Creating and Editing Email Templates

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Changing default email template names will result in failed emails.

ILLiad email templates are stored in the ILLiad database and can be created and edited in the ILLiad Customization Manager under the Notification Templates tab. To create a new email template:

  1. In the ILLiad Customization Manager, click the Notification Templates tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Complete the template fields. See below for descriptions of each field.
  4. When you have completed the form, click Save.
  5. You will now be able to view your template from the Edit dropdown.

Values for From Name,From Address, To Name, To Address, CC Address, BCC Address and Subject can also be added in an Email Routing Rule and template values will be overwritten by those in the Email Routing Rule. Add information to these fields only for Default Email Templates.

Template Fields

Name The name of the email template.
Description The purpose of the email template.
NVTGC Site that uses the template. The default is ILL.
From Name Name of the sender. If not specified, will use the value in the
EMailFromName customization key.
From Address Email address of the sender. If not specified, will use the value in the
EMailFromAddress customization key.
To Name Name of the recipient. If not specified, this will populate from the
User record.
To Address Email address of the recipient. If not specified, this will populate
from the User record. Multiple email addresses can be entered separated by a comma.
CC Address Email addresses for those to be copied on the email. Multiple email addresses can be entered separated by a comma.
BCC Address Email addresses for those to be blind-copied on the email. Multiple email addresses can be entered separated by a comma.
Subject The subject of the email. Subjects longer than 100 characters
will be truncated.
Email Text The body of the email template. See Email Template Tags for
more information.

Copying Templates

You can create a new template by choosing a template similar to the one you want to create, making changes to it and saving it as a new template:

  1. Click on the template that you want to emulate under the Edit button. The chosen template form appears just below the ribbon.
  2. Click the Copy button on the Email ribbon. The Template Name on the template form is now blank.
  3. Click in the Template Name field and assign a new name to the template.
  4. Make other changes to the fields and/or body text of the template.
  5. When you have made the changes, click the Save button to save the changes as a new template.
  6. The new template now appears in the list of templates under the Edit button.

Editing Templates

To make changes to the field values or text of an already existing template:

  1. Click on the template that you want to edit under the Edit button. The chosen template form appears just below the ribbon.
  2. Make any changes you wish to make to the template fields and body text.
  3. When you have made all the changes, click the Save button to save the changes to the template.
  4. The modified template appears in the list of templates under the Edit button.

Deleting Templates

To delete a template from the database:

  1. Click on the template that you want to delete under the Edit button. The chosen template form appears just below the ribbon.
  2. Click the Delete button to delete the chosen template.
  3. A pop-up message warns that the action cannot be undone and asks you to verify that you want to delete the template. Choose Yes.
  4. The template is removed from the client and the database and no longer appears under the Edit button.


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