This page lists all the keys and tables available in the Aeon Customization Manager.
Contact Information
LocalInfo Table | See The Local Info Table for more information about this table. |
AutoProcessZeroBalanceInvoices | When set to yes, generating a $0 invoice will cause the Awaiting Order Approval and Awaiting Order Billing steps to be skipped, and the request will move directly to Awaiting Item Delivery. |
CreditCardTransactionsDescription | The description used when sending Credit Card Processing transactions. |
PaymentProvider | Specifies the payment provider used for credit card processing. Valid values are, PayPal, or SagePay. Default value: 'Aeon-'. |
PaymentProviderMerchantId | The ID or login for your merchant account with your payment provider. |
PaymentProviderPrefix | Specifies the prefix used when submitting transaction identifiers to Touchnet. This provides a way to identify that a payment originated from Aeon. |
PaymentProviderResponseToken | The identity token provided by your payment provider to authenticate responses if the provider uses different tokens for requests and responses. |
PaymentProviderTestModeEnabled | Determines if requests sent to your credit card payment provider use test mode. |
PaymentProviderToken | The identity token provided by your payment provider to authenticate requests. |
PaymentProviderURL | The URL used to communicate with your payment provider. |
Electronic Delivery
DaysBeforeElectronicDeliveryCleanup | Number of days before electronic delivery files are deleted from the server. |
EmailFromAddress | The default "From" address for all emails sent from the system that will be used if the General Email Address field is blank in the LocalInfo Table. |
EmailFromName | The default "From" name for all emails sent from the system that will be used if the General Contact Name field is blank in the LocalInfo Table. |
EmailSecure | Determines if SMTP server requires SSL. |
EmailSMTPPort | Port used for sending emails from System Manager service on the server. Defaults to port 25. |
EmailSMTPServer | SMTP server used for sending emails from System Manager service on the server. |
SMTPPassword | The password used for sending emails (using the System Manager service). |
SMTPUserID | The user id used for sending emails (using the System Manager service). |
AddonDirectory |
Optionally specifies a central addon repository via UNC path or mapped drive. If present, Aeon will update its local addon directory with newer versions from this location. For more information, see Addon Locations in the Atlas addon documentation.
CloneScheduledDateInClient | Determines if the scheduled date is copied while cloning transactions in the desktop client. Default value is set to "No". |
CustomDropDown Table | See The Custom Drop-Down Table for more information about this table. |
CustomFieldDefinitions Table | See Unlimited Custom Fields for more information about this table. |
CustomFlags Table | See The Custom Flags Table for more information about this table. |
Customization Table | See The Customization Table for more information about this table. |
DocumentTypeOptions | Pipe-delimited list of possible document type values to choose in the desktop client. These should match the values from submitted requests. |
FutureRoutingDays |
The number of days prior to the scheduled date when future requests are moved to Awaiting Request Processing
Tip: To have all requests immediately enter Awaiting Request Processing, set the value of this key to 0.
