Processing Activity Requests

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Note: Activity processing functionality is currently only supported in the Aeon Desktop Client and cannot be performed from the Aeon Web Client. Activity information can be viewed in the Aeon Web Client from the Activity Search Results grid.

Aeon allows staff to create Activities in the Aeon Desktop Client so that researchers can request items and associate them with the Activity. Activities are separated from the Requests on the Aeon Desktop Client Home page and have their own Activity Information form. Multiple users, both researchers and staff, can be associated with an Activity. Staff can track daily attendance at the Activity, and Activities and their requests can be cloned.

The Activities Group and Category

The Activities group on the Home page shows a list of all active Activities, i.e, those that are being worked with in some manner or another, and can be viewed from the researcher's web account. Activities are created by staff from within the desktop client, and researchers add request items to an Activity from the web interface. Activities can be labeled active regardless of the given begin and end date. Double-clicking on an Activity in the desktop client opens the Activity Information form in a separate window.

Staff uses the Activities category, as opposed to the Requests category, to create Activities and process requests for items needed for exhibits and presentations. This category is only accessible within the desktop client; Activities cannot be created or edited from the web interface or web client. Staff adds all users associated with the Activity, and those users can then add requests for the Activity from the web interface. Staff can also add items for researchers from within the desktop client. New Activity request items by default are placed in the Awaiting Activity Processing queue.

Working with Item Requests for Activities

Requesting Items for an Activity from the Aeon Desktop Client

To place item requests for an Activity, open the Activity Information Form in the Aeon Desktop Client.

  1. Click on the Users tab in the Activity Information Form. Double-click on the Associated User for whom you would like to place the Request. The User Information form for that user opens.
  2. Click on the New Request for User button on the Home ribbon. The New Request form opens, showing both Request Information and User Information panels under the Detail tab.
  3. Request the item by filling out the Request Information section. Specify that the request is for an Activity using the Request For field located within each New Request type. The Request For field opens to a window used to request items for researchers as well as items for an Activity. Click the radio button next to Activity and double-click on the Activity in the grid.
  4. Complete and save the New Request form by clicking Save Changes. The Request Transaction Number is assigned and the request moves to Awaiting Activity Processing.

The Awaiting Activity Processing Queue

Newly added Activity requests are placed in the Awaiting Activity Processing queue under the Requests tab on the desktop client Home Page. Clicking on a request opens the Request Information form for processing. The Activities tab holds a list of all active Activities. Clicking on an Activity opens the Activity Information page. The list of requests is visible under the Requests tab. Clicking a request here opens the Request form for processing.

Printing Call Slips for Activity Requests

Whatever method is used, printing a call slip changes the status of a request from Awaiting Activity Processing to In Item Retrieval. At this point, the Activity Request workflow process follows the standard request workflow.

Canceling an Activity Request

If you decide that you want to cancel the request, open the Request form for the item in the desktop client and choose Cancel.

Removing a Request from an Activity

To remove a requested item from an Activity click the "x" in the "Request For" option in the Request Detail screen. This automatically clears the association with the Activity. You can also open the Request For field and click Clear Association to remove the request from the Activity. The request will remain active for the individual user. In this case, a new processing status should be selected for it from the Route button in the ribbon. If you decide later to reassociate the request with the Activity, you can click on the Request For field and restore the association.

Merging Activity Requests

The Merge Requests feature allows you to click on multiple requests within a processing queue and join them into one request with the Merge button.

Deleting an Activity

Activities can be deleted from the system only if they have no associated request transactions. Delete the Activity by clicking the Delete Activity button on the Home ribbon of the Activity Information form. Activities with request transactions can be set to an Inactive status so that they no longer appear in the Associated User's web interface. Activities can be marked Active or Inactive by checking or unchecking the Active box located on the Details tab of the Activity Information form. Attempting to delete an Activity with associated transactions will default to an error message inquiring if you would like to set the Activity to Inactive status instead. The default answer is Yes.

Select multiple items in a grid by using ctrl+click to select random transactions in a grid or shift+click to select successive (or all) transactions in a grid.


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