Performing an AJAX Request to View/Customize Web Alerts (v9.1)

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As of ILLiad 9.1, a new AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) method is available to retrieve a JSON output of web alerts. This improves the ability to be able to customize web alerts. 

Response Examples

If called without an authenticated session the results will only include current system alerts. If a user is currently authenticated and has a valid web session, the results will also include alerts targeted to them specifically via username or by status.

Replace "illiad.institution" with illiad. your servername.

Example of a request made when user is not authenticated:

GET http://illiad.institution/illiad/illiad.dll/ajax?query=WebAlerts


{"alerts":[{"id":"1","identifierType":"System","alertTitle":"Test","alertMessage":"This alert should be seen by all users","createdDate":"2018-06-18T15:40:57.577","activeDate":"2018-06-18T00:00:00.000","expirationDate":"2018-09-05T00:00:00.000","alertDeletable":"false"}]}

Example of a request made when the user is authenticated. The response will include user alerts, status alerts, and system alerts:

GET http://illiad.institution/illiad/illiad.dll/ajax?query=WebAlerts


{"alerts":[{"id":"1003","identifierType":"Status","identifierValue":"Graduate","alertTitle":"Graduate","alertMessage":"This is a graduate alert","createdDate":"2018-07-10T20:14:48.040","activeDate":"2018-07-10T00:00:00.000","expirationDate":"2019-07-17T00:00:00.000","al


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