Ares Keyboard Shortcuts

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Below are the keyboard shortcuts you can use within the Ares Client:

Ctrl+Alt+I Adds an item (Edit Course Form)
Ctrl+S Saves the form (Edit Course Form, Item Form)
Ctrl+Alt+M Switches to the Monograph tab and Title text box (Item Form)
Ctrl+Alt+S Switches to the Serials tab and Journal Title text box (Item Form)
Ctrl+S Switches to the General Search form (Main Menu)
Ctrl+O Sends an item to Awaiting Stacks Searching (Item Form)
Ctrl+M Sends an item to Item Available at Reserve Desk (Item Form)
Page Up Goes to next Item (Item Form)
Page Down Goes to previous Item (Item Form)
Enter **

**The Enter key functions widely as a Hot Key to open forms and perform searches. When focused on a grid, it initiates the same action as double-clicking a row. The following list illustrates the role of the Enter key when used on the specified forms:

  • Main Menu: Opens the focused queue
  • Reserves Processing: Opens the Item form (or specialized form if the status is Awaiting Scanning or In Stacks Searching)
  • Search Item: Opens the focused Item
  • Search Users: Performs the search and opens the User form in edit mode if only one result is found
  • Search Users: Opens the User form in add mode
  • Search Users: Opens the User form in Edit mode
  • Search Course: Performs the search and opens the Course form in edit mode if only one result is found
  • Search Course: Opens the Course form in edit mode
  • Search Course: Opens the Course form if there is a Course with an associated registrar Course ID. Otherwise opens the Course Validation form asking the User to verify the Course details and choose the primary instructor.
  • Edit User: Opens the Course form of the focused record
  • Edit Course: Opens the Item form of the focused item
  • Clone Item: Opens the original Item record
  • Clone Item: Opens the new Item record
  • Clone Item: Opens the Course form for the focused Course record
  • Clone Course: Opens the original Item record
  • Clone Course: Opens the new Item record
  • Z39.50 Search: Switches to the Record Details tab
  • Process Copyright: Opens the Item form of the focused record


KeyTips provide quick access to the menus and controls on Tabs, Ribbons, the Quick Access Toolbar, and the Ares Icon. Clicking the ALT key or the F10 key displays KeyTips for the Quick Access Toolbar, the Ares Icon and all of the Tabs on the Ribbon. Typing the letter or number associated with the Tab, Toolbar or Icon displays the KeyTips for all controls housed there. For example, typing the P key opens the Process ribbon and displays the KeyTips for those controls.

Redisplaying KeyTips

Click ESC to move backward in the KeyTip hierarchy. For example, if you are viewing Ribbon KeyTips, clicking ESC will redisplay the Tabs KeyTips. If you are in a drop-down menu on the Ribbon (such as the Copyright menu), the menu will close and the KeyTips for all controls on the Ribbon will redisplay.

Closing KeyTips

Click ALT or F10 to close KeyTips and return to the form. You can also click anywhere in the form to close KeyTips.


ScreenTips provide information about a control. They appear when the mouse pointer hovers over the control. For example the ScreenTip for the Course ID field on the Search Courses group of the Home ribbon explains the database fields used as search criteria. ScreenTips disappear when the control is selected or the mouse is moved away from the control.


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