ILLiad Customization Keys

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This is a master list of all keys and tables viewable in the ILLiad Customization Manager.

Borrowing | Contact Information | DocDel | Lending | Odyssey | System | System Billing | Web Interface 




Activates Billing functions for Borrowing.


The format for the citation field for each Borrowing transaction in the Billing Manager.

Example = <#LoanTitle><#PhotoJournalTitle>: <#LoanAuthor><#PhotoArticleTitle>


Word document for Billing Manager Borrowing invoice printing.

Example = BorrowingBillingManagerInvoice.doc


Indicate if the user should be shown the UserAccounts page after registration if a default billing account is added for the user. If the key is set to no, the user will be directed to their requested page as it normally would.


ReasonsForCancellation Table

Contains the current Reasons for Cancellation information associated with Borrowing request processing.

*Reason numbers for each NVTGC location should be incremental, starting with zero, and should not contain any numerical gaps.



The number of days to subtract from the due date when printing the label. This allows you to back up Due Dates for ILL Customers to allow enough time for ILL to return items to the lender by the real Due Date.


Value for Allow Photocopies on the Check-In from Lending Library form.


Value for Allow Renewals on the Check-In from Lending Library form.


Value for Library Use Only on the Check-In from Lending Library form. A check-in the Library Use Only checkbox on the Borrowing Request form overrides the default setting of NO.



Enables/disables automatic searching of the Copyright Clearance Center database when a record is selected on the Process Copyright screen. This value defaults to Yes.


Specifies the number of pages to be used to request a quick price from the CCC if the transaction does not already specify this value.


Specifies the URL for the CCC Home Page button on the Copyright Processing form. Can instead point to any URL.



Specifies the Copyright Clearance Center Location ID to use for CCC order-related actions.


Specifies the Copyright Clearance Center password to use for CCC order-related actions.

Note: This is the same Password used to access the CCC web pages.


The URL for the Atlas Support page with CCC credentials documentation.


Specifies the Copyright Clearance Center Username for your institution to use for CCC order-related actions.

Note: This is the same Username used to access the CCC web pages.


Specifies the location of the Copyright file which holds the copyright query.

Note: This is used only if you are using a Copyright.txt file instead of the built-in copyright query. 

Example: c:\illiad


Specifies the Copyright Query method being used. If set to File, this tells the system to use the CopyrightFile key (above) to find the Copyright.txt file being used.

Example: None, File

CopyrightYears Used by the Auto Select No Problem Requests button on the Copyright Processing form to determine what should be cleared through copyright.

Customer Clearance

If you have created additional statuses other than those listed below, you can create other entries in this table in the same format.

UserExpiration The number of days to add to the current date for the expiration date. Additional keys can be created for other statuses.
UserExpirationFaculty The number of days to add to the current date before Faculty customers expire.
UserExpirationGraduate The number of days to add to the current date before Graduate customers expire.
UserExpirationStaff The number of days to add to the current date before Staff customers expire.
UserExpirationUndergraduate The number of days to add to the current date before Undergraduate customers expire.



Enables/disables the ability in Borrowing to delete invoice information (for invoices sent to you from the Lending Institution), once entered, from the General Update form.

If set to Yes, a delete button appears on the Invoice tab. If set to No, that delete button is not visible.

Direct Request


Specifies the OCLC field where configurable ARM matching criteria can be sent from ILLiad and stored when requests are sent to the Automated Request Manager from a custom ARM match field sending queue. 

The value entered in the ARMMatchField key is not case-sensitive and can also be entered either with or without spaces.
DirectRequestEnabled Determines if Direct Request processing is enabled.

Specifies the ISO IP address to use when sending Direct Requests.


Electronic Delivery

Shared System Table - Changes may affect other sites in Shared Server Systems.


Only used if ArielType equals Query. Shows the location of the Ariel installation database in relation to the ILLiad Client. Defaults to (localhost) if importing from the Ariel machine.

Example: The legitimate IP Address or DNS for your Ariel database.

