Ares Customization Keys

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This page lists all the keys and tables shown in the Ares Customization Manager.

Values marked with a * can be used in print and email templates.

Contact Info   



Address Line 1 of general institution contact information.


Address Line 2 of general institution contact information.


City of general institution contact information.


Name (of user or department) for general institution contact information.


Email address of general institution contact information.


Phone number of general institution contact information.


State/Province of general institution contact information.


Postal code of general institution contact information.


Name of your institution.


The URL for the Ares web interface.

Reserves Dept


Address Line 1 of reserves department contact information.
*ReservesAddress2 Address Line2 of reserves department contact information.
*ReservesCity City of reserves department contact information.

Name (of user or department) for reserves department contact information.

Removed from seed scripts for the Ares Customization table with version 4.7. Default templates now use EmailFromName. Will not be removed from existing installations of past releases of Ares.

Email address of reserves department contact information.  

Removed from seed scripts for the Ares Customization table with version 4.7. Default templates now use EmailFromAddress. Will not be removed from existing installations of past releases of Ares.
*ReservesPhone Phone number of reserves department contact information.
*ReservesState State/Province of reserves department contact information.
*ReservesZip Postal code of reserves department contact information.


API Uploads

MaxUploadSize The max file permitted for file/item uploads, in MB. Default: 150MB.

Batch Item Uploading

BatchUploadProcessingInterval How often, in minutes, the System Manager should check for batch item uploads to process.
UploadItemsPath The location the staff client should use when looking for files to upload when performing batch item uploads. This can be a local path, a mapped drive or a UNC path.

Call Number Searching

CallNumberRequired Setting this to Yes will require that a value is put in the Call Number field before sending the item to Awaiting Stacks Searching for printing call slips.

Client Upload

ClientUploadFTPPassword If using ClientUploadMethod of FTP, the password for FTPing to the web server.
ClientUploadFTPPath If using ClientUploadMethod of FTP, the path to the AresDocs folder when FTPing to the web server.
ClientUploadFTPServer If using ClientUploadMethod of FTP, the FTP server used.
ClientUploadFTPUsername If using ClientUploadMethod of FTP, the username for FTPing to the web server.
ClientUploadMethod Method used for staff clients to upload files to the server. This value is either Share (for a file share) or FTP.
ClientUploadShare If using ClientUploadMethod of Share, the UNC base path or mapped driver of Ares uploaded files on the web server. This value is ignored if using a ClientUploadMethod of FTP.


CloneItemNotes When cloning items, this key determines whether or not to copy their notes.
CloneItemsRequireUsage When choosing items to be cloned, items must be used this many times to qualify for selection. 0 will allow all items to be cloned, regardless of usage.


AwaitingCopyrightProcessingMatchString A string that will be appended to the SQL query used to determine which items require copyright processing.
CCCAnnualAcademicLicensee Indicates if you are currently a licensee of CCC's Annual Academic License
CCCDefaultNumPages The number of pages used to request quick price from CCC if the item does not specify a page count.

The URI for the CCC ECC Gateway,  used exclusively on the web.

This key was deprecated in Ares 5.0 and removed in v5.0.4/5.0.5.

The URL for the CCC ECC Gateway,  used exclusively on the web.

This key was deprecated in Ares 5.0 and removed in v5.0.4/5.0.5.
CCCHomepage The URL for the CCC Home Page button on the copyright form. This is only used when clicking the advanced search arrow on the copyright search ribbon in the client.
CCCLocation CCC location ID for order related actions.
CCCMarketplaceUrl Base URL to use when constructing a CCC Marketplace deeplink.
CCCPassword CCC password for order-related actions. A CCC account is required to check prices and submit orders.
CCCStatusUpdateEnabled Allow the System Manager to update CCC copyright items.
CCCStatusUpdateRunNow Setting this key to Yes will force System Manager to run an off-schedule CCC status update within one minute, after which this key will be reset to No.
CCCStatusUpdateRunTime The time of day System Manager will perform its daily CCC status update.
CCCSupportPage The URL for the Atlas Support page with CCC credentials documentation.
CCCUsername CCC username for order-related actions. A CCC account is required to check prices and submit orders.
CentralCopyrightProcessing If set to Yes, copyright processing will be for all items regardless of processing location. Otherwise, each processing location sees only their items within the Awaiting Copyright Processing form.
CopyrightAlertFeeReduced Flag items to show when copyright fees have been reduced (via the daily CCC status update run).
CopyrightAlertGranted Flag items to show when those on special request from CCC have been granted permissions.
CopyrightCourseStudents This will determine how copyright should be calculated based on the number of students in the course. Enrolled Students is equivalent to the number of students enrolled based on input by faculty/staff. Ares Students is equivalent to the number of students that have access to the course.

