The ILLiad Server Automatic Updater allows you to update your ILLiad server to the latest version when updates become available. It is located by default at C:\illiad\Admin\ILLiadUpdate.
Directory Information
The following directory paths are needed for the Updater to work correctly.
Web Page Directory |
The local path on the ILLiad server to the ILLiad web folder Note: In a Shared Server system, this will be the root ILLiad Default: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\ |
Web Tools Directory |
The local path on the ILLiad server to the ILLiad web folder Default: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\ |
Share Directory |
The path to the main ILLiad folder (what used to be called Default: C:\illiad\ |
Setup Download Directory |
The path to the ILLiad Setup folder (to where the updates Default: C:\illiad\setup\ |
Odyssey Directory |
The path to the Odyssey folder that is in use. Usually found within the ILLiad Share directory. Default: C:\illiad\Odyssey\ |
ISO Directory |
The path to the ISO folder that is in use. Usually found within the ILLiad Share directory. Note: Even if ISO is not installed/running, the Updater needs Default: C:\illiad\ISO\ |
Update Log File |
The file name that will be used by the Updater to back up Default: ILLiadUpdateLog.txt |
ILLiad Backup Device Name |
The SQL Backup device that will be used by the Updater to Default: ILLiadUpdaterBackup |
ILLiad Backup Directory |
The location on the ILLiad server to which the Updater write Default: C:\illiad\backup\ |