ItemCheckoutSecurityPrompt | Determines whether the staff user is prompted with a warning in the desktop client when checking out an item to someone who is not signed into a reading room. |
PrintCallslipDocs | Filename of the request pick slip printing template. |
PrintDigitizationRequestDocs | Filename of the print digitization request template document. |
PrintDocumentsPath | Default path for Word documents (for auto-opening). |
PrintInvoiceDocs | Filename of the print invoice template document. |
PrintInvoiceStatementDocs | Filename of the print invoice statement template document. |
PrintRequestDocs | Filename of the print request template document. |
PrintSettingsPath | Path to the file that contains the settings for print query sorting and filtering. If blank, this will default to the Aeon\Print directory under the user's My Documents folder. |
PrintUserDocs | Filename of the print user template document. |
ReasonsForCancellation Table | See The Reasons For Cancellation Table for more information about this table. |
ScheduledDateMinimumDays | Determines the minimum enabled date for the Scheduled Date calendar for web request forms, in terms of days after the submission of a web request form. Default value 0. |
ScheduledDateMaximumDays | Determines the maximum enabled date for the Scheduled Date calendar for web request forms, in terms of days after the submission of a web request form. Default value 0. |
ScheduledDateDefaultSchedule | Determines the weekdays that should be enabled by default for the Scheduled Date calendar for web request forms. Default values Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. |
SendUserAddedToActivityEmail | Whether or not an email should be sent to users when they are added to an activity. |
SharedCustomSearchesPath | The directory the desktop client should check for saved custom search files. |
SystemManagerAddonInterval | The interval at which the System Manager should execute server addon scripts. |
UserExpiration | The default number of days to add to the current date when calculating a new user's expiration date. This key is used when no status specific UserExpiration key is found. |
UserValidation | Determines if the web verifies against the UserValidation table to pre-populate user information for new registrants. |
WebCancelAfterProcess | Whether or not users should be able to cancel a request after it has been processed. |
SystemWebPlatformConfig | The ID of the WebPlatformConfig record that defines the webservice URL and API key for your Aeon system. |
WebPlatformConfig Table | See The WebPlatformConfig Table for more information about this table. |
Password Expiration
StaffPasswordComplexity |
Regular expression that staff passwords should adhere to. Staff administrators have the option to override password requirements when creating new staff accounts with an initial password. The default criteria will require that passwords contain at least 8 characters with at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 number. Defalt value: ^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$ |
StaffPasswordExpirationDays | The number of days before a password expires for a staff member. Default value is 180 days. |
StaffPasswordHashingIterations | A hashing customization key used to set the number of hash iterations when storing a staff password. Passwords utilize the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) hashing strategies. The iterations store the hashed passwords as an algorithm for increased security. When a staff user logs in with a password, it will be compared with the hash algorithm to verify the password is correct before permitting clearance into Aeon. If you wish to change the default iterations, it is highly recommended to contact support for the number of iterations that work best for the speed of your computer and the hash algorithm. Generally, hash iterations should not be set to less than 100,000. Default hash iterations 156,000. |
StaffPreviousPasswordCount |
The StaffPreviousPasswordCount, customization key will check the new password against a configurable number (default value: 4) of previous passwords for uniqueness when a staff user is changing his/her password. This will prevent staff users from reusing a previous password or rotating through similar passwords.
UserPasswordExpirationDays |
The UserPasswordExpirationDays customization key has been added to set the number of days before a password expires for a user. Default 180 days. |
UserPasswordExpirationEnabled |
The UserPasswordExpirationEnabled customization key has been added to enable user password expiration. The default is set to Yes. |
WebPasswordHashingIterations |
A hashing customization key used to set the number of hash iterations when storing a user password. Passwords utilize the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) hashing strategies. The iterations store the hashed passwords as an algorithm for increased security. When a user logs in with a password, it will be compared with the hash algorithm to verify the password is correct before permitting clearance into Aeon. If you wish to change the default iterations, it is highly recommended to contact support for the number of iterations that work best for the speed of your computer and the hash algorithm. Generally, hash iterations should not be set to less than 100,000. Default hash iterations 156,000. |