If the number of students has not been entered for a course and the CopyrightCourseStudents value is Enrolled Students or if the number of students is zero, Ares will use this number for CCC quick pricing and ordering.

The CopyrightDefaultStudents key does not support negative values or values of 0. As of Ares 5.0.x, the key will default to a value of 1 when used to estimate or place copyright orders in the Ares Client if the key has been set to a value of 0 or a negative number.
CopyrightMethod The method you use to track reserves copyright. CCC = You use the the Copyright Clearance Center to secure Copyright. Alternate Provider = You secure copyright from some other source. None = The library does not secure copyright for reserves materials.
CopyrightPermissionDocFTPPath If using ClientUploadMethod of FTP, the path to the Copyright Permissions document folder when FTPing to the web server.
CopyrightPermissionDocShare If using ClientUploadMethod of Share, the UNC path to upload copyright permission documents.
CopyrightQuery Specifies the SQL query used to determine a resource's reserves history on the Process Copyright form. If this is blank, a default query will be used.

Password for CCC Legacy API. Only enter a value if this is different from your CCC Marketplace password.

This key should only be configured if the CCC Marketplace account used by your institution is different between versions of Ares using the old CCC web service (v5.0.3 and prior) and the new web service (v5.0.4 and later). 


CCC username for order-related actions used with the old CCC web service prior to Ares v5.0.4.

This key should only be configured if the CCC Marketplace account used by your institution is different between versions of Ares using the old CCC web service (v5.0.3 and prior) and the new web service (v5.0.4 and later). 

RequireCopyrightClonedItems Determines how copyright requirements for cloned items will be handled. "Always" will always require copyright for cloned items. "Copy" will copy whatever value that the source item had for CopyrightRequired. "Never" will never require copyright for cloned items.

Course and User Loads

AutoClearPreregisteredUsers Indicates if users that are added from the UserValidation table and/or through the web service (your course management system) are automatically cleared.
CourseCreationEnabled If this key is set to yes, when the Course and User load process runs, courses which do not already exist will be created from data in the CourseValidation table. The instructor specified in the CourseUserValidation table will be assigned as the instructor. If the specified instructor does not exist, a placeholder ValidationUser will be specified as the instructor for that course.
CourseUserLoadDataEncrypted If this key is set to yes, Ares will decrypt the course and user load files. This should only be enabled if you are uploading encrypted files using the public key that Ares created.
CourseUserLoadDataFileCleanup Beginning with version 4.7, if this key is set to yes, the System Manager can remove course & user data files after processing has completed successfully. If any part of the course user loading and management fails, the files will not be removed.
CourseUserLoadEnabled If this key is set to yes, when the Course and User load process runs, System Manager will parse the validation text files and insert them into the validation tables.

This key is set automatically when a new key is created for encrypting course and user data loads. Due the encryption nature of the key, the value is hidden and will appear as a blank space in the logs. 

CourseUserLoadReportEmailAddress Email address to send daily reports to regarding the Course and User load process. Leave this value blank if you do not want the reports to be sent.
CourseUserLoadRunNow Setting this key to Yes will force System Manager to run an off-schedule course user load and management within one minute, after which this key will be reset to No.
CourseUserLoadRunTime A comma-separated list of the times of day System Manager will perform its course and user load and management.
CourseUserLoadStatus Indicates if the System Manager is loading or managing course enrollment data. This value is read only.
CourseUserManagementEnabled If this key is set to yes, when the Course and User load process runs, courses and their enrollments will be updated based on validation data.
CourseUserValidation Table This table contains the following columns: Registrar Course Id, Library ID, User Type
CourseUserValidationDataPath Indicates the local path on the server where course and user validation text files are placed for loading.
CourseValidation Table This table contains the following columns: Registrar Course Id, External Course Id, Name, Course Code, Description, URL, Semester, Start Date, Stop Date, Department, Instructor, Course Number, Course Password, Max Copyright, Default Pickup Site, Course Enrollment
RemoveMissingCourseInstructors When managing course enrollment data, should Ares remove current instructors if they are not in the Enrollment Data?
UpdateCourseEnrollment When managing course enrollment data, should Ares update the course enrollment number based on the number of students in the enrollment data?
UserCreationEnabled If this key is set to yes, when the Course and User load process runs, users will be created from data in the UserValidation table.
UserValidation Table This table contains the following columns: Library ID, Username, Last Name, First Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, City, State, Zip, Department, Status, Email Address, Phone1, Phone2, User Type, Clear Text Password, Password Hint, Cleared, Expiration Date, Trusted, Auth Method, Course Email Default, External User Id, User Info 1, User Info 2, User Info 3, User Info 4, User Info 5


