Customizing the Client Layout

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Staff can customize the layout of the Main Page, grids within the Groups, and other forms within the client. The Customization Form is used throughout the ILLiad client as a means to rearrange information for easy viewing. Each staff user of the client can modify the layout by expanding and contracting various screens of the client, moving screens, and rename field labels to more appropriate terms. Students could have customized layouts that only show those areas of the Main Page and/or form that pertain to them. Administrators can give more real estate to the reports or system information. At any time, staff can always choose to restore the default layout. Customizations are automatically saved for individual users, and can also be saved to a file, shared and adapted by other users. Staff can customize the layout of the Client Main Page, Request form, User Information Form, and other forms using the Customization form and accompanying Customization popup window.






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