You can easily search for requests, users, and activities in the Aeon Desktop Client or Aeon Web Client using the basic searching features detailed below.
Overview | Performing Searches | Working with Search Results | Database Fields Searched in a Basic Search
Use the tabs below for an overview of the basic search functionality in the Aeon Desktop Client and Aeon Web Client.
In the Aeon Desktop Client, basic searches are performed using the search boxes on the Home ribbon. Three different groups of search boxes are available to search for requests, users, or activities. Some of the search boxes within each group search multiple database fields for the data and locate records containing the data in one or more of those fields. You can view which database fields will be searched by hovering your mouse over the search boxes. You can also expand or narrow the scope of a search by using multiple search criteria. Results for searches appear in a separate form in the Aeon Client so staff can easily flip between results without opening several forms.
In the Aeon Web Client, basic searches are performed using the search bar located on the toolbar at the top of each page. When a search is performed, the criteria entered in the search bar will be used to search for all relevant request, user, and activity records simultaneously. Search results will appear on a new page sorted by request, user, and activity results.
Performing Searches
Use the tabs below to learn how to perform a basic search in the Aeon Desktop Client and Aeon Web Client.
In the Aeon Desktop Client, basic searches are performed using the search boxes on the Home ribbon. To perform a basic search:
- Enter your search criteria into one or more search boxes in the Search Requests, Search Users, or Search Activities search groups.
For a request or activity search, optionally narrow your search results by limiting your search to only active requests or activities by clicking the bottom half of the Search icon () and selecting Search Only Active Requests/Activities:
Click the top half of the Search icon () to conduct your search (or press the Return/Enter button on your keyboard).
The results of the search are displayed in a grid on a new form titled Requests, Users, or Activities based on the type of search performed. If there is only one result, the Request, User Information, or Activity Information form will automatically open for that record:
If there are no results, or you want to refine your search, return to the search boxes by clicking the tab for the Home ribbon. You can clear the current search parameters by clicking the bottom half of the Search button and selecting Reset:
Using Multiple Search Criteria
Automatic Searching of Multiple Fields in the Database
Many of the search boxes within the Search Requests and Search Users groups, along with the User Information box in the Search Activities group, search from several fields in the database to increase the effectiveness of a search. For example, if you are searching for users and you decide to search by name, Aeon will search both the LastName and FirstName fields for your search results. Hovering the mouse over the search box you want to use displays a list of all the fields it will search:
Searching with Multiple Search Criteria
You can also enter more than one search term in the search boxes when performing a basic search. For example, if you are searching for users you can enter two or more values in the User Information search box separated by a space or comma, such as a value for ID and a value for AltID, and the database will return results based on those values. You can also enter values in more than one search box in a search group. For example, when searching for requests you can enter a value in both the User Information and Citation Information search boxes to simultaneously search for requests meeting both sets of search criteria.
In the Aeon Web Client, basic searches can be performed from any page using the search button available from the toolbar at the top of the screen. The criteria entered into the search bar will be used to search for all relevant request, user, and activity records simultaneously. To perform a basic search:
Note: Use Search Criteria for a Single Field
For best results when searching, the search query value entered into the search bar should reflect the value of a single database field. This is because the web client will generate the search results by returning records that contain the entire search query value in any of the database fields queried by the search. For example, it is not possible to search for a user record by entering both a first and last name value into the search bar at the same time as performing a search for the user “Jane Doe,” will have the web client search for any records containing the entire value “Jane Doe” in the First Name field, then search for records containing the entire value "Jane Doe" in the Last Name field, and so on rather than splitting up the search query to search for first names matching "Jane" and last names matching "Doe."
Click the search icon () in the toolbar to expand the search bar:
Enter your search query into the text box:
Click the search icon () again or press Enter/Return on your keyboard to perform the search.
The Search Results page will open and display the results of your search in the Request, User, and Activity Search Results grids:
Search types for which no results were found will display "No records to display" in the relevant search result grid.
Working with Search Results
Use the tabs below to learn how to work with the search results displayed for basic searches in the Aeon Desktop Client and Aeon Web Client.
In the Aeon Desktop Client, results for searches appear in grids on separate tabs on the home form so staff can easily flip between results without opening several forms. See Sorting and Filtering Search Results Grids for general information on organizing the search results, or click on a search type below to learn more about working with each type of specific search results.
Request Search Results | User Search Results | Activity Search Results
Sorting and Filtering Search Results Grids
You can manipulate the results grid to make it easier to work with your results:
Columns can be reordered by clicking and dragging the column headings to the appropriate positions.
Records can be sorted by column by clicking on the heading for that column or by using the key icon () in the column headings to access more detailed filtering options for that column:
Column width can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the lines that separate the columns or by using the Best Fit option available in the menu that displays after right-clicking on a column:
You can group search results by the values in a particular column by using the Group By This Column option available in the menu that displays after right-clicking on a column:
To reset the grid back to the default layout, right-click on a column and select Restore Template Default from the menu:
When grouping search results, the status bar continues to display the total number of search results found within the collapsed grouping. When filtering search results, the status bar displays both the total number of records found in a search and the number of results visible after filtering:
Request Search Results
Request search results will be displayed in the Requests tab:
- Double-clicking on an entry in the grid will open up the Request form for the selected request.
