Aeon uses default status queues to move item requests through the standard reading room and photoduplication workflow processes. You can create custom queues if you would like additional queues for processing requests. Custom queues are based on and replicate the processes of, the standard default queues. The Queues table is stored in the database and is visible from the Aeon Customization Manager. Custom queues are created using the Queues table in the Aeon Customization Manager.
The Queues Table
Database Field | Customization Manager Column | Description of Field |
ID | ID | This number is a unique identifier in the database and cannot be changed. |
QueueName | Name | The name assigned by default to the default status queue; the name you assign the custom queue. This is the name that will display in the Aeon Desktop Client, Aeon Web Client, and web pages. |
DisplayName | Web Display Name | An alternate name you can assign the queue to display on the web pages if you want it to be different from the default name. |
StateCode |
*State Code This field is not visible in the Customization Manager by default. It can be added to the grid using the Column Chooser. |
The StateCode is a number assigned internally to a default queue that determines how the default queue, and any custom queues created from it, will act in the workflow process. The StateCode of default queues is linked internally and identical to the InternalCode of the default queue. The StateCode of custom queues is linked internally and identical to the Internal code of the default queue used to create it. |
InternalCode | This field is not visible in the Customization Manager by default. It can be added to the grid using the Column Chooser. The field displays the internally assigned labeling of the queues instead of the number assigned in the database. So, for example, if you have a default queue named Awaiting Request Processing the Internal Code field will display in your exported file as AwaitingRequestProcessing. The field will need to be added to the table in order to be included in an exported file. |
The InternalCode is a number assigned internally to the StateCode of default queues that tells the database that the default queue cannot be deleted and cannot be made inactive. Custom queues do not have an InternalCode because they are linked via the StateCode to the InternalCode of the corresponding default queue. |
Active | Active and Inactive queues are displayed separately below "Active Queue" and "Inactive Queue" headers. | Active queues can be used for processing. Queues you have toggled inactive cannot be used for processing but are still available to use for statistical purposes. |
IncludeInRequestLimit | Include In Request Limits (checkbox) | This checkbox determines if the queue will be counted in your user's request limits. |
QueueType | Queue Type | Queue Type (Transaction or Photoduplication) is determined based on the queue's StateCode. |
Menu Group | The Menu Group feature allows staff to specify grouping menus for queues in the Route drop-down of the Request form in the Aeon Desktop Client. This value also determines the groping of queues on the Aeon Web Client Dashboard. The Menu Group column is not a field in the database. | This field is not in the database. |
Note that the Customization Manager also includes a State column. This column displays the StateCode of a queue (the behavior of the queue in the workflow process) in text format, using the name of the default queue assigned that to that StateCode. This column is helpful when you have custom queues because it reminds you which default queue you used to create your custom queue. Please see Understanding the State and State Code, below, for further important information about default queues and the state column. The State column is not a field in the database.
Understanding the State and StateCode
As explained in the table above, each default queue is assigned an internal StateCode that determines how the queue will behave in the workflow process.
This StateCode is represented in the Queues table in the Customization Manager by the State Code and State columns. The State Code column displays the assigned StateCode number, while the State column displays the StateCode of the queue (the behavior of the queue in the workflow process) in text format, using the display name of the default queue assigned to that StateCode. For example, the default queue Awaiting Request Processing shows a State Code of 35 and a State of Awaiting Request Processing. The StateCode of a default queue and any custom queues created from it is linked internally to the InternalCode of the default queue (for example, the StateCode and InternalCode of Awaiting Request Processing are both 35).
When you create a custom queue from a default status queue, the custom queue inherits the StateCode, that is, the behavior of, the default status queue. The State column in the Customization Manager reminds you which default queue's StateCode, that is, behavior, you selected when you created your custom queue. So, a custom queue created from Awaiting Request Processing will have a StateCode of 35 and a State of Awaiting Request Processing.
The Queues Table and Default Status Queues
This table lists the current default status queues and the State, State Code, and Internal Code values as displayed in the Queues table in the Customization Manager.