AcqAdvisementEmail Email address for sending requests to Acquisitions for item purchase.
EmailFromAddress Your reserve department email address. This is used as the ReplyTo address when sending emails from the system. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.
EmailFromAddressInstructor Your reserve department email address. This is used as the ReplyTo address when sending emails from the system to instructors. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.
EmailFromAddressRightsholder Your reserve department email address. This is used as the ReplyTo address when sending emails from the system to rightsholders. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.
EmailFromName Your reserve department name for outgoing emails. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.
EmailFromNameInstructor Your reserve department name for outgoing emails to instructors. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.
EmailFromNameRightsholder Your reserve department name for outgoing emails to rightsholders. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.
EmailPassword The SMTP password for sending emails from the system. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.
EMailRouting Table

Email Routing is a tool that allows you to use email templates in Ares to standardize communications between Reserves staff and Ares users while simultaneously routing items to the appropriate status. The Email Routing table contains any routing rules you have created for your Ares workflow. See Configuring Email Routing for further information.

This table contains the following columns: ERouting Name, Email Template, Default Status

EmailSendingInterval How often, in minutes, the System Manager should check for pending emails to send. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.
EmailSMTPPort The SMTP port used for sending emails from the system. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.

The SMTP server name for sending emails from the system. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.

EmailUsername The SMTP username for sending emails from the system. Note that all emails originate from the Ares web server where the System Manager service runs.
ReviewAcqAdviseEmail Should Reserve staff review and edit Acquisition Advisement emails before they are sent to the Acqusitions department?
SSLSMTP Set to Yes to enable SSL when sending emails


AnonymousUsageStatistics Individual item usage statistics can be gathered anonymously or show the user accessing the document. This key controls how those statistics are kept. Note that if you choose anonymous usage stats, the users who click on items in Ares are not logged anywhere, only that someone clicked it.
CancellationReasons Table

This table holds the cancellation reasons and notes that appear in the Item form and in the ItemCancellation email if sent. The reason for disavowal that displays on the user form and in the DisavowUser email template is also here. See Configuring Cancellation Reasons for more information.

CustomDropDown Table

This table holds the default dropdown fields that display on the web pages and forms within the client. See CustomDropDown Table for more information and for a list of default values.

Customization Table

The Customization table contains customization keys and values that have been added in various other tables in the Customization Manager. it is also used to add certain keys that may need to be created such as custom keys for configuring user request limits.

CustomQueues Table

The CustomQueues table contains any custom queues you have created for your workflow processing. See Creating Custom Queues & Creating Custom Flags for further information.

This table contains the following columns: Queue Name, Is Flag, Can Clone.

DocumentTypes Table

The DocumentTypes table contains a list of all acceptable file formats that Instructors can upload to Ares. See DocumentTypes Table for more information and for a list of default values.

LoanPeriods Table

Loan Periods indicate the length of time that a physical reserve item will be available to users accessing the item from the Reserves desk. This table contains the default loan period as well as any custom loan periods you have added. See Configuring Loan Periods for further information.

Routing Table

Routing Rules are logic statements in Ares that can be used to automatically move items from one status to another if the logic statement that applies is True. This table contains the routing rules you have created for your workflow processes. See Creating Routing Rules for further information.

SystemManagerAddonInterval The interval at which the System Manager should execute server addon scripts.


