Aeon Default Routing Rules

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Several routing rules are present by default in the Routing table located under the Routing tab of the Aeon Customization Manager for new Aeon installations beginning with Aeon 5.2. These rules work to move requests meeting certain criteria automatically into several default special handling queues to enhance the usual request processing workflow. If preferred, the default routing rules can also be disabled according to the instructions in this article.

Note: The new default routing rules and special handling queues are only available by default in Aeon installations that were implemented at Aeon 5.2 or later. Sites updating to Aeon 5.2 from a previous version of Aeon will not have the new default queues or routing rules added during the update process.

Routing Table Entries

The entry for each routing rule as it appears in the Routing table is available below along with a description of each rule's default routing behavior:

Transaction Status New Transaction Status Match String Description
Awaiting Request Processing New Reading Room Request (rrh.TimeOut is NULL and rrh.TimeIn is not NULL) AND (Away = 0) New requests submitted by users who are currently signed into a reading room and not marked as Away will be automatically routed from Awaiting Request Processing to the new New Reading Room Request status
Awaiting Request Processing Awaiting Staff Request Processing u.Status = 'Staff' New requests submitted by users with the status 'Staff' will be automatically routed from Awaiting Request Processing to the new Awaiting Staff Request Processing status
Item on Hold Item on Hold for Staff u.Status = 'Staff' Requests placed on hold for users with the status 'Staff' will automatically be routed from Item on Hold to the new Item on Hold for Staff status
Item Checked Out Item Checked Out to Staff u.Status = 'Staff' Requests for items checked out to users with the status 'Staff' will automatically be routed from Item Checked Out to the new Item Checked Out to Staff status

For more information on workflows associated with these routing rules, see Processing Staff Requests and Processing Requests Placed by Researchers in the Reading Room.

Modifying the Default Routing Rules

The default routing rules above are designed to work with the default queues/transaction statuses present in all new Aeon installations beginning with v5.2. If any default queue/status noted above is modified from the default configuration, then the routing rule(s) associated with the queue(s) should be updated accordingly. For example, if Item on Hold for Staff is renamed to Hold for Staff, then the routing rule using that queue should be modified to reflect the new name.

For more information on the Aeon default queues/statuses and how to modify them, see Configuring Default Queues and Custom Queues.

For more information on modifying routing rules, see Configuring Routing Rules.

Disabling a Default Routing Rule

Any of the default routing rules can be disabled to prevent the automatic routing behavior performed by that rule. It is recommended to disable rules instead of deleting them so that they can be saved in the Routing table and re-enabled for use later. To disable a routing rule, the rule should be changed from "Active" to "Inactive" following the steps below:

  1. Open the Aeon Customization Manager
  2. Click on the Routing tab
  3. Under Active Routes, click on the entry for the routing rule you want to disable
  4. Click the Toggle Active button in the Routing ribbon
  5. The rule will be moved from the Active Routes group to the Inactive Routes group

Disabling a Default Queue

After disabling a routing rule, requests will no longer be routed automatically from the queue listed in the Transaction Status column into the queue listed in the New Transaction Status column. You can also prevent staff from manually routing requests into the queue listed under the New Transaction Status column by disabling that queue in the Aeon Customization Manager:

  1. Open the Aeon Customization Manager
  2. Click on the Queues tab
  3. Under Active Queues, click on the entry for the queue you want to disable
  4. Click the Toggle Active button in the Queues ribbon
  5. The queue will be moved from the Active Queues group to the Inactive Queues group

Note: To ensure that basic request processing functionality is maintained, the majority of the Aeon default queues cannot be toggled inactive. Only the following default queues can be made inactive:

  • Awaiting Staff Request Processing
  • Item On Hold for Staff
  • Item Checked Out to Staff
  • In Conservation/Preservation
  • In Cataloging
  • In Processing
  • New Reading Room Request


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