Automatically Routing Requests with Routing Rules

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Routing rules are logic statements that are used to automatically move items from one status to another if the logic statement that applies is true. The process of automatically routing requests through the workflow with routing rules is called System Routing. Using routing rules allows staff to manually bypass the typical workflow. When a routing rule has been created, Aeon moves item requests automatically based on the routing rule. This is helpful when a particular request needs to be put into a custom queue for specialized processing, or if a request has missed a step or needs to skip a few steps. There is nothing that needs to be done by the staff user. In fact, the staff does not even have to know the rules have been set up. The actual routing rules are configured in the Aeon Customization Manager.

You should contact Atlas Support at 757-467-7872 or (800) 567-7401 or send an email to for help in initially setting up the logic in the Match String field. The Match String field uses SQL script aliases and reference tables you may not be familiar with.

Routing Rule Examples

Routing Requests Based on a User's Sign-In Status

If you want to route requests based on whether a user is signed into a reading room, you can create a system routing rule that will place the request in a specific queue while the user is signed in. The request will remain at this status until the user has been signed out of the reading room. The routing rule we have created here references the Reading Room History table (rrh) and moves a request from Item On Hold to Item On Hold (Short Term) if the user requesting the item has signed into a reading room. Note we have created a custom queue called Item on Hold (Short Term). You can move the item to whatever status queue you choose.

1. Create the routing rule using the following values:

  • Transaction Status: Item On Hold
  • New Transaction Status: Item On Hold (Short Term)
  • Match String: rrh.TimeIn IS NOT NULL and rrh.TimeOut IS NULL and (ISNULL(ScheduledDate,'') = '' OR ScheduledDate <=getdate()). The match string is looking for users who have signed into a reading room but not yet signed out. The reading room history will have time in value but no timeout value. The scheduled date field is either blank or in the past.
  • Description: Moves items placed on hold while the user is in the the reading room. (This is not a required field.)

2. When a user signs into a reading room and places an item on hold, the request automatically moves to the Item On Hold (Short Term) queue until the user is signed out.


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