APIConfig Table This table contains the following columns: ID, APIKEY, BaseAPIUrl, Description
LTIConsumers Table This table allows you to configure Ares to integrate with a course/learning management system using LTI 1.1. It contains the following columns: Consumer Key, Shared Secret, Instructor Roles, Ares Web URL, Course Proxy Roles
LTIFieldMappings Table This table allows you to configure Ares to integrate with a course/learning management system using LTI 1.1. It contains the following columns: Ares Field Name, Ares Object Name, LTI Field Name
LTIKeys Table This table contains the keys used by Ares to maintain course/learning management system integrations using LTI 1.3. Entries in this table will be automatically generated by Ares upon connecting new CMS/LMS integrations. It contains the following columns: ID, Public Key, Private Key, Revoked, Created
LTIPlatforms Table This table allows you to configure Ares to integrate with a course/learning management system using LTI 1.3. It contains the following columns: ID, Authentication URL, Ares Web URL, Issuer, Client ID, Deployment ID, Key, Key Set URL, Instructor Roles, Course Proxy Roles
LTIPlatformMappings Table This table allows you to configure Ares to integrate with a course/learning management system using LTI 1.3. It contains the following columns: LTI Platform ID, Ares Field Name, Ares Object Name, LTI Field Name
WebServiceAgents Table This table contains the following columns: Agent

Item Cleanup

ItemActivationPendingProcessingInterval How often, in minutes, the System Manager should check for items pending activation that should be made available.
ItemCleanupEnabled Allow the System Manager to cleanup expired items. This key works in conjunction with ItemFileCleanupDelete to determine what happens to expired items.
ItemCleanupRunNow Setting this key to Yes will force System Manager to run an off-schedule item cleanup within one minute, after which this key will be reset to No.
ItemCleanupRunTime The time of day System Manager will perform its daily item cleanup.
ItemFileCleanupDelete Setting this key to Yes causes the System Manager to delete the files of items which have passed their inactive date.
ItemFileCleanupGraceDays Number of days to wait past the item's inactive date before deleting based on the ItemFileCleanupDelete setting.
ItemOrphanFileCleanupEnabled Allow the System Manager to cleanup orphaned files. If this is enabled the System Manager will clean up orphaned files every day at the specified time in the ItemOrphanFileCleanupRunTime key. Orphaned files are files that have been removed from the Items table but still have an entry in the ElectronicFiles table.
ItemOrphanFileCleanupRunNow Setting this key to Yes will force System Manager to run an off-schedule orphan file cleanup within one minute, after which this key will be reset to No.
ItemOrphanFileCleanupRunTime The time of day System Manager will perform its daily orphaned item cleanup.

Link Checker

LinkCheckerEnabled Do you want the System Manager to automatically perform link checking each night?
LinkCheckerHTTPCodeSuccess Comma-separated list of HTTP Codes that represent a successful link check.
LinkCheckerIgnoreDomains Comma-separated list of domains that Ares should ignore when the link checker processes
LinkCheckerNewLinksOnly Setting this to Yes will cause LinkChecker to check only new, modified, or failed item links when it runs.
LinkCheckerRunNow Setting this key to Yes will force System Manager to run an off-schedule link check within one minute, after which this key will be reset to No.
LinkCheckerRunTime The time of day System Manager will perform its daily link check.
LinkCheckerTimeout Timeout in seconds to wait for a response from a site when link checking.


CopyrightPermissionRequestDoc Filename of the Word document used to generate copyright permission letters.
PrintDocumentsPath File path for Word document templates. If left blank, the client will default to using the documents in the print directory of wherever Ares is running.
PrintItemDoc The filename of the Microsoft Word document to use when printing an item
StacksPrintDoc Word Doc used for printing pull slips.


DefaultPickupSite If a pickup site is not defined when creating or verifying items, the default pickup site and its corresponding processing location will be reset to this site code.
Sites Table

This table, located in the Sites section of the Customization Manager, contains the processing sites for your institution and the pickup locations you will use for physical items. See Configuring Processing Sites and Pickup Locations for further information.

Staff Client

AddonDirectory Addons are used from each staff workstation but can be synced/downloaded from a central directory. This value is the location of that directory on your local network. It can be a mapped drive (e.g. X:\ares\addons\) or a UNC path (e.g. \\localserver\ares\addons\).
RequirePasswordOnStaffSwitch Determines if staff are required to re-enter their username and password when switching between logged in accounts in the client.
SharedCustomSearchesPath The directory the client should check for saved custom search files. Typically this would be a mapped drive or UNC Path.


