The Field Customizations table in the staff manager allows staff to rename or hide fields from grids and forms in the ILLiad client on a user by user basis. This feature allows staff to hide sensitive data and rename custom fields.
This feature is implemented separately from and can be overridden by, layout and grid customizations. Like layouts, field customizations can easily be copied from one user to another from within the Staff Manager. Field customizations are only applicable in the ILLiad client and will not affect other applications such as the Billing Manager. Shared Server sites will see only users for their specific NVTGC listed in the Field Customizations table.
Remember that if staff have existing layout customizations, these will need to be deleted from within the Staff Manager (or the client) before implementing this feature. Once you have deleted the existing layout customizations, field customizations will be visible in the client. This is because the local field customizations in the staff layouts table take precedence over the field customizations. For this reason, layout and grid settings will also need to be set to the default whenever field customizations are added, edited, or removed.
Note that users with layout customization permissions can still utilize the option to rename fields within the client and override display names defined in the Field Customizations table. In this instance, returning the layout to the default resets the field name to the display name as defined in the Field Customizations table rather than to the "out of the box" default field name.
Understanding Field Names
The Field Customizations table contains a Field Name field for you to enter the name of the field that you want to rename or hide on your client forms. Note that you are entering the actual database field name, and not the name as it is displayed on the client form or within the client customization window.
See ILLiad Database Tables to view the field names for key tables and fields in ILLiad.
Creating and Editing Field Customizations
You can create, edit, or remove field customizations in the ILLiad Staff Manager.
- In the Username field, select the user that you want to use with the field customization.
- In the Field Name field, enter the database field name that you want to customize.
- In the Display Name field, enter the name that you want to display for this field in client grids and forms.
- If you want to hide the field entered in Field Name, check the checkbox to hide this field in all client grids and forms.
- If you want to remove a customization that has already been set, select the item and click the Remove button.
- When you are finished customizing field names, save your entries by clicking the Save button on the Field Customizations ribbon to save the changes to the database.
Note that visibility of a field is set in the Field Customizations table supersedes any existing layout settings. Hidden columns do not appear in the Customization window and cannot be re-added from within the client.
Copying Field Customizations
You can quickly copy field customizations from one user to other users with the Copy Field Customizations feature. Note that copying a user's field customizations copies all of the customizations from that user to the selected user(s). This button will be disabled if you have only one user listed in your Field Customizations table.
- Click the Copy Field Customizations button on the Field Customizations ribbon.
- Select the user that you want to copy customizations from.
- Select the user(s) that you want to copy customizations to.
- Click Copy Field Customizations. A pop-up message warns you that copying customizations will overwrite existing customizations and that this action cannot be reversed.
- Click Yes to copy the customizations and automatically save the changes to the database.
Fields Affected by Field Customizations
Renaming and hiding client fields affect those fields in the following client forms:
- Clear User
- Request
- User
- Lender
- Merge Lender
- Lender Selection
- Check In from Lending Library
- Doc Del Stacks Search
- Lending Stacks Search
On the Doc Del Stacks Search and Lending Stacks Search forms, the Electronic Delivery, Title, and Author fields do not use field customizations because the data is not populated from a single field.
On the Check-In from Lending Library form, the Volume/Edition, Title, Author, Year/Date, and Customer name fields do not use field customizations.
Renaming and hiding client fields affect those fields in the following client grids. Field customizations are not applicable to any Notes grids.
- Search results (Simple, Request Search, and Custom)
- Request lists (Queues opened from the dashboard)
- Transactions grid of System Information Alerts (Connection Manager, Rapid Manager, ISO Manager, Odyssey Manager)
- Flagged requests
- Clear User (Includes both the Users to Clear and Similar Users. Not applicable to User Accounts grid.)
- Contact Customers
- Lender Selection
- Update Stacks Search
- Check In from Lending Library (Both Request search results and the Lender Address grid)
- Batch Processing
- Overdues
- Groups Maintenance