Reference Requests
ReferenceRequestEmailAddress | The default email address used in the "From" field for outgoing reference request emails. |
ReferenceRequestEmailName | The default name used in the "From" field for outgoing reference request emails. |
ReferenceRequestImportActive | Controls whether importing reference requests from email is enabled. |
ReferenceRequestImportInterval | How often, in seconds, System Manager should import reference request emails. The maximum frequency is every 30 seconds. |
ReferenceRequestImportPassword | The password used to login to the mail account from which reference requests will be imported. |
ReferenceRequestImportPopHost | The name of the POP mail server from which reference requests will be imported. |
ReferenceRequestImportPopPort | The port of the POP mail server from which reference requests will be imported. |
ReferenceRequestImportSSLEnabled | Determines if the requirement for SSL should be enabled or disabled for POP server. Default value is set to 'Yes'. |
ReferenceRequestImportUserID | The user id used to login to the mail account from which reference requests will be imported. |
RoutingOn | Determines if the system should check against the Routing table for any alternate processing when changing transaction statuses. |
AeonAuthUserRegistrationEnabled | Determines if new user registrations can be created via standard Aeon authentication (AeonAuth) from the web interface. |
AutoExpireUsers | Determines if the system should automatically expire users. The system will set the cleared value of expired users to the value specified by the 'AutoExpireUsersClearedValue' key. |
AutoExpireUsersClearedValue | Cleared value that System Manager sets for expired users. This value is not used if the 'AutoExpireUsers' key is set to 'No'. |
CaptchaProvider |
The Captcha provider used to verify new users. This value may be None, reCaptcha_v2_Checkbox, reCaptcha_v2_Invisible, reCaptcha_v3, hCaptcha, or MTCaptcha. |
CaptchaSecret | The Secret Key associated with your Captcha Provider. |
CaptchaSiteID | The Site ID associated with your Captcha Provider. |
HelpWebURL | URL to the web help index. |
RenewedUsersClearedValue | The cleared status for expired users is set to this key-value after they review and update their user information. This value is not used unless the 'AutoExpireUsersClearedValue' key is set to 'EXP'. Additional accepted values include "Yes" and "No". |
ServerTimeZoneId | A string that identifies the server's locale. This is used to ensure all client applications work with the same time zone as the server. |
StaffLoginAttemptsBeforeLock |
The StaffLoginAttemptsBeforeLock, customization key sets a maximum number (default 6 attempts) of failed login attempts before a staff account is locked out. When set to less than 1, the number of attempts will default to 6. A locked account can't be used until the password is reset by another staff member with access to the Staff Manager. Note that this key will also apply to AtlasBI. |
VersionAeonApi | The current version of the Aeon Web API. |
VersionClient | The current version of the Aeon Desktop Client. |
VersionCustomizationManager | The current version of the Aeon Customization Manager. |
VersionDLL | The current version of the Aeon Web DLL. |
VersionStaffManager | The current version of the Aeon Staff Manager. |
VersionSystem | The current version of the Aeon Server. |
VersionSystemManager | The current version of the Aeon System Manager. |
VersionWebClient | The current version of the Aeon Web Client. |
VersionWebPlatform | The current version of the Aeon Web Platform. |
Web Interface
Archival Requests
ArchivalRequestContainerRestricted | The message that will be shown next to archival containers on ArchivalRequest.html that are restricted and cannot be requested. |
ArchivalRequestOffsiteContainerMessage | The message that will be shown next to archival containers on ArchivalRequest.html that have an offsite building name as specified in the ArchivalRequestOffsiteLocations key. |
ArchivalRequestOffsiteLocations |
A semicolon-separated list of archival building names that are offsite. The names configured in this customization key should match the name of the buildings as they are configured in the instance_top_container_location_building setting in ArchivesSpace.
DLLEmailNewUserTemplateName | The name of the template to use when sending a new user registration email from the DLL. |
DLLEmailPasswordResetTemplateName | Template name for web password reset email sent to the customer. |
RemoteAuthSupport | Yes/No value to determine if web authentication is getting a username from a remote system. |
RemoteAuthUserVariable | The variable passed if RemoteAuthSupport is set to Yes. This value contains the username that will be used by Aeon. |
