If you have billing turned on for Borrowing, you will see the Add Billing Charges form when the item is checked in. The Add Billing Charges form will not display for any customers that you may have designated as Exempt from Billing. Default information set on your ILLiad Server determines what default fees and additional fees display on the form. Look over the charges and make any changes necessary before hitting either the Charge or Recalculate in the Billing ribbon. The Add Billing Charges Form now has a drop-down to correct or choose a billing account for Borrowing and Document Delivery. Staff cannot add charges without a billing account.
You may exempt borrowers from billing on the User Form by selecting the Exempt option in the Billing Category field. Pull up the User form by using the Search Ribbon on the home page to search the user, or clicking the View User icon in the User group of the Borrowing Processing ribbon on the Request Form.
Charging Reciprocal Fees to the Borrowing Customer
To charge their Borrowing customers the fees that the Borrowing library was charged by the Lending Library, please see the various options below. In such cases, the normal practice of setting specific charges in the billing tables does not typically work, as the charges in question will vary from transaction to transaction depending on the Lending institution's billing policies.
To allow the possibility of Reciprocal Charging, set up the following Billing Addition:
- Open the Customization Manager and navigate to System Billing - Setup - BillingAdditions.
- Create an option in the BillingAdditions table. Set the AdditionName to Reciprocal Charges (or something more descriptive if you prefer) and give it a Category of Default.
- Set the Base Fee to 0 (for $0) and the per page fees. (Probably $0 as well)
In the course of processing an incoming Borrowing Item for the customer, you will check the item in from the lending institution as normal.
- The Add Billing Charges form will appear with all relevant charge information in it.
- Select the Additional charge that you have set up for this purpose. Ex: Reciprocal Charges.
- The Additional Charge of $0 will appear on the form.
- In the Base Fee column of the form, next to the chosen Additional Charge, set the amount to the desired total (whatever charge the Borrowing institution incurred from the Lender).
- Click the Recalculate icon. This will adjust the totals on the form.
- Click the Charge icon to apply the charges.