Silent Installation

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All command-prompted installations and deinstallations MUST be executed as an administrator to ensure sufficient installation privileges. 

ILLiad installers are created using Installshield, which wraps the Microsoft MSI functionality and requires the use of an answer file to silently answer any questions asked during deployment. Atlas Systems' doesn't currently provide MSI files for our ILLiad installers and doesn't support remote installations. Automatic deployments are not used when testing installers. However, you can create recordings of the options chosen in the UI to be used for silent installations/uninstallations by running the installer at least once to record your answers. When the installer opens, just run through it selecting the options you want to be used during your automated installations.

The following command parameters start the set up in record mode:

Setup.exe -r -f1 [filename]

Note: Always use the full path when specifying where to create or find the ISS files. 


Setup.exe –r –f1"C:\temp\ILLiad9\setup.iss" 

For additional setup parameters, see the Installshield documentation.



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