Queue Name | State | State Code | Status ID |
Web Request Created | Web Request Created | 5 | 1 |
Submitted by User | Submitted by User | 10 | 2 |
Re-Submitted by User | Re-Submitted by User | 15 | 3 |
Submitted by Staff | Submitted by Staff | 20 | 4 |
Awaiting User Review | Awaiting User Review | 25 | 5 |
Awaiting Future Request Processing | Awaiting Future Request Processing | 26 | 30 |
Awaiting Order Submittal | Awaiting Order Submittal | 30 | 6 |
Awaiting Request Processing | Awaiting Request Processing | 35 | 7 |
Awaiting Staff Request Processing* | Awaiting Request Processing | 35 | 41 |
New Reading Room Request* | Awaiting Request Processing | 35 | 47 |
Awaiting Order Processing | Awaiting Order Processing | 40 | 8 |
Awaiting Activity Processing | Awaiting Activity Processing | 45 | 9 |
In Item Retrieval | In Item Retrieval | 50 | 10 |
Item Checked Out | Item Checked Out | 55 | 11 |
Item Checked Out to Staff* | Item Checked Out | 55 | 43 |
In Cataloging* | Item Checked Out | 55 | 45 |
In Conservation/Preservation* | Item Checked Out | 55 | 44 |
In Processing* | Item Checked Out | 55 | 46 |
Item Checked Out to Activity | Item Checked Out to Activity | 60 | 12 |
Item On Hold | Item On Hold | 65 | 13 |
Item On Hold for Staff* | Item On Hold | 65 | 42 |
Item On Hold for Activity | Item On Hold for Activity | 70 | 14 |
Remove from Hold | Remove from Hold | 72 | 15 |
Awaiting Item Reshelving | Awaiting Item Reshelving | 75 | 16 |
Item Reshelved | Item Reshelved | 80 | 17 |
Awaiting Item Delivery | Awaiting Item Delivery | 85 | 18 |
Awaiting Order Approval | Awaiting Order Approval | 90 | 19 |
Awaiting Order Billing/Awaiting Order Payment (v5.2+) | Awaiting Order Billing/Awaiting Order Payment (v5.2+) | 95 | 20 |
In Photoduplication | In Photoduplication | 100 | 21 |
Item Delivered | Item Delivered | 105 | 22 |
Cloned From Request | Cloned From Request | 110 | 23 |
Cloned To Request | Cloned To Request | 115 | 24 |
Request Merged | Request Merged | 120 | 25 |
Order Merged | Order Merged | 121 | 35 |
Cancelled by User | Cancelled by User | 125 | 26 |
Order Cancelled by User | Order Cancelled by User | 126 | 33 |
Cancelled by Staff | Cancelled by Staff | 130 | 27 |
Order Cancelled by Staff | Order Cancelled by Staff | 131 | 34 |
Request Finished | Request Finished | 135 | 28 |
Order Finished | Order Finished | 136 | 36 |
Request In Processing | Request In Processing | 140 | 29 |
Imported From Legacy System | Imported From Legacy System | 145 | 31 |
*Added in Aeon 5.2
Transitory Queues
Some of the default queues, such as Cloned from Request and Request in Processing, are transitory queues.
Web Request Created Queue
This is a transitory status assigned to each request when it is initially created that records the request's entry in the database Transaction table. It is not visible in the History or Tracking panes and requests should not remain in this status after they are created.
The Imported From Legacy System Queue
The Imported From Legacy System queue is available to use when you are migrating data from another system.
Aeon Default Status Queues and the Workflow Process
This table lists the current default status queues and the queue type (either Transaction or Photoduplication) along with an explanation of the queue's function in the workflow process. You are welcome to replicate this table if you plan to include an FAQ section on your site explaining the status of requests to your users.
Default Queue | Queue Type | Workflow Context |
Awaiting Activity Processing | Transaction | Holds requests submitted for an Activity. |
Awaiting Future Request Processing | Transaction | Holds requests to be filled at a later date. Determined by the FutureRoutingDays key. |
Awaiting Item Delivery | Photoduplication | Holds photoduplication requests that are ready to be sent to the researcher. |
Awaiting Item Reshelving | Transaction | Holds requests for items that are ready to be reshelved or returned to archives. |
Awaiting Order Approval | Photoduplication | Holds requests that are waiting for researcher approval of invoice and costs. |
Awaiting Order Billing/Awaiting Order Payment | Photoduplication |
Holds requests awaiting invoice payment. Note: The default name of this queue was changed from Awaiting Order Billing to Awaiting Order Payment for new Aeon installations in Aeon 5.2.