- Printing, routing, cloning, and request association tools are also available in the Process ribbon at the top of the screen to easily process requests from the search results grid.
- Options for assigning or removing bundles to requests are available in the Bundles ribbon.
- You can select multiple requests in the grid and use the options in the Process or Bundles ribbon to batch process multiple requests at once.
User Search Results
User search results will be displayed in the Users tab:
- Double-clicking on an entry in the grid will open up the User Information form for the selected user.
- By default, blocked users are displayed in search results in red, and disavowed users are displayed in gray.
Activity Search Results
Activity search results will be displayed in the Activities tab:
- Double-clicking on an entry in the grid will open up the Activity Information form for the selected activity.
In the Aeon Web Client, search results will appear sorted by request, user, and activity records found for the specified search query in three separate grids on the Search Results page. See Sorting Search Results Grids for general information on organizing the search results, or click on a search type below to learn more about working with each type of specific search results.
Request Search Results | User Search Results | Activity Search Results
Sorting Search Results Grids
You can sort the results displayed in each grid by the values in a particular column in ascending or descending order by clicking on the heading for that column in the grid:
Aeon administrators can customize the fields that are displayed in each search results grid using the profile and layout customization options available on the Staff Administration page. See Managing Staff Accounts and Web Client Layouts Using the Staff Administration Page for more information.
Request Search Results
Request search results will be displayed in the Request Search Results grid. By default, this grid will display columns for the Transaction Number, First Name, Last Name, Transaction Status, Scheduled Date, Start Time, Item Title, Call Number, Item Number, Location, Transaction Date, and Creation Date associated with each request in the grid. Results will be sorted by Creation Date by default.
This grid is read-only. All request details must be viewed in the grid. To process a particular request, use the information displayed in the grid to search for and access the request in the Aeon Desktop Client.
User Search Results
User search results will be displayed in the User Search Results grid. By default, this grid will display columns for the Username, Last Name, Preferred Name, First Name, Cleared Status, Status, Organization, City, State, ZIP Code, Country, and Expiration Date associated with each user in the grid. Results will be sorted by Username by default.
Double-clicking a row in this table or pressing the Enter key when a row is selected will open the record for that user on the User Information page. Detailed information for that user can then be viewed and modified using the tools available on this page. See Working with User Records for more details on these options.
Activity Search Results
Activity search results will be displayed in the Activity Search Results grid. By default, this grid will display columns for the Name, Type, Status, Begin Date, End Date, Location, Reference Name, Reference Number, and Description associated with each activity in the grid. Results will be sorted by Begin Date by default.
This grid is read-only. All activity details must be viewed in the grid. To process a particular activity, use the information displayed in the grid to search for and access the activity in the Aeon Desktop Client.
Database Fields Searched in a Basic Search
Use the tabs below to learn which database fields are queried by each search type to build the search results in the Aeon Desktop Client and Aeon Web Client.
For the complete list of database tables in Aeon and the fields contained in each table, see Aeon Database Tables.
In the Aeon Desktop Client, the database fields queried for each search type will differ depending on which search boxes you use within the request, user, or activity search group to perform the search. The database fields queried by each search box available for each search type are listed below.
Request Search
Basic request searches search fields in the Transactions and Users tables.
- Transaction Number: TransactionNumber
- User Information: Username, FirstName, LastName, ID, AltID, EmailAddress
- Citation Information: ItemTitle, ItemSubTitle, ItemAuthor, ItemISxN, ItemNumber, ReferenceNumber, EADNumber, CallNumber
User Search
Basic user searches search fields in the Users table.
- Username: Username
- Name: Username, FirstName, LastName
- ID: ID, AltID
Activity Search
Basic activity searches search fields in the Activity and Users tables.
- Activity Number: ID
- Activity Name: Name
- User Information: Username, FirstName, LastName
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In the Aeon Web Client, a basic search will perform a simultaneous search of all requests, users, and activities related to the search criteria. Each search type will query specific fields in the Aeon database to build the results grid for that search type.
Request Search
The query entered in the search bar will be used to search the following database fields in the Users and Transactions tables to determine the results for the request search:
- User information: Username, FirstName, PreferredName, LastName, ID, AltID, EmailAddress
- Item/Transaction information: Title, Subtitle, Author, ISXN, ItemNumber, ReferenceNumber, EADNumber, CallNumber
User Search
The query entered in the search bar will be used to search the following database fields in the Users table to determine the results for the user search:
- User information: Username, FirstName, PreferredName, LastName, ID, AltID, EmailAddress
Activity Search
The query entered in the search bar will be used to search the following database fields in the Activities and Users tables to determine the results for the activity search:
- Activity information: Name, ReferenceName
- User information: Username, FirstName, PreferredName, LastName
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