PurgeStudentTags Should personal tags be purged from Ares at the end of a semester?

Version Information

VersionClient The client version you should be using. This key is automatically updated when you obtain a new version of the client. This value is read only.
VersionCustomizationManager The Customization Manager version you should be using. This key is automatically updated when you obtain a new version of the customization manager. This value is read only.
VersionDLL The web DLL version you should be using. This key is automatically updated when you obtain a new version of the dll. This value is read only.
VersionStaffManager The Staff Manager version you should be using. This key is automatically updated when you obtain a new version of staff manager. This value is read only.
VersionSystemManager The System Manager version you should be using. This key is automatically updated when you obtain a new version of system manager. This value is read only.

Staff Authentication 


Regular Expression that staff passwords should adhere to. Staff administrators have the option to override password requirements when creating new staff accounts with initial password. The complexity requirement is enforced when a staff user changes their own password and optionally when changing another staff user's password.

Criteria: (8 characters: 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number), Example: ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$.

StaffPasswordExpirationDays  The StaffPasswordExpirationDays customization key has been added to set the number of days before a password expires for a Staff member. Default 180 days. 

A hashing customization key used to set the number of hash iterations when storing a staff password. The iterations store the hashed passwords as an algorithm for increased security. When a staff user logs in with a password, it will be compared with the hash algorithm to verify the password is correct before permitting clearance into Ares. If you wish to change the default iterations, it is highly recommended to contact support for the number of iterations that work best for the speed of your computer and the hash algorithm. Generally, hash iterations should not be set to less than 100,000. Default hash iterations 156,000.


The StaffPreviousPasswordCount, customization key will check the new password against a configurable number (default value: 4) of previous passwords for uniqueness when a staff user is changing his/her password. This will prevent staff users from reusing a previous password or rotating through similar passwords.

  • If the value is set to 4, then the user must have 4 unique passwords before an old password can be reused.

    Note: Ares will default to a value of 4 if 0 is entered into the key.

User Authentication  


AuthenticationMethod The default method for authentication users to the Ares System.

Determines if password expiration is enabled for users. Default: Yes.

UserPasswordExpirationDays The number of days before a password expires for a user. Default: 180 days. 
WebPasswordHashingIterations A hashing customization key used to set the number of hash iterations when storing a user password. The iterations store the hashed passwords as an algorithm for increased security. When a user logs in with a password, it will be compared with the hash algorithm to verify the password is correct before permitting clearance into Ares. If you wish to change the default iterations, it is highly recommended to contact support for the number of iterations that work best for the speed of your computer and the hash algorithm. Generally, hash iterations should not be set to less than 100,000. Default hash iterations 156,000.


CustomAuthNewAccount The custom html file to redirect to when a new LDAP account is created. Leave this value blank to send newly created users to the default Change User Information page.
LDAPBindStyle Valid values are OneStep or TwoStep authentication.
LDAPInitialBindDN The initial LDAP bind used for TwoStep authentication. This is in combination with LDAPInitialBindPassword and allows access to search the LDAP directory.
LDAPInitialBindPassword The initial LDAP bind's password used for TwoStep authentication. This is in combination with LDAPInitialBindDN and allows access to search the LDAP directory.
LDAPSearchFilter Only used for TwoStep authentication. Determines the user's DN from the UserID given on the login form. For Active Directory, this value is typically (sAMAccountName=$uid).
LDAPSearchPrefix For OneStep authentication, this is the LDAP search prefix (before the username provided at login).
LDAPSearchScope Valid values are Base, One, and SubTree. Most sites use SubTree.
LDAPSearchSuffix For OneStep authentication, this is the LDAP search sufffix (after the username provided at login). For TwoStep authentication, it determines the directory to search. This value can have multiple suffixes separated by | characters.
LDAPSecureSSL Turn on LDAP Secure SSL option (only if using LDAP authentication). The Ares DLL is looking for the key LDAPServerPort to determine what port number to use. If it isn't defined, the value of LDAPSecureSSL is taken into consideration to toggle between 636 and 389.
LDAPServerName LDAP Server Name/IP
LDAPServerPort LDAP Server Port Number
LDAPVersion LDAP Version


RemoteAuthSupport If enabled, your Ares dll will use remote authentication services. Remote authentication requires additional setup by that service (Shibboleth, CAS, CoSign, etc.).
RemoteAuthUserVariable The HTTP Server Variable that Ares can look at to identify the user. The default is HTTP_REMOTE_USER
RemoteAuthWebPath The local web path for the directory controlled by remote authentication. Only used if RemoteAuthSupport is set to Yes.


