Local Routing

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Local Routing is a way to create a contained requesting between several locations using ILLiad on the same closed Shared Server ILLiad system, bypassing the creation of an ILLiad request to send to libraries within your ILLiad system. Each site is assigned a symbol during installation, and once set up, you can route requests to the various local libraries in your system by putting these symbols in the lending string field and sending the request.

Shared Server Support must be turned on and be set up properly for Local Routing to work. Local Routing is not possible in a Single Server ILLiad system.

In addition to adding the site symbols on the server, each site will need to add a lender address record for all the other sites that will be receiving the request. The lender address record needs to have the following values set correctly in order for the routing to work.

  • The symbol assigned to the record should be NVTGC value for that site as designated on the server
  • The record needs to be record number 1 for that site. If your system has multiple Lender Address records for the symbol, you will need to merge them all to record number 1,


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