In order to process Billing for your lending requests, Billing for Lending Requests must be turned on in the Customization Manager. If Billing is turned off, the Add Billing Charges Form will not appear.
The Add Billing Charges Form
After updating an item using Mark Item as Found, if you have billing turned on for Lending, you may see the Add Billing Charges form. This form will not display for any institutions that you may have designated as Exempt from Billing. Default information set on your ILLiad Server determines what default fees and additional fees display on the form. Look over the charges and make any changes necessary before hitting either the Charge or Recalculate in the Billing ribbon. If the transaction being billed is from an IFM institution, the Total field will be labeled IFM Total instead of Total. IFM information, if present, is recorded when the transaction is imported from OCLC and becomes part of the transaction record.
You may exempt institutions from billing on the Lender Address Form by selecting the Exempt option in the Billing Category field. Pull up the Lender Address form by using the Search Ribbon on the home page to search the institution, or clicking the icon in the Lender group of the Lending Processing ribbon on the Request Form.
For IFM requests, the Borrower's request dictates if IFM is used or not. If you do not want to use IFM for a specific institution, you can check the Override IFM checkbox on the Lender Address Record.
To Charge the Borrowing Institution
- Once the Billing information on the Add Billing Charges Form is correct, click on the Charge button.
- For information on billing service levels such as Rush requests, see Billing Service Levels.
- This will add the billing information to the transaction record. The transaction will then move to a status of Awaiting Shipping Label Printing.
To Provide the Item Without Charge
- If you decide not to charge for the transaction, click on the Cancel button. You will be prompted to verify that this is indeed what you want to do.
- Click the Yes button to continue. The transaction will then move to a status of Awaiting Shipping Label Printing.