Awaiting Order Processing | Photoduplication | Holds photoduplication requests submitted and approved by the researcher. |
Awaiting Order Submittal | Photoduplication | Holds photoduplication requests awaiting approval by the researcher. |
Awaiting Request Processing | Transaction | Holds requests submitted and approved by the researcher. |
Awaiting Staff Request Processing* | Transaction | Holds requests submitted by staff users. |
Awaiting User Review | Transaction | Holds requests held for review by the researcher. |
Canceled by Staff | Transaction | Holds requests that have been canceled by Special Collections staff. |
Canceled by User | Transaction | Holds requests that have been canceled by the researcher. |
Cloned From Request | Transaction | Transitory Status. Denotes when a request has been cloned from another request. |
Cloned To Request | Transaction | Transitory Status. Denotes when a request has been cloned to a new request. |
Imported From Legacy System | Transaction | System Status. Denotes when a request has been migrated from another system. |
In Cataloging* | Transaction | Holds requests for items that have been checked out for cataloging. |
In Conservation/Preservation* | Transaction | Holds requests for items that have been checked out for conservation/preservation. |
In Item Retrieval | Transaction | Holds requests for items that are being retrieved from Special Collections shelves and archives. |
In Photoduplication | Transaction | Holds photoduplication requests in the process of being scanned or copied. |
In Processing* | Transaction | Holds requests for items that have been checked out for processing. |
Item Checked Out | Transaction | Holds requests for items that have been checked out to the researcher. |
Item Checked Out to Activity | Transaction | Holds requests for items that have been checked out for an Activity. |
Item Checked Out to Staff* | Transaction | Holds requests for items that have been checked out to a staff member. |
Item Delivered | Photoduplication | Holds photoduplication requests that have been sent to the researcher. |
Item on Hold | Transaction | Holds items that have been placed on hold by Special Collections staff. |
Item on Hold for Activity | Transaction | Holds items that have been placed on hold for an Activity by Special Collections staff. |
Item on Hold for Staff* | Transaction | Holds items that have been placed on hold for staff members. |
Item Reshelved | Transaction | Holds requests for items that have been returned to Special Collections shelves and archives. |
New Reading Room Request* | Transaction | Holds requests that have been submitted by researchers who are currently signed into a reading room. |
Order Cancelled by Staff | Photoduplication | Holds photoduplication requests that have been canceled by staff. |
Order Cancelled by User | Photoduplication | Holds photoduplication requests that have been canceled by the researcher. |
Order Finished | Photoduplication | Holds photoduplication requests that have been completed. |
Order Merged | Photoduplication | Holds photoduplication requests that have been merged. |
Remove from Hold | Transaction | Holds items that have been removed by a researcher from the Item on Hold or Item on Hold for Activity statuses. |
Request Finished | Transaction | Holds requests that have been completed. |
Request in Processing | Transaction | Transitory Status. Denotes when a request in Awaiting Request Processing is opened. Keeps other staff users from opening the same request. |
Request Merged | Transaction | Transitory Status. Denotes when a request has been merged into a new request. |
Re-Submitted by User | Transaction | Transitory Status. Denotes when a request has been canceled are resubmitted by the researcher. |
Submitted by Staff | Transaction | Transitory Status. Denotes when a request is submitted by Special Collections staff from the Aeon Desktop Client. |
Submitted by User | Transaction | Transitory Status when denoting a transaction request submitted by the researcher from the web interface. May also indicate a copy request with an estimate that has not yet been approved by the researcher. |
Web Request Created | Transaction | Transitory Status. Records the request's entry in the database Transaction table. It is not visible in the History or Tracking panes. |
*Added in Aeon 5.2
Renaming Queues
While it is possible to change the names of default queues, it is not recommended. See Configuring Default Queues and Custom Queues for detailed information about renaming default and custom queues.
When you change the name of a default queue, the display name in the State column of the Customization Manager automatically changes to match the new queue name. In addition, the State of any custom queues automatically changes to match the new State of the default queue from which it was created. At that point, it will no longer be obvious what State (that is, workflow process) the default queue originally used, or what default State a custom queue is using. Again, you will not be able to determine the original default workflow process carried out by the queue by looking at the State.
When you change the name of a default queue, be aware that you are not just changing the display name as it is shown in the desktop and web clients and web pages. Changing the name of a default queue also changes the QueueName in the database. So, for example, if you change Awaiting Request Processing to "New Remote Request", the QueueName field and State column will also change from Awaiting Request Processing to New Remote Request. The State Code of default queues does not change, so you can use the State Code to identify the intended workflow process for the default queue, but without the Statedescriptionyou won't know what process the State Code is referencing. It is possible to use the Internal Code field as explained in the table above or export data from the Queues table to a file to locate the original State information, if necessary.
Customizing Grid Layout in the Queues Table
Many of the grid customization features available in the Aeon Desktop Client are also available for grids in the customization manager. The columns in the Queues grid can be rearranged by clicking and dragging to a new location. Data can be sorted by selecting columns, opening the customization form, and choosing from the options available there.
Note that changes to grids in the customization manager do not persist and are reset to the default layout the next time you open the customization manager. In addition, you cannot change the grouping of Active Queues and Inactive Queues. Note that the Internal Code for queues is not displayed in the Queues table. It can be added by using the Column Chooser.
Exporting Data from the Queues Table
Data from the Queues table can be exported and saved in various report formats. You can export data in Excel, PDF, HTML or TXT format. The exported file retains the column ordering and grouping of the data.
- You can export the Queues table by right-clicking on any column header and choosing Export.
- Name the file, select the file type and choose the location where you want to store the file.
- Click Save to save the file.
Note that when you export the Queues table, data in the State column is exported using the internally assigned labeling of the queues. So, for example, if you have a default queue named Awaiting Request Processing and a Custom Queue that uses the State of Awaiting Request Processing, that field will display in your exported file as AwaitingRequestProcessing. This can come in handy if you have renamed your default queues and cannot remember the original State of the queues. This is the same formatting used by the Internal Code columnD, so if you have added the Internal Code column to your table it will also be exported to your file.