Circulating Requests: Contacting Doc Del Customers

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Email notifications are sent automatically by the ILLiad System Manager when a request moves to the status of Awaiting Doc Del Customer Contact. You can control when these emails are sent to patrons by delaying when the request is routed from In Transit to Pickup Location to Awaiting Doc Del Customer Contact.

Once an item is at the status of Awaiting Doc Del Customer Contact, email notifications will be sent automatically to patrons with a notification method of E-mail. The ILLiad System Manager will check for items at this status every 5 minutes and send the notifications.

Some default email templates for Loans were added to the Customization Manager (starting in ILLiad 8.5) as database templates to facilitate this:

  • ILLDDLoanDeliveryNotify (Doc Del loan received - Mailed to Address)
  • ILLDDLoanNotify (Doc Del loan received - Hold for Pickup)

The following templates for Articles were also added. These templates only apply to users who do not receive Electronic Delivery (the Electronic Delivery option on their User form is set to No) and will receive hard copy Articles. The elecdel.txt file is used as the template for Electronic Delivery.

  • ILLDDArticleDeliveryNotify (Doc Del article received - Mailed to Address)
  • ILLDDArticleNotify (Doc Del article received - Hold for Pickup)

A list of these templates can be viewed and edited by going to the ILLiad Customization Manager under the E-mail Templates tab then clicking Edit. If you do not want ILLiad to send one or more of these emails, simply delete those templates. This is done by selecting a template from the list and clicking Delete.

Manually Contacting Customers

For patrons with a notification method of Phone or Mail, you are able to manually update the status of their requests to Contacted via Phone. These items will remain at the status of Awaiting Doc Del Customer Contact until they are manually updated.

  1. From the ILLiad main screen, click the Document Delivery tab, then the Contact Customers button.
    • You can click the top half of the Contact Customers button, or click the bottom half then Manually Notify.
  2. The Document Delivery Customer Contact form will display, and the notification types will be grouped together.
  3. To print a notification, select the request/s you want to print and click Print Notifications.
  4. To indicate that you have notified by phone, select any requests in the Phone group and click Notified via Phone. These requests will move to the status of Doc Del Customer Notified via Phone.
  5. Double-click any request on the list to open the request form.

NOTE: Requests for users with an Email notification method will appear on this list for a short amount of time before the System Manager automatically sends email notifications. This is done every 5 minutes.


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