RemoteAuthWebLogoutURL | The URL or a local file to display when a user logs out of the Aeon web directory controlled by remote authentication. |
RemoteAuthWebPath | The local web path for the directory controlled by remote authentication. Only used if RemoteAuthSupport is set to Yes. |
SendNewAuthConfirmationEmail | Whether or not an email should be sent to users after remote auth registration. |
SendNewUserConfirmationEmail | Whether or not an email should be sent to users after registration. |
UserValidation Table | |
WebAuthType | The type of authentication used for web users. This value may be LDAP, PatronAPI, AeonExclusive, Aeon or RemoteAuth. |
WebDefaultBillingCategory | The default billing category for new customers. |
WebDefaultCity | The default city to display on the user registration page. |
WebDefaultCountry | The default country to display on the user registration page. |
WebDefaultDepartment | The default department to display on the user registration page. |
WebDefaultNotifyGroup | The default value for the Notification Method drop-down on the user registration page. |
WebDefaultState | The default state to display on the user registration page. |
WebDefaultStatus | The default value for the Status drop-down on the user registration page. |
WebDefaultZip | The default postal code to display on the user registration page. |
WebHomePage |
The Aeon page that functions as the Home page. Can be:
WebLogoutURL | This value can be a local page or a URL starting with http:// |
WebNotesFilter | A comma-separated list of the note types from the Notes table that are filtered out of the Notes Information in the DLL view. The default value is Lender, System so Lender notes and System notes will not show to the end user. |
WebNoTitleText | The text that will display on web pages if an item has no provided title. |
EADMapping Table |
See The EADMapping Table for more information about this table. |
EADProhibitDTD |
Determines whether Aeon will prevent expansion of XML document type definitions when processing EADs. See Submitting Requests via EAD Finding Aids for more detailed guidance on setting the value of this key. |
GroupRequestsByLocation |
When EAD requests are submitted, this key controls whether items that share a container are grouped into a single request. If set to No, each selected item will be treated as an individual request. |
SubmitEadRequestsUpToRequestLimit |
If this key is set to Yes, EAD requests will be submitted one by one for processing until the request limit is reached, and the remainder will be sent to User Review. |
AutoUpdateExpiration | Determines if the user's expiration date is updated anytime they update their user information. |
SecondaryAddressActive | Determines if the secondary address is used within the system (on the web). |
StaffProxyWebURL | Aeon URL used for staff proxies logging into the web as a patron. This is typically needed if using RemoteAuth because that web folder is protected. |
UseSecondaryAddress | Determines if secondary address is enabled for users when setting up a new account. |
WebURL | The URL of the Aeon system. This value should have a trailing / but not have an HTML or DLL extension. |
InnopacPatronAPIAddress | URL for Innopac PatronAPI server (that is normally appended with a port). |
InnopacPatronAPIAutoClear | Determines if new users are automatically cleared when validated through Innopac PatronAPI logon. |
InnopacPatronAPIExclusive | Determines if users should be allowed to register if not cleared via PatronAPI server. Exclusive means users must pass all PatronAPI requirements. |
InnopacPatronAPIExpireDate | Determines if the user must not be expired in PatronAPI server to use the system. |
InnopacPatronAPIExpireDateFormat | Value used to override Delphi ShortDateFormat. May be required for systems that operate in mixed date-format environments. |
InnopacPatronAPIExpireDateRegExp | String formatted date of expiration. The format may be overridden by InnopacPatronAPIExpireDateFormat. |
InnopacPatronAPIField | The field from the Users table used to validate against the record in the PatronAPI server. |
InnopacPatronAPIFineAmountRegExp | Resolves the fine amount to a (string) float. |
InnopacPatronAPIFineBlock | Determines if users should be denied access based off of fines for their patron types. |
InnopacPatronAPIFineBlock0 | The max number of fines (in dollars) allowed before blocking access for patron type of 0. These are sample entries and you may need to create more if you are using FineBlocks. |
InnopacPatronAPIFineBlock1 | The max number of fines (in dollars) allowed before blocking access for patron type of 1. These are sample entries and you may need to create more if you are using FineBlocks. |
InnopacPatronAPIFineBlock2 | The max number of fines (in dollars) allowed before blocking access for patron type of 2. These are sample entries and you may need to create more if you are using FineBlocks. |
InnopacPatronAPIPatronTypeRegExp | Resolves the patron type to a number. The actual value is a string. |
WebFormValues Table |
