Processing Lending Requests

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Shipping Options

If a request needs to be changed to or from Priority Shipping or Ariel, check or uncheck the applicable box in the Item Information section of the Lending Request form and click the Save icon at the top of the form. If the service level should be changed to RUSH, use the Service Level drop-down under General Request Information to change it. Then save those changes. Service levels are set up in the Customization Manager.

Specifying Default Shipping Method

You can set the default shipping options separately for libraries based on their symbol and address number. On the Lender Selection form of the request you are processing, select the option in the Default Shipping Loan and Default Shipping Article fields. Click Update to save the record and select Process to continue processing the request. The Lender Address form will now display the Default Shipping options in the Shipping Information pane. You can see this by clicking View Lender on the Lending Processing ribbon of the Lending Request form.

The values in the Default Shipping Option dropdowns are populated in the BillingShippingFees table in the Customization Manager.

If Address Information is Not in the Database

If the Lender symbol of the requesting institution is not in ILLiad's database, the Lender Selection form opens when you attempt to open the request. You will need to add the Lender address into the form.

Adding an Address

If the Lender symbol is not in the database, the Borrower information section of the Lender Selection form will be blank. You will need to add address information to that symbol. The borrowing institution's address information can usually be found in the original request. The Imported Request tab of the Lending Request form holds the entire OCLC or Docline request. Scroll down to see the entire request. Enter the address in the Address section of the Lender Selection form. Once the proper address information is entered, click on the Add icon on the Lender Selection form ribbon to update the system. ILLiad will now recognize the borrowing library's symbol for all future transactions.

Verify Information and Conditions of the Requesting Institution

Choosing Shipping Addresses

For each transaction, check that the shipping address in the Library tab of the Request form is the same as the address selected from the Lender Selection form. Libraries (particularly OCLC institutions) may have multiple addresses associated with the same symbol. Be sure that the correct address is selected for shipping and accountability. To choose an address, double-click on the number next to the address (i.e. #2) in the Lender Selection form and that address will show appear in the address box. An address must be selected for each request before finishing searching. For institutions with only one address option, ILLiad will select that address automatically. For multiple address institutions, you will have to select an address as a part of standard Lending request processing.

Adding Shipping Addresses

If the address for a particular symbol does not exist in your system, you can enter it. To enter a second (or more) address into the database for a symbol, enter the address in the Address section of the Lender Selection form. This information may be typed in or copied and pasted from the OCLC request using the usual control key shortcuts. When you are finished filling out the information, click the Add icon on the Lender Selection ribbon.

Assigning Groups

To assign Borrowing institution to a statistical Group, you may do so on the Lender Selection form. The Groups pane in the middle of the right-hand side of the Lender Selection form displays all of the Groups you have created. To assign a group to the Borrowing institution for this transaction, click the checkbox next to the Group. Then click the Update icon to save the change. If a Library is marked as blocked in ILLiad, they cannot submit a request over the lending web or OCLC.

You create Groups in the Groups Maintenance form, accessed by clicking on the System tab of the Main ribbon and choosing the Groups Maintenance icon.


Check the Maxcost/Pieces to determine whether your institution can provide the item within the specified cost parameters. This information appears on the Lending Request Form in the Item Information section.

Need Before Date

Check the Need Before Date, found in the Imported Request Tab,  to determine whether your institution can provide the item within the specified time parameters.

Note that the Need Before Date value also copies to the Not Wanted After field in the ILLiad Request Form.

Borrowing Notes

Check the Borrowing Notes field for any special instructions or requirements. The Borrowing Notes field may also be found in the Imported tab with the original captured request.

Request Type

ILLiad will automatically categorize requests as Loans or Articles based on the information provided in the original request. Check to be sure this has been done correctly. While most requests are fairly straightforward, some requests can be difficult to classify properly.


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Processing Lending Requests

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