Recording Incoming Payments

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Invoices created using the ILLiad Client invoice generation process in Lending are not compatible with this process. Payments for these invoices will need to be applied in the client as well.

Identifying the Invoice

To search the database for an existing Billing Manager generated an invoice to which you would like to add payment information, select the correct module (Borrowing, Document Delivery, or Lending) and click the Search Invoices button from the top right corner of the Billing Manager form. This will pull up the Search Invoices form. This button does not appear from the EFTS form as it does not apply to that function.

Specifying Search Criteria

Ideally, you would have either an invoice number or a transaction number to specify for the search, but you may also search for invoices using any of the search criteria at the top of the form. These include:

  • The Start Date of the Invoice Batch
  • The End Date of the Invoice Batch
  • The Invoice Number
  • The Transaction Number
  • The ILL Number
  • Citation Information
  • The Last Name of the Customer (Borrowing and Document Delivery) or Institution Name (Lending)
  • The Username of the Customer (Borrowing and Document Delivery) or Symbol (Lending)
  • The Check/Ref (Check/Reference)

Limiting the Search

You may also limit your search using the check-boxes in the top right corner of the form. These allow you to search Only Unpaid invoices or to Include Cancelled invoices in your search.

Initiating the Search

Enter any keywords for your invoice search and click the Search button.

Search Results

The specified Search will be run and the results will be displayed in the bottom half of the Search Invoices form. If your search returns only one invoice record, you will automatically be taken to the Invoice Details form for the returned invoice.

The Invoice Details Form

To see the Invoice Details form for any given invoice, select an invoice by double-clicking on it from the search results. The Invoice Details form displays information about the Invoice itself in the Invoice Information section at the top of the form.

From here you can determine the total amount of the invoice, the total amount paid toward this invoice total, and the current balance that is still due for this invoice.

You also have the option of re-printing the invoice or canceling it using the buttons to the right of the form.

The Borrower section, in the middle of the form, displays information about the Borrower associated with the selected invoice. If the selected invoice is a Borrowing or Document Delivery invoice, this section will display information about the customer.

If the selected invoice is a Lending invoice, this section will display information about the Borrowing Institution.

The bottom section of the Invoice Details form displays several tabs containing sections for recording and tracking payments, viewing the specific transactions to which invoices apply, and tracking all actions affecting invoices.

The Payments tab in the bottom section of the form is where Payments toward invoice balances are entered and tracked.

Recording Payment Information

To record payment information on the Invoice Details Payments tab for an invoice, enter the following information into the appropriate fields on the Payments tab:

  • Payment Amount (Required)
  • Check/Reference
  • Payment Method
  • Payment Note

Payment Amount (Required)

Enter the exact amount paid toward the selected invoice by typing it in the Payment Amount field. The amount should be in the standard monetary format, for example, 25.00 for twenty-five dollars, or 0.50 for fifty cents. No dollar sign ($) is necessary (nor will it be accepted by the Billing Manager).

All entries must be positive numeric values and should not exceed the Balance Due amount for the selected invoice. Negative payments (refunds) are not possible, nor are payments of 0.00.

While the Billing Manager will allow the entry of payment amounts that exceed the Balance Due amount for a given invoice, over-payments cannot be applied to other invoices for the same Borrower. This is true for all modules.

Correction of incorrectly entered payment amounts can be handled by voiding an incorrect payment and re-entering the payment with the correct payment amount. See the section entitled Recording Incoming Payments later in this chapter for details.

Check/Reference (Optional)

This field is intended to record the check number or some other reference number associated with the payment being entered. While it is not required, this information may be useful from a tracking perspective.

Payment Method (Optional)

This field is intended to record the method by which payment was received. Typical entries for this value might include Check, Cash, Departmental Account, etc.

The drop-down for this field displays a list of all unique entries for this value that already exist in the InvoicePayments table. Once entered into the field and submitted, a Payment Method value will appear on the Payment Method drop-down for all subsequent payments.

While it is not required, this information may be useful from a tracking perspective.

Payment Note (Optional)

This field is intended to record any information not already attached to the Invoice record that is deemed important. The contents of this note will be added to the Invoice Payment record for the payment being submitted.

While it is not required, this information may be useful from a tracking perspective.

Submitting the Payment

Once you have all of the payment information entered, click the Add Payment button to submit the payment information to the system.

Once the payment is submitted, the just-entered payment information will appear in the bottom portion of the Payments tab as the most recent payment toward the selected invoice.

The Invoice Information section at the top of the form will display the modified Total Payments and Balance Due amounts to reflect the new payment.

Once the payment is completed, you may close the Invoice Details form.

Voiding Incorrect Payment Entries

In the event that a mistake is made in submitting a payment toward an invoice, you may void the incorrect invoice and re-enter the payment.

Voiding a payment is irreversible, but the payment information may be reentered as a new payment if necessary.

To do this, identify the payment to be voided on the Payments tab of the Invoice Details form and right click it. A Void Payment option will appear. Click the Void Payment option to initiate the process.

You will be prompted with a Void Payment Confirmation to enter an explanation for voiding the payment. If you decide not to void the payment, click the Cancel button. You will be returned to the Invoice Details form.

To proceed with the payment void, enter your explanation and click the Void button. The payment will be voided and you will be returned to the Invoice Details form.

You will see an entry in the bottom section of the Payments tab recording that the payment has been voided.

The Invoice Information section at the top of the form will display the modified Total Payments and Balance Due amounts to reflect the voided payment.



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