ArielDatabaseName Only used if ArielType equals Query. The name of the Ariel installation database. This should only be set if the Ariel installation has an alternate database name.
ArielDatabasePassword Only used if ArielType equals Query. The password to connect to the Ariel installation database. This should only be set if the Ariel installation has an alternate password for authenticating to the database.
ArielDatabaseUser Only used if ArielType equals Query. The username to connect to the Ariel installation database. This should only be set if the Ariel installation has an alternate username for authenticating to the database.

Points the ILLiad Client to the location of the Ariel In folder, from which it will pull Ariel documents into ILLiad.

Example: c:\ariel2\in\ (any local path to the Ariel In folder)


Used to differentiate between Ariel 4.1 and higher, and previous versions of Ariel.

Example: Query, File (Query is used for Ariel Version 4.1 and higher. File is used for earlier versions)

DaysBeforeElectronicDeliveryCleanup Specifies the number of days before Electronic Delivery files are deleted from the server.
ElecDelAllowRapidMatch If set to Yes, ILLiad will match on negative numbers as well.

Used by the ILLiad DLL to locate the PDF folder.

If set to Yes, it looks for the PDF folder using the path specified in WebPDFPath. If set to No, the DLL automatically looks for PDFs in the PDF subfolder (/pdf/) where the DLL is running (ex. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\pdf).


When RemotePDFStorage is set to Yes, the WebPDFPath is used by the Odyssey Protocol as the location to move PDFs during Odyssey processing, and by the ILLiad DLL and the System Manager to locate PDF files.

Example: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\pdf\

ElecDelAddresses Table Contains the current Address, Symbol, and SystemID information used during Electronic Delivery Processing to determine where an Ariel document originated.


EmailImportAutoUserRecord Allows you to specify whether or not to have the system automatically create User records during Email Imports for records for which the username does not already exist in the database.


BorrowingBlockOnThirdOverdue Allows you to block customers concurrent with sending the Level 3 overdue notice.

Name of the Word document(s) to open if printing Borrowing Overdue Level 1 letters.

Example: BorrowingOverdueLetter1.doc


Name of the Word document(s) to open if printing Borrowing Overdue Level 2 letters.

Example: BorrowingOverdueLetter2.doc


Name of the Word document(s) to open if printing Borrowing Overdue Level 3 letters.

Example: BorrowingOverdueLetter3.doc

BorrowingOverdueGraceDays Specifies the number of days, calculated from the Due Date, to wait before beginning to send Overdue Level 1 notices. Due Date + OverDueGraceDays = Start sending BorrowingOverDue1 E-mail notices.
BorrowingOverdueNoticeOneDays Specifies the number of days, calculated from the Due Date, to wait before beginning to send Overdue Level 2 notices. Due Date + OverDueNoticeOneDays = Start sending BorrOverDue2 E-mail notices.
BorrowingOverdueNoticeTwoDays Specifies the number of days, calculated from the Due Date, to wait before beginning to send Overdue Level 3 notices. Due Date + OverdueNoticeTwoDays = Start sending OverDue3 E-mail notices.

Name of the Word document(s) to open if printing Borrowing Reminder letters.

Example: BorrowingOverdueReminderLetter.doc

BorrowingReminderDaysBeforeDue Specifies the number of days before the due date when an overdue reminder should be sent. A value of 0 will disable borrowing reminders.



Specifies a single document or list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the notifications are printed in ILLiad.

Example: BorrowingNotify.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the ALA print process happens for an article in ILLiad.

Example: BorrowingALARequests.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the ALA print process happens for a loan in ILLiad.

Example: BorrowingALARequests.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Receives print process happens for an article in ILLiad.

Example: BorrowingArticleLabels.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Receives print process happens for a loan in ILLiad.

Example: BorrowingLoanLabels.doc, BorrowingLoanSlips.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Returns print process happens for an article in ILLiad.

Example: BorrowingReturnAddressLabels.doc, BorrowingReturnSlips.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Returns print process happens for a loan in ILLiad.

Example: BorrowingReturnSlips.doc, BorrowingReturnAddressLabels.doc


A single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when printing a Borrowing request.

Example: PrintRequest.doc


BorrowingRenewalDays If Automatic Renewals are enabled, this key determines the number of days to automatically add to the due date when a user requests a renewal.



Specifies the Default System ID that shows on the Request Form. This is typically set to the most frequently used Borrowing system.

