The Item Form

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The Item form holds all the important data about an item request including processing and pickup information, citation, availability, copyright and course information. In addition, item processing and routing functions are housed on the Item form, allowing staff to easily process an item through the workflow process from this location. Locate the item using the Search Items feature. Click on an item in the list of results to open the Item form. You can also access the item from within the Course form. The Item form is comprised of the Home ribbon and three tabs: Details, History and Z39.50. The Item form automatically opens displaying the Home ribbon and the Details tab.

Home Ribbon

The Home ribbon of the Item form is comprised of Process, Route and Options groups. These groups contains commands to use for processing, routing, deleting and cloning the item as well as viewing the item course information. The table below lists the groups and links command in the groups to further information. The available Route commands may vary based on the processing status of the item.

Find on Shelves

Routes items to the Awaiting Stacks Searching queue.

In Transit

Routes physical items to In Transit to Pickup Site.

Make Available
Make Available
at Desk

Routes physical items to Item Available at Reserve Desk.


Sends email from the Item form and routes the item to
the specified status queue.


Routes the item to Item Cancelled by Staff and notifies
the course instructor.

Scan Item

Opens the scanning form where you can scan, import
and upload items to the web.


The Upload button uploads a file to the web and then
routes the item based on the Active Date.

Add Flag


Remove Flag




View Course

Opens the Course form for the selected item.



Import Details

Copies citation information and associated electronic
documents from an existing item to the currently open item.

Delete Deletes reserve item records from the Ares client and
View List  

Miscellaneous Ribbon


Refreshes the form.


Saves any unsaved information on the form.

Print Item Prints information from the form. Uses the PrintItem.doc template.
Previous Item

Opens the previous Item in the queue.

Next Item Opens the next Item in the queue.

Details Tab

The Details tab of the Item form contains several groups for adding specific information about an item. Processing, pickup, and item location information are stored in the General Information group. The Citation group holds the title, author, publisher, and other specific citation fields. Loan period, active/inactive date and needed by dates are shown in Availability Information. Copyright Information holds data pertinent to requesting copyright, such as page count and nature of work. You can also add several ItemInfo text fields to the form if you want to store additional information. The table below lists each group of the Details tab and outlines the fields found there. Further information about fields can be found underneath the table. Fields used in the Details tab are pulled from the Courses and Items tables.

General Information Group

Item ID

Field is read-only.

Processing Location

Populated from Sites table.

Value is required and must match an entry in the list.

Pickup Location

Populated from the drop-down list in web via Sites table. If no pickup location is specified when items are added via web the course default pickup location is used.

Value is required and must match an entry in the list.

If the pickup location for the item changes and the current loan period does not exist for that location, the loan period will be reset automatically to the default "Not a Loan" and highlighted to warn you of the change.

Current Status Date

Field is read-only.

Reason for Cancellation

Populated from CancellationsReasons table when an item is canceled.

Item Type

Monograph (MON) or Serial (SER)

Dropdown field. If any other value is found the field defaults to Serial.

The Item Type field designates the item record as either Monograph or Serial. It correlates to the Items.ItemType field in the database. The Item Type is populated from the DocumentTypes table: the DocumentTypeName value displays on the Item form, the DocumentTypeValue value is stored in the Items.DocumentType field of the database.

Document Type

Populated from DocumentTypes table.

Dropdown field. Must match an entry in the list.

The Document Type field denotes how the item will be supplied to the student user. It is a value such as Hard Copy Reserve Item, Create a document now, Excel, HTML, PDF, Web Page Link, etc.

Call Number



Button is enabled when a URL value exists in the field. Clicking button opens URL link with the default browser. If the URL contains a proxy prefix the Web Proxy checkbox is checked.

The Location field contains a web link button that is enabled when there is a URL value in the field. When the button is clicked, the link opens in the default browser. If the location value starts with "http" the link is determined by the value of the Items.Proxy field:

  • If the link uses a proxy prefix as determined by the UseProxy and ProxyPrefix customization keys, the value of Items.Proxy is set to 1. The URL is the concatenation of the ProxyPrefix key and the Items.Location value.
  • If the link does not use a proxy prefix, Items.Proxy is set to 0. The URL is the Items.Location value.
  • If the location field does not include HTTP, the URL is equal to SystemURL + AresDocPath + Items.Location.


Shelf Location


File Size

File size including 1 decimal place using the largest possible unit of the following: B (bytes), KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), GB (gigabytes), TB (terabytes) or PB (petabytes)

Field is populated when an item is associated with an electronic file via uploading, cloning or batch uploading. Field is cleared when the file is deleted.





Cited In


OCLC Number


Reference Number




Instructor Tags

Comma-delimited list of tags from ItemTags table with ItemID of the item and Tagger value of Instructor.

Edit box. Staff can manage a list of Instructor Tags added by user; changes are saved to web pages.

Item Format

Populated using the LabelValue field in CustomDropDown table.

Dropdown field. Must match an entry in the list.

The Item Format field denotes the physical or electronic format of the item placed on reserves and is a value based on the default web pages for creating new Ares records. The default format values are Article, Audio, Book, Book Chapter, Free Text, Instructor Upload, and Video. The Item Format correlates to the Items.ItemFormat field in the database and is populated using the LabelValue field from the CustomDropDown table.

Visible to Students

Checkbox. This field was previously named Items.Active.

The Visible to Students checkbox determines whether an item can be viewed by students in the course. This check box is checked automatically by default when new items are created in either the web or the client. If the box is unchecked, the item will not be accessible from the web pages even if it is available during the active date range. In addition to the Active parameters, electronic items cannot be viewed from the web interface unless they are at a status of Item Available on Electronic Reserves.

