Cancelling a Single Invoice

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To cancel a single invoice, you must first access the invoice record for the invoice to be cancelled.

  1. You can do this by using the Search button in the top right corner of the Billing Manager form, or by using the View Button on the Previous Invoices tab to view invoices contained in a specific invoice batch.
  2. However you choose to perform your search, identify the invoice to be cancelled and navigate to the Invoice Details form. Once you are on the Invoice Details form, click the Cancel Invoice button to cancel the selected invoice.
  3. You will see a confirmation warning to verify that this is indeed what you wish to do. If this was not your intent, click No. To proceed with cancelling the invoice, click Yes. This will cancel the selected invoice and return you to the previous form.

Cancelling an invoice is irreversible. Do not perform this action unless you are sure that this is your desired outcome.

After Cancellation

Once you have cancelled the invoice, the Detail for invoices for that batch (in the Previous Invoices tab) containing the cancelled invoice will still display the invoice as a part of the batch, but the status of the cancelled invoice, when viewed in Invoice Details, will now read Cancelled.


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