Ares Customization Manager Change History

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Ares tracks changes made to customization keys. For a quick view of recently changed keys, a change history view exists. The Show Change History button is on the Home menu. The button is split. Clicking the bottom portion of the Show Change History button will allow you to show the customization key change history for the last 7 days, 30 days, 365 days or the complete history since Ares was installed. The top portion of the Show Change History button will display the change history based on the settings used the last time Show Change History was performed (7 days, 30 days, 365 days, or Show All). Double-clicking any row within the Change History grid will display the key settings for the customization key on that row.

Exporting Change History

After viewing change history you have the option to export the history for viewing outside of the Customization Manager. Currently, it is possible to export change history to an Excel spreadsheet or to an HTML file.

  1. Click the Export button for the file type you wish to export. The Export buttons are on the bottom right of the Change History form.
  2. "Save Report As..." dialog box appears prompting you to enter the file path and name to save the exported change history.
  3. By default, the file will be saved to the Ares directory with a filename of CustKeyTracking_year_month_day. Change the file path or filename if you wish and click the Save button in the dialog box.


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