Example: CLC, DOC (Docline), LOCL (Local), ISO (ISO ILL), OTH (Other)


Comma separated list of process types in which the title from the request form is copied to the clipboard for searching. Values can be Borrowing, Doc Del, Lending or any combination thereof.

Example: Borrowing, Doc Del, Lending

LendingAutoLocalString Enables/disables "guessing" lending string symbols when creating lending strings in a local (LOCL) system.



Contact Information


LocalInfo Table Contains all of the ILLiad contact information for your institution split into sections for Borrowing, Document Delivery, and Lending.

Document Delivery (Doc Del)


BillingActiveDocDel Activates Billing functions for Document Delivery.

The format for the citation field for each Document Delivery transaction in the Billing Manager.

Example: <#LoanTitle><#PhotoJournalTitle>: <#LoanAuthor><#PhotoArticleTitle>.


Word document for Billing Manager Doc Del invoice printing.

Example: DocDelBillingManagerInvoice.doc



Specifies a single document or list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the notifications are printed in ILLiad.

Example: BorrowingNotify.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Stacks Search print process happens for an article in ILLiad.

Example: DocDelArticleSlips.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Stacks Search print process happens for a Loan in ILLiad.

Example: DocDelLoanLabels.doc


A single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when printing a Doc Del request.

Example: PrintRequest.doc



Contains the current Reasons for Cancellation information associated with Document Delivery request processing.

Important: Reason numbers for each NVTGC location should be incremental, starting with zero, and should not contain any numerical gaps.

Update Stacks Search


Designates the Loan period for Document Delivery.

Note: This key is used for printing purposes only. Document Delivery items should be checked out using the normal Circulation system.

UpdateStacksDefaultAllowPhotocopies Determines your default Allow Photocopies value for printing on your labels.
UpdateStacksDefaultAllowRenewals Determines your default Allow Renewals value for printing on your labels.
UpdateStacksDefaultLibraryUseOnly Determines your default Library Use Only value for printing on your labels.



BillingActiveLending Activates Billing functions for Lending.

The format for the citation field for each Lending transaction in the Billing Manager.

Example: <#LoanTitle><#PhotoJournalTitle>: <#LoanAuthor><#PhotoArticleTitle>.


Word document for Billing Manager Lending invoice printing.

Example: LendingBillingManagerInvoice.doc

IFMSupport If set to Yes, the system will attempt to use IFM for payments rather than Invoices. If IFM requirements are not met, you can still invoice.


LendingReasonsForCancellation Table

Contains the current reasons and associated values for which one might Cancel Lending requests. These reasons can be mapped to OCLC and Docline Reasons for No.

Important: Reason numbers for each NVTGC location should be incremental, starting with zero, and should not contain any numerical gaps.


LendingReasonsForCond Table

Contains the current reasons and associated values for which one might Conditionalize Lending requests. These reasons can be mapped to OCLC and Docline Reasons for No.

Important: Reason numbers for each NVTGC location should be incremental, starting with zero, and should not contain any numerical gaps.


EFTSActive Enables/disables Docline EFTS billing functions.
EFTSLIBID Whatever value is assigned to your EFTS Library ID (Docline Symbol). If you do not use Docline, this value will be blank.
EFTSSHID Whatever value is assigned to your EFTS SHID. If you do not use Docline EFTS, this value will be blank.



Specifies the values for the Received Via drop down on the Lending Add Request form.

Example: Any pipe separated list of values (Fax | Phone | Mail | ALA)


Specifies the values for the Document Type drop down on the Lending Add Request form.

Example: Any pipe separated list of values (Article | Book | Book Chapter)

Import Queues

BorrowerStatusTable Contains specific borrower symbols and the ILLiad statuses to which incoming transactions from each symbol should be moved upon import by the ILLiad connector.



Sets the Billing Category that will be assigned by default to new LenderAddresses(ALL) entries.

Example: Any legitimate Billing Category. Examples: Default, In State, etc.

LendingBlockedAutoCancel For OCLC importing using the Connection Manager, this key allows you to automatically cancel any requests from blocked libraries. If set to Yes, the Connection Manager updates the OCLC request and ILLiad as Cancelled for any blocked institutions.

Sets the Shipping Method to be assigned to new Lending Articles upon import by the ILLiad Connection Manager.