EnableUserValidationNewUsers Indicates if the User Validation tables should be used to populate the user record when authenticating non-registered users. Valid for LDAP and Remote Auth configurations.



CancellationAlertMessage Alert message displayed to user on web when cancelling an item. The cancellation alert only goes to the instructor for that course.
InstructorAlertAwaitingClearance Alert that is displayed to a user who registers as an instructor but is awaiting staff clearance.
UseInstructorAlertAwaitingClearance Toggles whether to send the InstructorAlertAwaitingClearance alert to a newly registered instructor.

Default Values

WebDefaultCity Default city when a user registers.
WebDefaultDepartment Default department when a user registers.
WebDefaultState Default state when a user registers.
WebDefaultStatusGroup Default status when a user registers
WebDefaultZip Default zip code when a user registers
WebInstructorSwitchUserMode HTML for switching to user mode when logged into the web as an instructor.
WebUserSwitchInstructorMode HTML for switching back to instructor mode when logged in as an instructor but viewing in student mode.


StaffProxyWebURL Ares URL used for staff proxies logging into the web as an instructor. This is typically needed if using RemoteAuth because that web folder is protected.

Item Modification Options


If set to No, edits on an Item will be limited after staff has processed the request. If set to No, use the WebStatusAllowEdit customization key to specify the statuses that allow editing.

WebStatusAllowEdit A list of comma separated statuses where Instructors may edit items on the website. This key is used in combination with WebEditAfterProcess. Items with a status that matches this key may be edited after they have been processed even if WebEditAfterProcess is set to No.


WebFormValues Table The WebFormValues table is not used in Ares. It will be removed from the Customization Manager in a future version of Ares.


MessageBoardNewThreadRedirect After posting a new thread, users can be redirected to either the thread they just created or the course message board.



If a site has placed values in the OpenURLDestinations table, they can send a request from the client to any external system to be filled, including ILLiad, via OpenURL.

This table contains the following columns: Destination, Destination URL, Destination Status


The OpenURLMapping table is pre-seeded with a setup that should work with most default OpenURL systems. If you need to change the behavior of how OpenURL interprets certain fields or genres, this is where you can make those changes.

The OpenURLMapping table consists of the following columns: ID, URL_Ver, rfr_id, Ares Action, Ares Field Name, Open URL Field Values, Ares Value


WorldcatISBNPrefix The prefix that is used for creating ISBN links to OpenWorldcat
WorldcatISSNPrefix  The prefix that is used for creating ISSN links to OpenWorldcat


AresDocPath The relative URL to Ares documents on the webserver. Typically this is a value of docs/ so that the URL would be something like for the directory that contains reserve items.
AresPhysicalDocPath  Physical location of Ares documents for the web server. This allows you to store the Ares items on another physical drive of the web server from where the web directory is and use a virtual directory to map to it.
TempUploadPath Temporary path on the Ares web server used when uploading documents.


ProxyDefault Controls the default value of the proxy checkbox for Web Page Link items.
ProxyPrefix Your proxy server prefix. This can only have one value and determines if items submitted with this prefix are automatically checked as proxy web links.
UseProxy Do you use proxy server which has a proxy prefix to access campus licensed documents? This key is used in combination with the ProxyPrefix.


RSSCourseItemsChannelDescription This is the RSS Channel Description that shows under the title bar.
RSSCourseItemsChannelTitle This is the RSS Channel Title that shows in bold at the top of the RSS feed page.
RSSCSS CSS URL to use when displaying an RSS file
RSSDocs Docs value in an RSS file
RSSMaxNewItems Maximum Number of Items that show in New Course Items RSS Feeds


AllowPublicItemSearch This key must be set to Yes if you want to allow users who are not logged into the system to search amongst your Reserve Items.
AresAuthUserRegistrationEnabled Determines if new user registrations can be created via standard Ares authentication (AresAuth) from the web interface.


