The following tables list the print processes for each module, the Word template/s used for the process, the customization key associated with the Word template, and the data file used.
The PrintDocumentsPath customization key determines where your print templates are stored. This can be a local path (the same for all workstations) or a shared path. If blank, ILLiad will default to using the Print folder where the ILLiadClient.exe is stored.
The Excel (xlsx) data files are created automatically when printing. These files are stored by default in the logged in user's My Documents folder under Documents\ILLiad\Print\.
Borrowing Templates
Template File | Data File | |
Borrowing Receives | BorrowingArticleLabels.doc | Article.xlsx |
BorrowingArticleSlips.doc | Article.xlsx | |
BorrowingLoanLabels.doc | Loan.xlsx | |
BorrowingLoanSlips.doc | Loan.xlsx | |
Borrowing Returns | BorrowingReturnAddressLabels.doc | ReturnsL.xlsx |
BorrowingReturnSlips.doc | Returns.xlsx | |
Borrowing Overdues |
BorrowingOverdueLetter1.doc | BOver1.xlsx |
BorrowingOverdueLetter2.doc | BOver2.xlsx | |
BorrowingOverdueLetter3.doc | BOver3.xlsx | |
BorrowingOverdueReminderLetter.doc | BOverReminder.xlsx | |
ALA Requests | BorrowingALARequests.doc | Ala.xlsx |
Borrowing Invoice | BorrowingBillingManagerInvoice.doc | InvoicesBorrowing.xls |
Print Cancellation | *BorrowingCancellation.doc | BCancel.xlsx |
Print User Record | PrintUser.doc | PrintUser.xlsx |
Print Request | PrintRequest.doc | PrintRequest.xlsx |
Print Multiple Requests | **BorrowingPrintRequest.doc | Printed.xlsx |
Notification Letter | BorrowingNotify.doc | BorrowingNotifications.xlsx |
*This document is not included with the default ILLiad templates but can be created manually.
**This default template must be opened and merged manually when batch printing.
Customization Keys
- BorrowingPrintReceivesDocsArticle = BorrowingArticleLabels.doc, BorrowingArticleSlips.doc
- BorrowingPrintReceivesDocsLoan = BorrowingLoanLabels.doc, BorrowingLoanSlips.doc
- BorrowingPrintReturnsDocsArticle = BorrowingReturnAddressLabels.doc,
BorrowingReturnSlips.doc - BorrowingPrintReturnsDocsLoan = BorrowingReturnAddressLabels.doc,
BorrowingReturnSlips.doc - BorrowingPrintALADocsLoan = BorrowingALARequests.doc
- BorrowingPrintALADocsArticle = BorrowingALARequests.doc
- BorrowingOverdue1Docs = BorrowingOverdueLetter1.doc
- BorrowingOverdue2Docs = BorrowingOverdueLetter2.doc
- BorrowingOverdue3Docs = BorrowingOverdueLetter3.doc
- BorrowingOverdueReminderDocs = BorrowingOverdueReminderLetter.doc
- BillingMonthlyInvoiceBorrowing = BorrowingBillingManagerInvoice.doc
- PrintUserTemplate = PrintUser.doc
- PrintRequestTemplateBorrowing = PrintRequest.doc, BorrowingPrintRequest.doc
Document Delivery Templates
Template File | Data File | |
Doc Del Stacks Printing | DocDelArticleSlips.doc | DocDelP.xlsx |
DocDelLoanLabels.doc | DocDelL.xlsx | |
Doc Del Mailing Labels | DocDelArticleMailingLabels.doc | DocDelP.xlsx |
DocDelLoanMailingLabels.doc | DocDelL.xlsx | |
Print Request | PrintRequest.doc | PrintRequest.xlsx |
Client Invoice | | DocDelBill.xlsx |
Billing Manager Invoice | DocDelBillingManagerInvoice.doc | InvoicesDocDel.xls |
Customization Keys
- DocDelPullSlipDocsArticle = DocDelArticleSlips.doc, *DocDelArticleMailingLabels.doc
- DocDelPullSlipDocsLoan = DocDelLoanLabels.doc, *DocDelLoanMailingLabels.doc
- BillingMonthlyInvoiceDocDel = DocDelBillingManagerInvoice.doc
- PrintRequestTemplateDocDel = PrintRequest.doc
Lending Templates
Template File | Data File | |
Lending Stacks Printing | LendingArticleSlips.doc | StacksP.xlsx |
LendingLoanSlips.doc | StacksL.xlsx | |
LendingLoanLabels.doc | StacksL.xlsx | |
LendingArticleSlips.doc LendingLoanSlips.doc |
**Stacks.xlsx | |
Lending Shipping Labels | LendingArticleShippingLabels.doc | ShpStkP.xlsx |
LendingLoanShippingLabels.doc | ShpStkL.xlsx | |
LendingArticleShippingLabels.doc LendingLoanShippingLabels.doc |
**ShipStk.xlsx | |
Lending Overdues | LendingOverdueLetter1.doc | LOver1.xlsx |
LendingOverdueLetter2.doc | LOver2.xlsx | |
LendingOverdueLetter3.doc | LOver3.xlsx | |
LendingOverdueReminderLetter.doc | LOverReminder.xlsx | |
Billing Manager Invoice | LendingBillingManagerInvoice.doc | InvoicesLending.xls |
Client Invoice | LendingInvoice.doc | LendBill.xlsx |
Print Address Record | PrintAddress.doc | PrintAddress.xlsx |
Print Request | PrintRequest.doc | PrintRequest.xlsx |
Print Multiple Requests | *LendingPrintRequest.doc | LPrinted.xlsx |
*This default template must be opened and merged manually when batch printing
**You can combine article and loan records to print on one document rather than separate documents. To do so, specify the template you want to use and link it with this general data file.
Customization Keys
- LendingStacksDocsArticle = LendingArticleSlips.doc
- LendingStacksDocsLoan = LendingLoanSlips.doc, LendingLoanLabels.doc
- LendingSecondaryDocsArticle = LendingArticleSlips.doc
- LendingSecondaryDocsLoan = LendingLoanSlips.doc, LendingLoanLabels.doc
- LendingShippingDocsArticle = LendingArticleShippingLabels.doc
- LendingShippingDocsLoan = LendingLoanShippingLabels. doc
- LendingOverdue1Docs = LendingOverdueLetter1.doc
- LendingOverdue2Docs = LendingOverdueLetter2.doc
- LendingOverdue3Docs = LendingOverdueLetter3.doc
- LendingOverdueReminderDocs = LendingOverdueReminderLetter.doc
- BillingMonthlyInvoiceLending = LendingBillingManagerInvoice.doc
- PrintLenderAddressTemplate = PrintAddress.doc
- PrintRequestTemplateLending = PrintRequest.doc, **LendingPrintRequest.doc
When printing Lending or Document Delivery Invoices, the current queue or status of the transaction does not matter as long as the transaction has been marked as found and the billing charges have been applied. Invoices may be generated at any point in the process after that. There are two ways to generate invoices:
- Item by Item: Invoices are printed after the requested item has been marked as found (at the same time as the Address Labels).
- By Time Period & Lender Symbol (Bulk): Invoices are generated and printed at any time after the item has been sent to the requesting institution.
If Billing for Document Delivery or Lending is turned on for your institution, your method of invoicing may be set to one or the other using the ILLiad Customization Manager.