LDAPBindStyle | Valid values are OneStep or TwoStep authentication. |
LDAPInitialBindDN | Used for TwoStep LDAP Authentication. |
LDAPInitialBindPassword | Used for TwoStep LDAP Authentication. |
LDAPPortNo | The port number to connect to for non-SSL LDAP authentication. |
LDAPSearchFilter | Determines the user's DN from the UserID given on the login form. |
LDAPSearchPrefix | The prefix before the Aeon username when building the string to bind against the LDAP server. |
LDAPSearchScope | Valid values are Base, One, and SubTree. |
LDAPSearchSuffix | The suffix after the Aeon username when building the string to bind against the LDAP server. If you need to attempt to bind against multiple directories, you can enter several suffixes separated by | characters. |
LDAPSecureSSL | Turn on LDAP Secure SSL option (only if using LDAP authentication). |
LDAPSecureSSLPort | Port for LDAP Secure SSL option (only if using LDAP authentication). |
LDAPServerName | The LDAP server name used for LDAP authentication. |
LDAPVersion | The version of LDAP to use. This defaults to 3. |
RequestLimit | The request limit of active requests for any user. If set to 0, there is no request limit. |
UserRequestLimit | Determines if individual user request limits are checked before using system request limits. |
OpenURLMapping Table | See The OpenURL Mapping Table for more information about this table. |
WebUsePasswordHint | Do you want to offer a password hint to customers who have forgotten their password? |
Scheduled Date
ScheduledClosures | For more information on this table see Blackout Date Calendar for Aeon Requests. |
ScheduledDateDefaultSchedule | Determines the weekdays that should be enabled by default for the Scheduled Date calendar for web request forms. |
ScheduledDateMaximumDays | Determines the maximum enabled date for the Scheduled Date calendar for web request forms, in terms of days after the submission of a web request form. |
ScheduledDateMinimumDays | Determines the minimum enabled date for the Scheduled Date calendar for web request forms, in terms of days after the submission of a web request form. |
Status Lines
SLActiveRequests | Displays on page listing X most recent active requests. |
SLActiveRequestsUnlimited |
Displays on page when user has no limit on active requests and the UserRequestLimit is set to 'Yes'. Default value: "You have been granted unlimited requests by your Aeon administrator."
SLActiveRequestsWithLimit |
Displays on page listing 'X' most recent active requests.
SLActivityAssociateError | The web status line that appears when a patron tries to view an activity they are not associated with. |
SLAppointmentAssociationError | The web status line that appears when a patron tries to view an appointment they are not associated with. |
SLAppointmentCancelDenied | The web status line that is shown when a user attempts to cancel an appointment they are unable to cancel. |
SLAppointmentCancelled | The web status line that is shown when a user cancels an appointment. |
SLAppointmentRequired | The web status line that appears when a request is submitted without a required appointment. |
SLAppointmentSubmitted | The web status line that is shown when a user creates an appointment. |
SLBillingAccounterror | Displays if a patron tries to assign a billing account that is not assigned to them or their researcher to a transaction. |
SLBlocked | The web status line that appears on the logon page when a user is blocked and attempts to log on. |
SLCaptchaFailure | Status Line that is displayed when a user fails the CAPTCHA challenge during user registration. |
SLChangeUserOpen | The web status line that appears on the Change User Information form before making any changes. |
SLDisavowed | The web status line that is shown when a disavowed user tries to log in. |
SLDuplicateRequest | The web status line that appears when a duplicate request is submitted. |
SLEADRequestsReceived | The web status line that appears on the main menu after a user submits EAD request(s) for processing. |
SLEADRequestsReceivedUserReview | The web status line that appears on the main menu after a user submits EAD request(s) kept in user review. |
SLEditAppointment | The web status line that is shown on the Appointment edit page. |
SLEditAppointmentDenied | The web status line that is shown when a user attempts to edit an appointment they are unable to edit. |
SLEditAppointmentInvalid | The web status line that is shown when a user attempts to edit an appointment that has been cancelled or already occurred. |
SLEditRequest | The web status line that appears on the edit request form before making any changes. |
SLEditRequestDenied | The web status line that appears on the detailed request form if a user attempts to edit a request that no longer allows it. |
SLInvalidAppointment | The web status line that is shown when a request is submitted with a nonexistent appointment, or one with which the user is not associated. |
SLInvalidAppointmentDate |
This status line was deprecated in Aeon 5.2 and replaced with the new SLRequestViolatesMinLeadDays and SLRequestViolatesMaxLeadDays status lines.
