Server Configuration and Permissions

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In addition to having the Microsoft .NET Framework installed on your web server, you will need to ensure that IIS is properly set up to use the .NET Framework. You will need to install IIS roles and ensure that the Role for IIS Metabase Compatibility for the web server is installed.

Internet Information Services (IIS) Setup

  1. Go to Start - Administrative Tools - Server Manager.
  2. In the Roles and Features section, click Tasks and then Add Roles and Features.
  3. In the Select Server Roles section, check the box next to Web Server (IIS).
  4. Expand Web Server (IIS) and check the following boxes: 

If you get popups to add additional features in this process, click ok to add the features.

    • Web Server (IIS)
      • Web Server
        • Common HTTP Features
          • Default Document
          • HTTP Errors
          • Static Content
        • Application Development
          • .NET Extensibility 4.6
          • ASP.NET 4.6
          • ISAPI Extensions
          • ISAPI Filters
          • WebSocket Protocol (recommended for Aeon 6.0 or later to support the Aeon Web Client)
      • Management Tools
        • IIS 6 Management Compatibility
        • IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility

Web User Permissions

In order for several Aeon functions to work properly, you must have an SSL certificate installed on your Aeon server. Additionally, permissions must be set for certain groups on your server.

SSL Certificate

You need to install an SSL Certificate on your Aeon server in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) so that all communications between the patron's web browser and your Aeon Server are encrypted. Using the certificate, the username, password, ID number, etc., will be encrypted before being sent.

Group Permissions

To give the proper permissions for Aeon web users, the following requirements must be set. These are the default permissions set up on servers running IIS 7 and above and are the default values for new Aeon installations.

Users Group

The Users group should have permissions to Read, Read&Execute, List folder contents, and special permissions “Create files/write data’ and “Create folders/append data” for the following locations:

  • The Aeon directory (C:\aeon by default).
  • The location of the .dbc file. This is typically covered by the fact that the root of the system drive (C:\) has these permissions for the Users group by default.


The IIS_IUSRS group automatically includes any identity that an app pool is running under, so it should cover any of the Aeon web applications. The IIS_IUSRS group should have permissions to Read, Read&Execute, and List folder contents to the following locations:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Aeon\WebPlatform folder.
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Aeon\Web folder.
  • The pdf folder (set by the customization key WebDeliveryPath). This is typically covered by the fact that it’s under the Aeon web folder by default.

If you are having problems with permissions not being included on the Aeon WebPlatform folder, you can use the following ICALCS command:

icacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\Aeon\WebPlatform" /grant IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)RX


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