Automatic User Creation

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Users can now be automatically created, pre-cleared, and skip the NewAuthRegistration and Billing pages for user clearance into ILLiad. The Automatic User Creation feature can be leveraged through the use of the RemoteAuthValidation table feature to update the user record with patron information from external systems for requested submitted to ILLiad from a non-registered user. If the user record exists in ILLiad, the RemoteAuthValidation table will update the user record.    

How it Works

When a new user is created (or their cleared value is set to NEW), ILLiad will determine if enough information is available for the user to pass through the NewAuthRegistration process without having to prompt the user for additional information. If the user has a ClearedValue of New, the feature will check the WebValidation requirements via the NewAuthRegistration form name to determine if the user record has enough required data to create and validate the new user. The user record and NewAuthRegistration form can be populated with information imported from an external system through the use of RemoteAuthValidation table. If there is not enough information to pass validation, the user will be navigated to the NewAuthRegistration form. If the values pass validation, the user's ClearedValue will be set to Yes or No depending on the value of the AutoClearPreRegisteredUsers Customization Key. The user will then be navigated to the landing page or request form they were attempting to go to prior to user creation (Main Menu, Article Form, OpenURL Request, etc.). 
Since the NewAuthRegistration form can be skipped, patrons can be forced to update their information through the use of Automatic Expiration or their record can be updated automatically with data from an external system through the use of RemoteAuthValidation table

Configuring Automatic User Creation

Setting Up the Web Pages

Before setting up user creation in the Customization Manager, please ensure your web pages include the NewAuthRegistration page. While legacy support still exists to show the ChangeUserInformation page if the NewAuthRegistration.html page doesn't exist, only the NewAuthRegistration FormName is used for determining if new user data is sufficient for bypassing the NewAuthRegistration/User Account input workflows. 

Setting the Customization Key

To automatically clear users, set the AutoClearPreRegisteredUsers Customization Key to Yes. If the value is set to No, the user record will still be created automatically but staff will have the opportunity to manually clear the users.
As described in the RemoteAuthValidation table feature, the cleared value of NEW should no longer be used by any custom scripts to force users to re-enter their user information. Sites who want to force users to re-enter their user information should set the cleared value to EXP.

Billing Account Configuration

If the institution is using Borrowing or DocDel Billing and uses DefaultAccounts, once the user account is created, they can be navigated to the accounts page instead of the request form or landing page. This will allow the user to first complete filling out their billing account information prior to submitting a request since the user creation doesn't populate information for billing.
If the new customization key under Web Interface | General, ShowAccountsPageWithDefaultAccount, is set to No, the user will be directed to their requested page as it normally would. If the key is set to Yes, the user will be shown the UserAccounts page. 
Key: ShowAccountsPageWithDefaultAccount
Default: No
Indicates if the user should be shown the accounts page after registration if a default billing account is added for the user.
AdminCat: Web Interface
AdminKey: General


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