ISOCustomization tables. These two tables allow you to use your own site codes within ILLiad that translate to your ISO values when sending and receiving ISO ILL requests between other servers.
ISOSystemID Key
For each site in a Shared Server configuration, there can be a separate and unique ISOSystemID. For example, site LEAFS may identify itself as NHL:TORONTO for its ISOSystemID, while the site DUCKS may identify itself at NHL:ANAHEIM. Any site not specifically listed in the Customization table will be assigned the first value in the table. So it is a good idea to fill out values for all of your NVTGC fields for this key. Example values in your table might look like the following:
CustKey |
Value |
ISOSystemID |
ISOSystemID |
ISOSystemID |
ISOSystemID |
ISO symbols are generally designed to have the external system as the prefix and then the symbol after it. So for those sites using RLG symbols, your codes would be RLG:NYCX. This means that when you send to other RLG institutions as well, you would need to add addresses for those libraries to your database with the symbol RLG:NYCX etc. where before you were only using NYCX.
RequesterId Key
For incoming messages, your ILLiad's ISO service must match the RequesterId on the incoming request to a site on the shared server (NVTGC). This way, if another institution sends an ISO request to NHL:TORONTO, ILLiad on that server knows that this specific RequesterId maps to the NVTGC site of LEAFS. If you have one site who handles all incoming requests, you only need one value in the table, and the ISOValue would be Default, but most sites will work independently of each other in a shared server environment.
An example of the values in your ISOCustomization table would be:
ISOType |
ISOValue |
ISOName |
ILLiadName |
RequesterId |
Default |
RequesterId |
RequesterId |
RequesterId |
RequesterId |
You cannot view this table in the ILLiad Customization Manager- you need to add these values through a SQL Script. To add these values to your table, open SQL Server Management Studio and connect as sa, or use Windows authentication. In the open script, window paste a script similar to the one below.
Use ILLData go insert into ISOCustomization (ISOType, ISOValue, ISOName, ILLiadName) values ('RequesterId','NHL:PHILLY','NVTGC','FLYERS') go
The script above is only a sample. You will need to make changes to customize it to your site.