Note: Request processing functionality is currently only supported in the Aeon Desktop Client and cannot be performed from the Aeon Web Client.
Items can be checked out from the Aeon Desktop Client using the Next Step ribbon group when they are in the In Item Retrieval or Remove from Hold transaction statuses. On the Request form, click the Check Out Item button in the Next Step group of the Home ribbon. The item automatically moves to the next status of Item Checked Out and the Request form closes. This status, (along with Item Checked Out to Activity and any custom queues created) displays in the user's Outstanding Requests list on the web.
If a custom queue has been created based on the system queue type, or state, used in a Next Step button, the button will contain a dropdown box listing the default queue as well as the custom queues. You can choose to send the request to one of the custom queues by clicking on the queue. If no custom queues have been created from the default queue, the dropdown box does not display.
Checking Out Items When Researcher Not Signed In
If a staff user tries to check out an item for a researcher who is not signed in, by default the Aeon Desktop Client will display a warning message. This message will appear if:
- The item is for a reading room request, not for an activity, and not a photoduplication request.
- The researcher for the request is not signed into a reading room.
- The item is being checked out from the Request form, a request list, or through batch processing.
This feature is enabled by the ItemCheckoutSecurityPrompt customization key and can be edited in the Aeon Customization Manager.