Note: Request processing functionality is currently only supported in the Aeon Desktop Client and cannot be performed from the Aeon Web Client.
When the user is finished with the item, or an item no longer needs to be on hold, you check it back into Aeon using the Aeon Desktop Client. First, locate the item record by searching the transaction number or the barcode number (the value in the Item Number field). Items can be checked back in when they are in the Item Checked Out, Item On Hold, or Remove From Hold statuses. On the Request form, click the Reshelve Item button in the Next Step group of the Home ribbon. The item will automatically move to the next status of Awaiting Item Reshelving and the Request form will close. This status and any custom queues created from this default status queue will be displayed in the user's Request History list on the web.
Finishing Re-shelved Items
After reshelving an item it moves to the status of Awaiting Item Reshelving. Finish the circulation process by clicking the Item Reshelved button in the Next Step group of the Home ribbon on the Request form. This closes the Request form and moves the request to the final status of Request Finished. This status and any custom queues created from this default status queue, display in the user's Request History list on the web as Request Finished.