Local Routing for Borrowing

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To route a borrowing request to another site on you ILLiad server

  1. If you discover the item is available at another ILLiad site via a catalog search, save the call number and location information on the request.
  2. Set the System ID to LOCL.
  3. In the Lending String field, type in a lending string made up of the local symbols for your shared server locations to which you wish to send the request, separated by commas. This may be just one symbol.
  4. Click on the Request Sent Borrowing Processing ribbon icon to mark the item as sent.
  5. The request will then be sent to the Lending workflow of the ILLiad site(s), and it will be processed like any other Borrowing request when it arrives from the other location.

Borrowing requests not filled through Local Routing will be updated to Unavailable in Local System.

Including Patron Information in Outgoing Local Requests

If you have set the SendPatronInfoLOCL customization key to Yes, patron information will be included in the outgoing request. This information consists of the patron's first and last name.

After Sending the Request

The request will arrive at the location to which you have sent it as a regular lending request, with a status of Awaiting Local Request Processing. It will have a new transaction number as a Lending request, but the original borrowing transaction number will be preserved as the ILL number on the new Lending Request. The lender may then respond Yes and ship the item, respond No and send the request to the next local symbol, or conditionalize the request and send it back to the original location. If the request is unable to be filled locally, it will return to you in the ILLiad Main Menu as Unavailable In Local System. You may then open it back up by double-clicking on it to open the Request Form. From there, you may re-request it via another source (OCLC, Docline, etc.) as you would normally. When requests are filled locally, the borrowing form for the request displays a lending library symbol in the Lender field and a history entry (e.g., "shipped") on the History tab.

Cancelled Requests

When a Local request is cancelled the cancellation reason and note are added to the Note section of the original Borrowing request. A separate Lending note is added for each local lender in the lending string that cancels the request.


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