If a customer has already registered with ILLiad and their name appears in the Similar Users list you can merge one username and associated information and requests with another username.
To activate the Merge User function, click to select and highlight the customer you wish to merge under Users to Clear, then select the second user under the Similar Users section. Click the Merge User icon.
To merge a user that has already been cleared, you must first open that user's record and change their status from "Cleared" to "Not Cleared." The user will then show up in the Users to Clear section and will be available to merge. - The Merge Users form opens. Decide if you want to keep the existing usename, (disavowing the new username) or disavow the existing username, merging him/her with the new username. All open requests of the disavowed username will move to the username that you choose to keep.
- A popup window, Confirm Disavow, opens verifiying that you want to disavow the chosen username. If so, click Yes.
- The two customers are immediately merged and the new username is removed from Users to Clear.
- The username that has been merged now has a status of disavowed and that username can no longer access ILLiad.
- Any requests listed under the old user account are moved to the new account.
If the Send-Email button is highlighted, the merged/disavowed customer will receive an automatically-generated email explaining the merger of the two usernames.
If the Edit E-Mail button is highlighted, the system allows you to edit the email before sending.
Potential similar users are identified by records with
- the same last initial or
- the same SSN or
- the same ID number or
- the same email address
as the User Record being cleared.