Renaming Field Labels
Choosing the Rename option in the Customization Form allows you to change a field name. The name may differ in each module, however the underlying function is the same. Note that several fields in the Request Form for Borrowing, Document Delivery and Lending, are used throughout the 3 modules and cannot be renamed. These fields are:
- Wanted By (serves as Service Type in Document Delivery and Lending)
- ILL Number (serves as Record Number, System Number, Rapid Number, depending upon System ID being used)
- OCLC Number (serves as UI/LD Number, Bib Number, etc. depending upon System ID being used)
- Lender (serves as Borrower in Lending)
Renaming Tabs
You can rename tabs on your forms if the Rename options is available on the Customization popup when you click the tab. The Borrowing, Document Delivery, and Lending tabs on the Main page can be renamed. Group tabs, such as the Article Info, Loan Info, Imported Request and User tabs on the Detail section of the Request form, can be renamed. The workflow queue tabs on the Main page cannot be renamed. The main tabs on the Request forms (Detail, History, OCLC, Z39.50, PubMed/Docline) and User form (User Information, Requests, Accounts, Email History) cannot be renamed.