The Captcha provider used to verify new users. This value may be None, reCaptcha_v2_Checkbox, reCaptcha_v2_Invisible, reCaptcha_v3, hCaptcha, or MTCaptcha.
CaptchaSecret The Secret Key associated with your Captcha Provider.
CaptchaSiteID The Site ID associated with your Captcha Provider.
DisplayStatuses Table The OpenURLMapping table consists of the following columns: ID, Item Status, Web Display Status
HotListName The name for the hot list students can use on the web interface (e.g. Hot List, My Favorite Items, etc.).
PasswordResetMinutes Number of minutes before a password reset URL becomes invalid
StatusDoNotAllowDelete Comma-separated list of statuses to not allow instructors to delete their items.
UseHotList Toggles whether you wish to use the hotlist on the web interface.

Configures the SameSite value on the session cookie to allow persisting the SessionID for users navigating from an external system to the Ares web pages. This key can have three possible values:

  • None (default): Sets the SameSite cookie property to None allowing users to skip the Ares login screen if the external site has been configured to use HTTPS.

    Note: If the external site is configured to use HTTP, the SameSite cookie will be set to Lax even if this key is set to None.
  • Lax: Sets the SameSite cookie property to Lax allowing users to skip the Ares login screen if the external site is under the same domain as the Ares web pages.
  • Strict: Sets the SameSite cookie property to Strict forcing users to login into Ares from any external site even if it is under the same domain as the Ares web pages.
WebLogoutURL HTML file or URL to be displayed when logging out of the Ares web interface.
WebRedirectProtocol Ares will occasionally utilize web redirects internally. If you are using an SSL certificate, set the value of this key to HTTPS so that users will not be affected in the event of a redirect.
WebServer Web server DNS name or IP
WebServiceURL The URL for the Ares Web Service
WebSessionMinutes The number of minutes before a user's web session expires.
WebUsePasswordHint Do you want to supply users with a password hint if they enter an invalid password?

User Clearance

AutoClearStatuses User statuses that will not need to be cleared by staff. Statuses should be comma delimited. If you want to auto-clear all non-faculty statuses, set the key to 'NonFaculty'.  If you want to auto-clear all users, including faculty, set the key to 'All'.
ClearCustomerInstructorStatuses Comma-separated list of statuses that default to having instructor privileges.

User Modification Options

WebUserCanChangeFirstName Can users change their first name on the Change User Information page?
WebUserCanChangeLastName Can users change their last name on the Change User Information page?
WebUserCanChangeLibraryID Can users change their LibraryID on the Change User Information page?
WebUserCanChangeStatus Can users change their status on the Change User Information page?


WebValidation Table

The Ares web pages have some form fields that are marked by default as "required." The WebValidation table, accessible under Web | Validation, stores the fields that you require your users to populate.

Web Status Lines


SLAlertDeleted Status Line that is displayed when a user deletes an alert.


SLChangeCourseInfoSucceeded Status line that is displayed when an instructor edits a course.
SLCourseAuthorizationRequired Status Line that is displayed when a user not on the list of authorized users for a course attempts to sign up via the web interface.
SLCourseSubscribe Status line that is displayed when a user successfully subscribes to a course's email alerts.
SLCourseUnsubscribe Status line that is displayed when a user successfully unsubscribes from a course's email alerts.
SLCreateCourseError Status Line that is displayed when an error occurs while creating a new course
SLCrossListError Status line that is displayed when an error occurs on the cross-listing page
SLDeniedCourseID Status line that is shown when a user is not associated with a course when attempting to view course information, course tags, remove a course user, build the course spreadsheet (when not an instructor).
SLInstructorCourseAdd Status line that is displayed when an instructor successfully adds a new course.
SLInstructorCourseClone Status line that is displayed when an instructor successfully adds a new course via cloning.
SLInstructorCoursePermissionDenied Status Line that is displayed when a user tries to perform an instructor-related function to a course without proper permissions.
SLInstructorDeleteCourse Status line that is displayed when an instructor deletes a course.
SLInstructorNoAvailableCourses Status line that is displayed when an instructor attempts to add an OpenURL link but has no available courses.

File Uploads

SLChooseUploadFile Status line that is displayed when an instructor adds a new item which they will upload to the system
SLFileUploadFailure Status line that is displayed when an error is encountered during a file upload.
SLFileUploadPermissionError Status line that is displayed when a user attempts to upload an item into a course they do not have access to.
SLFileUploadSuccess Status line that is displayed when a file is successfully uploaded to the system.


