The web alert box is located on the right-hand side of the Main Menu form (MainMenu.html).
Changing the Location of the Web Alerts Box
The default installation places the Alerts box on the right-hand side of the Main Menu page; you can edit the HTML pages and move this box. Simply relocate the default code below, including the <#ALERTS> tag, to the applicable location:
<div id="sidebar">
<a href="<#ACTION action="2" type="40" value="RSSID" valueType="lookup"
absolutePath="true" includeSessionID="false">">Subscribe to Alerts Feed</a>
<br />
Using HTML in WebAlerts
You can embed HTML links into Alerts using standard HTML coding. The sentence, "Please see our hours page for further details" would be written as:
Please see our <a href= target=blank>hours</a> page
for further details.
If you want the link to open in a new window or tab, you would need to format the tag in the appropriate manner.
Changing the "No Alerts" Text
You can specify alternate text to the default "No Alerts" text by adding a NoAlertMessage parameter to the MainMenu.html page:
<#ALERTS noAlertMessage="No Announcements">
When there are no alerts, the DIV that is created to show the No Alerts message has an id of "noAlert" and a class of "alertNone". These can be used to add CSS rules specifically for the no alert message box, such as changing the color or font or hiding it altogether. The value of the noAlertMessage isn't escaped, so you can include HTML in there if you'd like. However, you need to be mindful to use single quotes to avoid closing the noAlertMessage parameter value.
For example:
<#ALERTS noAlertMessage=" No Alerts<br/><img src=
An empty string is a valid value for noAlertmessage and in that case, no text will be displayed in the alert box.