ILLiad Server Automatic Updater

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The ILLiad Server Automatic Updater allows you to update your ILLiad server to the latest version when updates become available. It is located by default at C:\illiad\Admin\ILLiadUpdate.

Directory Information

The following directory paths are needed for the Updater to work correctly.

The trailing \ on the values must be included. These tell the Updater to put the files in the specified folder.

Web Page Directory

The local path on the ILLiad server to the ILLiad web folder 
(from which all of the ILLiad web pages run). Often found in the same relative location on another drive letter.

Note: In a Shared Server system, this will be the root ILLiad 
web folder instead of a site-specific web folder.

Default: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\

Web Tools Directory

The local path on the ILLiad server to the ILLiad web folder 
containing the WebReports and WebCirc. This is almost 
always identical to the Web Page Directory.

Default: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\

Share Directory

The path to the main ILLiad folder (what used to be called 
the ILLiad Share). This is typically where you find most of 
the ILLiad services, as well as the Admin, Backup, Setup, 
and WebPlatform folders.

Default: C:\illiad\

Setup Download Directory

The path to the ILLiad Setup folder (to where the updates 
are downloaded prior to being installed). Usually found 
within the ILLiad Share directory.

Default: C:\illiad\setup\

Odyssey Directory

The path to the Odyssey folder that is in use. Usually found within the ILLiad Share directory.

Default: C:\illiad\Odyssey\

ISO Directory

The path to the ISO folder that is in use. Usually found within the ILLiad Share directory.

Note: Even if ISO is not installed/running, the Updater needs 
to know where the folder is located.

Default: C:\illiad\ISO\

Update Log File

The file name that will be used by the Updater to back up 
the database prior to the update.

Default: ILLiadUpdateLog.txt

ILLiad Backup Device 

The SQL Backup device that will be used by the Updater to 
back up the database prior to the update.

Default: ILLiadUpdaterBackup

ILLiad Backup Directory

The location on the ILLiad server to which the Updater write 
the backup file (Update Log File) when it backs up the database 
prior to the update.

Default: C:\illiad\backup\


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