The web status line that is shown when a request is submitted with an appointment date within the Minimum Lead Days setting for the associated reading room. |
SLInvalidFieldLength | The web status line that appears when a patron submits a value that would exceed the maximum number of characters for that field. |
SLInvalidResetID | The web status line that is shown when an invalid password reset token is used. |
SLInvalidRSSID | The web status line that is shown when an invalid ID is used to open an RSS feed. |
SLInvalidScheduledDate | The web status line that appears on the detailed request form if a user attempts to enter an invalid scheduled date. |
SLLogon | The web status line that appears on the logon2.html page if a user links directly to the aeon.dll file. |
SLLogonError | The web status line that appears when there is an error processing a user's logon. |
SLLogout | The web status line that appears on the logon page after a user successfully logs out of the system. |
SLMainMenu | The web status line that appears on the main menu after logging into the web. |
SLMultipleRequestsCancelled | The web status line that appears on the main menu after a user cancels multiple requests. |
SLNotificationOwnersipError | The web status line that appears when a patron navigates to a notification that they are not associated with. |
SLPasswordChanged | The web status line that appears after the user successfully changes his or her password. |
SLPasswordCurrentIncorrect | The web status line that appears on the Change Password form if the current password is not correct. |
SLPasswordHint | The web status line that appears on the logon page if the user enters an incorrect password for that username and WebUsePasswordHint is set to Yes. |
SLPasswordIncorrect | The web status line that appears on the logon page if the user attempts to login with an invalid username and password. The default verbiage is set to say "Login failed. Please check your username and password before trying again.". |
SLPasswordResetEmailConfirmation | Displays after the email has been sent for a password reset. |
SLPasswordResetEmailError | Displays when there is an error building the password reset email. |
SLPasswordsNotMatch | The web status line that appears on the registration or change password page if the passwords do not match. |
SLPatronAPIConnectFailed | The web status line that appears on the logon page if the Patron API server cannot be reached. |
SLPatronAPIFinesExceeded | The web status line that appears on the logon page if the patron has exceeded the fines limit. |
SLPatronAPIInvalidPatronType | The web status line that appears on the logon page if the patron is blocked due to an invalid patron type. |
SLPatronAPIPatronRecordExpired | The web status line that appears on the logon page if the patron record has expired. |
SLPatronAPIUserNotFound | The web status line that appears on the logon page if the user is not found on the Patron API server. |
SLPaymentConfirmed | The web status line that appears on the Order Approvals page when a payment has been confirmed. |
SLPaymentError | The web status line that appears on the payment page when payment could not be completed. |
SLPDFDelete | The web status line that appears after deleting an electronically delivered item. |
SLPDFUndeleted | The web status line that appears after undeleting an electronically delivered item. |
SLReadingRoomAssociationError | The web status line that appears on the saved requests page when attempting to submit requests for a reading room that the requests cannot be associated with due to conflicting site values. |
SLRequestCancelDenied | The web status line that appears on the detailed request form if the item cannot be cancelled. |
SLRequestCancelled | The web status line that appears on the main menu after a user cancels a request. |
SLRequestCopy | The web status line that appears on the main menu when a user requests a copy of an item that is checked out or on hold. |
SLRequestLimitMet | Displays if a customer attempts to fill out a request but has already reached the request limit. Only appears if RequestLimit is set to something other than 0. |
SLRequestReceived | The web status line that appears on the main menu after a user successfully submits a new request. |
SLRequestReceivedBillingExempt | The web status line that appears on the main menu after a user successfully submits a new photoduplication request when their billing category is 'Exempt.' |
SLRequestReceivedSkipEstimate | The web status line that appears on the main menu after a user successfully submits a new request when the order estimate process is skipped. |
SLRequestReceivedUserReview | The web status line that appears on the main menu after a user submits a new request while selecting the keep in review option. |
SLRequestReceivedWithEstimate | The web status line that appears after submitting a photoduplication request unless skipping the estimate step. |