SLMainMenu Status Line that is shown on the Main Menu.


SLDeniedItemID Status line that is shown when a user is not authorized to view an item or item information (not associated with the course), or when not associated with the course trying to export RIS information. 
SLFileIDNotFound Status line that is displayed when a file requested using a permanent link cannot be found.
SLHotListItemAdd Status line that is displayed when a user successfully adds items to their Hot List.
SLHotListItemRemove Status line that is displayed when a user successfully deletes items from their Hot List.
SLImportItems Status line that is displayed when an instructor imports items from a previous course.
SLInstructorDeleteItem Status line that is displayed when an instructor deletes an item.
SLInstructorSubmitItemSuccess Status Line when an Item is successfully submitted to Ares.
SLInvalidFileID Status Line that is displayed when a user tries to access an invalid file
SLInvalidItemDeleteStatus Status line that is displayed when an instructor attempts to delete an item that is in a "Do Not Touch" status.
SLInvalidItemEditStatus Status line that is displayed when an instructor attempts to modify an item that is in a "Do Not Touch" status.
SLInvalidItemID Status Line that is displayed when a user tries to access an invalid item
SLItemModified Status line that is displayed when an item has been changed successfully.
SLItemNotAvailable Status line that is shown when a user is authorized to view an item but it is not yet available.
SLItemPLinkNotFound Status line that is displayed when an item URL requested using a permanent link cannot be found.


SLLogon Status line that is displayed when a user accesses the dll without a web session.
SLSessionTimeOut Status line that is displayed when a user's web session has expired.



Status line that is displayed when a customer attempts to log into the system with the incorrect username or password.

Example: Login failed. Please check your username and password before trying again.

SLPasswordChanged Status line that is displayed when a user successfully changes their password.
SLPasswordHint Status line that precedes the User's password hint when they enter an invalid password.
SLResetPasswordAuthTypeInvalid Status line that is displayed when a user tries to reset their password if they do not use Ares authentication.

Status line displayed when a user attempts to login with an expired password. Default value: 'Your password is expired. Please update your password.'


SLApplySharedList Status Line that is displayed when a shared list is applied to a course.
SLChangeSharedListInfoSucceeded Status line that is displayed when an instructor edits a shared list.
SLCreateSharedListError Status line that is displayed when an error occurs while creating a new shared list.
SLDeniedSharedListID Status line that is displayed when a user attempts to view an Instructor shared list for which they are not either the instructor or a full proxy for the instructor.
SLDisassociateSharedList Status Line that is displayed when a shared list has been disassociated from a course.
SLInstructorDeleteSharedList Status line that is displayed when an instructor deletes a shared list.
SLInstructorDeleteSharedListItem Status line that is displayed when an instructor deletes a shared list item.
SLInstructorSharedListAdd Status line that is displayed when an instructor successfully adds a new shared list.
SLInstructorSharedListPermissionDenied Status line that is displayed when a user tries to perform an instructor-related function to a shared list without proper permissions.
SLInvalidSharedListID Status line that is displayed when the shared list ID is invalid.


SLAuthServerFailure Status Line that is displayed when there is an error connecting to the Authentication server
SLCaptchaFailure Status Line that is displayed when a user fails the CAPTCHA challenge during user registration.
SLChangeUserInfoErrors Status Line that is shown on the Main Menu.
SLChangeUserInfoSucceeded Status Line that is shown on the Main Menu.
SLChangeUserOpen Status line that is displayed when a user is changing their user information.
SLInvalidCourseProxyUsername Status Line that is displayed when an invalid username is submitted to be a course proxy.
SLInvalidFullProxyUsername Status Line that is displayed when an invalid username is submitted to be a full proxy.
SLLibraryIDInUse Status line that is displayed if a new user attempts to register with a library ID already being used by another user.
SLRegistrationErrors Status Line that is displayed when a user cancels the Ares registration process.
SLUserBlocked Status line that is displayed when a user has been blocked from using Ares.
SLUsernameInUse Status Line that is displayed when a user tries to register a username that is already in the Ares database.

Status Line that is displayed if user registration has been disabled using the AresAuthUserRegistrationEnabled key.


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