Processing Requests: Updating Doc Del Stacks Search Results

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Once you have retrieved items from your library, you will need to update them in ILLiad.

  1. From the ILLiad main screen, click on the Document Delivery ribbon.
  2. Click Update Stacks Search.
  3. Search for the transaction. You can Scan the barcode from the pull slip, or manually enter the transaction number or other information.
  4. Click the Search button. The request will appear in the grid.
  5. Make any needed changes (for example, altering the due date).
  6. Move the request to the next step (see Moving the Transaction to the Next Step below for more information).

When searching for requests, you can use the In Stacks Searching Only toggle button to limit your search to only requests at the status of In DD Stacks Searching.

Moving the Transaction to the Next Step

The next step in the process may differ depending on the nature of the transaction:

Mark Found

Mark Found if you found the item and you are able to loan it to the customer. This will route the request to Awaiting Doc Del Customer Contact. If Billing for Document Delivery is turned on, it will first bring up the Add Billing Charges form. See Awaiting DocDel Customer Contact for instructions on contacting customers.

Mark Not Found

Mark Not Found if the item cannot be loaned, but may still be able to be borrowed. The Reasons for Not Found list will open, and you can select a reason from the list. These reasons can be edited in the DocDelNotFoundReasons table in the ILLiad Customization Manager (located under Doc Del | Reasons). The request will then be routed to Doc Del Item Not Found. From this status, you can route items back to Borrowing.

Cancel Request

Cancel the request if the item cannot be loaned and it can not be borrowed. The Reason for Cancellation list will open, and you can select a reason from the list. These reasons can be edited in the DocDelNotFoundReasons table in the ILLiad Customization Manager (located under Doc Del | Reasons). You can check the Send E-mail box to send the patron an email, and the Edit E-mail box to first edit the email you send. The request will then be routed to Cancelled by ILL Staff and an email will be sent.

Mark Found Scan Now

Mark Found Scan Now for articles that will be scanned and delivered to the customer electronically via Odyssey. The Document Delivery Scanning form will display. This will allow you to scan and send the article immediately.

Mark Found Scan Later

Mark Found Scan Later for articles that will be scanned and delivered electronically via Odyssey, but not immediately. The request will be moved to the status of Awaiting Doc Del Scanning, and scanning can be done at a later time.

Notify Electronic Delivery

Notify Electronic Delivery designates the item as found and moves the transaction to Delivered to Web. This is used for scanning the article using software other than Odyssey. These items will need to be scanned, converted to PDF, and then saved to the PDF share drive (usually x:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\pdf) with the filename as the transaction number of the request.

TIP: Institutions that use this feature find it beneficial to do the scanning and posting functions before clicking the Notify Electronic Delivery button. This is because the status changes to Delivered to Web immediately after clicking the button and an email is sent to the customer notifying them that the file is available for viewing.


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