SLRequestRemovedFromHold | The web status line that appears on the main menu after a user removes a request from On Hold. |
SLRequestViolatesMinLeadDays | The web status line that appears when a request is submitted for an appointment inside the Request Minimum Lead Days setting of the associated reading room |
SLRequestViolatesMaxLeadDays | The web status line that appears when a request is submitted for an appointment outside the Request Maximum Lead Days of the associated reading room |
SLSessionInvalid | The web status line that is shown when an invalid web session token is used. |
SLSessionTimeout | The web status line that is shown when an expired web session token is used. |
SLShowActivities | The web status line that appears when viewing the list of activities. |
SLShowActivity | The web status line that appears when viewing an activity. |
SLShowAppointment | The web status line that is shown when displaying an appointment. |
SLShowAppointments | The web status line that appears when viewing the list of appointments. |
SLArchivalRequest | The web status line that appears when showing the archival request form. |
SLShowCancelledDetail | The web status line that is shown when displaying a request from the Cancelled Requests page. |
SLShowChangePassword | The web status line that appears on the Change Password form. |
SLShowCheckedOutDetail | The web status line that is shown when displaying a request from the Checked Out page. |
SLShowCreditCard | The web status line that appears when viewing the Credit Card Payment page. |
SLShowDetail | The web status line that is shown when displaying a request from the All Requests page. |
SLShowDetailedInfo | The web status line that appears on the main menu above the list of requests. |
SLShowElectronicDelivery | The web status line that appears when viewing the list of electronically delivered items. |
SLShowElectronicDeliveryUndelete | The web status line that appears when viewing the list of electronically delivered items that have been deleted. |
SLShowHistoryDetail | The web status line that is shown when displaying a request from the History Requests page. |
SLShowNotifications | The web status line that is shown when displaying the notifications page. |
SLShowOrderBilling | The web status line that appears when viewing the list of orders to approve. |
SLShowOrderEstimates | The web status line that appears when viewing the list of order estimates. |
SLShowOutstandingDetail | The web status line that is shown when displaying a request from the Outstanding Requests page. |
SLShowRequest | The web status line that appears on a new request form before submitting it. |
SLShowSearchResults | The web status line that is shown when displaying search results. |
SLShowUserReview | The web status line that appears when viewing the list of requests in review. |
SLSingleSignInUsernameInUse | As of Aeon v5.0, specifies the web status line that appears if a user account cannot be created via remote authentication because the username is already in use by an account created via the default Aeon authentication. |
SLSubmitEstimateApproval | The web status line that appears after submitting order estimates for processing. |
SLSubmitOrderApproval | The web status line that appears after approving orders. |
SLSubmitUserReview | The web status line that appears after submitting review requests for processing. |
SLTransactionOwnershipError | The web status line that appears when a patron tries to manipulate a transaction they do not own. |
SLUsernameInUse | The web status line that appears if a user chooses a username during registration that is already in use. |
SLUserPasswordExpired | The web status line appears if a user attempts to login with an expired password. The default verbiage is set to say "Your password is expired. Please update your password.". |
SLUserRegistrationDisabled |
Status Line that is displayed if user registration has been disabled using the AeonAuthUserRegistrationEnabled key. |
SLViewingDetailedNotification | The web status line that appears when viewing notification details. |
PhotoduplicationEnabled |
Determines if photoduplication fields should be enabled on web request forms using the <#PHOTOTOGGLE> tag. |
WebCookieSameSite |
Restrict session cookies to first-party or same-site context. Valid values are None, Lax, and Strict. For more information on configuring this key, see Configuring Login Persistence Options for External Websites.
WebDeliveryPath | The local path on the web server for the electronically delivered files. |
WebPath | The local path on the web server for the web files. |
WebSessionMinutes | Number of minutes before web session times out |
WebValidation Table | The WebValidation table stores the fields that your users are required to populate on web forms including regular expressions governing each field validation and the error tags associated with them. |
WebFormValidationLinksTable |
This table describes the relationship between web forms and the validation rule sets that should be applied to submissions from that form. |