Instructor Provided


Web Proxy

Checkbox. If the URL in the Location field contains a proxy prefix the Web Proxy checkbox is checked.

Sites wanting to always use a web proxy when dealing with web link items can specify a default value for the Web Proxy checkbox by setting the ProxyDefault customization key to Yes. The ProxyDefault key controls the value of the Web Proxy checkbox on the client Item form and allows sites to always use a web proxy when dealing with web links. In order for the Ares client and DLL to consider the ProxyDefault key, there must be a value in the ProxyPrefix key and the UseProxy key must be set to Yes. If the DocumentType is a web link, or edits are made to a web link's Location value on the Item form, the web proxy checkbox will be checked. Submitting a web link item through the web sets the item's proxy field based on this key, and the web proxy checkbox in the client will be checked.

Availability Information Group

Active Date

Calendar dropdown.

The active date range is determined by the Active Date and Inactive Date fields and is, by default, the length of the course semester. Items are accessible from the web pages during the dates specified for the active date range. The Active and Inactive Date fields can be changed by typing in the date fields or clicking on the arrow in the field to open a calendar dropdown. The Active Date cannot be before the start date of the semester (Courses.StartDate). The Inactive Date cannot be after the end date of the semester (Courses.StopDate). When an item reaches the Active Date the System Manager automatically activates the item and changes the item status to Item Available at Reserve Desk or Item Available on Electronic Reserves. When an item reaches the Inactive Date the System Manager automatically deactivates the item and changes the item status to Item Removed from Reserves.

Inactive Date

Calendar Dropdown.

Loan Period

The entries in the Loan Period dropdown list are populated from the default value of Not a Loan and the values in the LoanPeriods table in the customization manager. Which entries are visible in the list are determined by whether the Site key in the LoanPeriods table is set to ALL or the current pickup site.

  • If the Document Type is a Hard Copy Reserve Item, choose the Loan Period from the options in the dropdown list.
  • If the Document Type is anything other than HardCopy, the only available option should be Not a Loan.
  • If no selection is made from the dropdown list, the Loan Period defaults to Not a Loan when the item is saved.

Needed By


Copyright Information Group

Copyright Required

The default Awaiting Copyright Processing SQL query determines which items require copyright processing and go to Awaiting Copyright Processing.

Copyright Obtained

Populated by the Copyright Obtained button on Process Copyright form or manually if copyright obtained through rightsholder.

Checkbox. This field was previously named Items.ItemCopyright.

Page Count

An auto-calculated number based on the page range from the Pages field.

Entire Work Pages


% of Work

An auto-calculated percentage based on the Page Count and Entire Work Pages fields. This will be rounded to a whole number.

Nature of Work

Populated from values in CustomDropDown table.

Citation Information Group







Additional Title






Publication Place


Publication Date













Pages needed for the request. Supports multiple page ranges. Value determines the auto-calculated value in the Page Count field.

Field can contain only digits, commas, semi-colons, and dashes. Example: 5-10,12,14-18 or 5-10;12;14-18. If spaces are used in value they are ignored.

The Notes Group

The Notes section of the Item form shows any notes that have been added by Instructors, proxy or staff. Once an item has been created you can add and delete notes. You can change notes of type Staff to Copyright and vice-versa. The User and System note types cannot be changed. (ItemNotes.NoteType = Staff, Copyright or User)

The History Tab

The History tab of the Item form houses Tracking, History, and Email History information. This tab enables staff to monitor the workflow of the item, changes and updates to the item, and email history. Entries in each section display with the most recent entry at the top.

Tracking Group The Tracking section records changes to the Item status, the date and
time of the change, and the staff user making the change. This section
includes all fields from the ItemTracking table except ItemID. The ItemID
is not visible by default but can be added using the Column Chooser.
History Group All changes to Item record status are tracked here. This includes
moving the Item through the workflow, whether a copyright permissions
form was printed for the Item, whether the Item was cloned to or from
another Item, and if a routing rule was applied. The History section
shows the date and time of the action, the action that was performed,
and the staff user performing the action. This grid includes all fields
from the ItemHistory table except ItemID.
Linked Items Group This grid track changes made to the Pickup Location and Loan Period
fields of associated items when these fields are changed on a hard
copy Item. The fields available for this grid are displayed on the form.
They are Item ID, Course ID, Course Name, Instructor, Pickup Location,
and Loan Period.
Email History Group Emails sent to the User from within the Item form are tracked here.
Pending emails are highlighted in yellow. Failed emails are highlighted in red. The top portion of this section includes all fields from the
EmailCopies table except for Body. The Email Reference, Email Type and
ID fields are not visible by default but can be added using the Column
Chooser. The bottom portion of this section includes the body of the email for the selected row (the Body field in the EmailCopies table).
By default, the form opens with the first row selected.

Tracking and History entries for items routed using the Routing table will display a Username of "System" instead of the staff or web username so it is clear that a routing rule performed the status change.

The Z39.50 Tab

The Z39.50 tab is where you perform Z39.50 searches to locate reserves Items on your shelves. From the Discovery ribbon, perform one of the automatic searches or create a custom search.

Searching Tab View the search results from your search.
Record Detail Tab View details of a particular search item.

Ares Citation Group

Shows the original Item citation as it appears using the default citation template.
Holdings Group You can import the call number and location of an Item using the Copy Info button.

The Copyright Tab

Copyright Clearance
Center Tab
Process and monitor copyright clearance center permissions from this form.
Rightsholder Tab Process copyright through alternate copyright providers from this form.
History Tab Track an item's copyright processing history from this form.


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