Example: Any legitimate Shipping Method. Example: Campus Courier


Sets the Shipping Method to be assigned to new Lending Loans upon import by the ILLiad Connection Manager.

Example: Any legitimate Shipping Method. Example: Campus Courier


Determines whether imported Lending article requests with Ariel in the imported record are automatically marked for delivery via Ariel.

Note: This key overrides the Default Shipping Article value in the Lender Address form.

LendingRenewalDateDays Allows you to specify the number of days to be added to the original Due Date if you renewal a Lending transaction with a specific Due Date.



Name of the Word document(s) to open if printing Lending Overdue Level 1 letters.

Example: LendingOverdueLetter1.doc


Name of the Word document(s) to open if printing Lending Overdue Level 2 letters.

Example: LendingOverdueLetter2.doc


Name of the Word document(s) to open if printing Lending Overdue Level 3 letters.

Example: LendingOverdueLetter3.doc

LendingOverdueGraceDays Specifies the number of days, calculated from the Due Date, to wait before beginning to send Overdue Level 1 notices. Due Date + OverDueGraceDays = Start sending OverDue1 notices.
LendingOverdueNoticeOneDays Specifies the number of days, calculated from the Due Date, to wait before beginning to send Overdue Level 2 notices. Due Date + OverDueNoticeOneDays = Start sending OverDue2 notices.
LendingOverdueNoticeTwoDays Specifies the number of days, calculated from the Due Date, to wait before beginning to send Overdue Level 3 notices. Due Date + OverdueNoticeTwoDays = Start sending OverDue3 notices.

Name of the Word document(s) to open if printing Lending Reminder letters.

Example: LendingOverdueReminderLetter.doc

LendingReminderDaysBeforeDueDate The number of days before the due date when an overdue reminder should be sent. A value of 0 will disable lending reminders.



Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Secondary print process happens for an Article in ILLiad.

Example: LendingArticleSlips.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Secondary print process happens for a Loan in ILLiad.

Example: LendingLoanLabels.doc, LendingLoanSlips.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Shipping Label print process happens for an Article in ILLiad.

Example: LendingArticleShippingLabels.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Shipping Label print process happens for a Loan in ILLiad.

Example: BorrowingLoanLabels.doc, BorrowingLoanSlips.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Stacks Search print process happens for an Article in ILLiad.

Example: LendingArticleSlips.doc


Specifies a single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when the Stacks Search print process happens for a Loan in ILLiad.

Example: LendingLoanLabels.doc, LendingLoanSlips.doc


A single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when printing a Lending request.

Example: PrintRequest.doc


LendingCallNumberRequired Determines whether the Call Number field is required by the ILLiad Client before moving a transaction to the Awaiting Stacks Searching queue. Typically, this would be set to No for institutions with journal collections that are shelved by Title.
LendingDueDateDays Designates the global Loan period for Lending. This value can be overridden by using the Lending Due Dates Override value set in Groups Maintenance.
LendingImportAutoRush Enables/Disables automatic routing of imported transactions to the Awaiting Rush Processing queue based on the presence of the word Rush anywhere in the imported record. Applies to both OCLC and Docline imports.
LendingRestrictDefaultAllow Photocopies Determines the default Allow Photocopies value that shows on the Lending Request Form if the value is not otherwise specified.
LendingRestrictDefaultAllowRenewals Determines the default Allow Renewals value that shows on the Lending Request Form if the value is not otherwise specified.
LendingRestrictDefaultLibraryUseOnly Determines the default Library Use Only that shows on the Lending Request Form if the value is not otherwise specified.


Access Control

The following keys are applied by the ILLiad Odyssey Manager service upon initialization of the service. Changes to these keys will require that the ILLiad Odyssey Manager service be restarted on the Odyssey Server before any changes will be in effect.


Determines whether to allow or disallow new institutions to send Odyssey documents to your server. If set to Automatic, your Odyssey server will accept articles from any institution that sends documents using the Odyssey Protocol. If set to Manual, your Odyssey server will ONLY accept articles from Odyssey senders ALREADY in the OdysseyAccess table. All others will be rejected.

Note: If OdysseyAccept is set to Manual, ALL senders, including any local ILLiad client machines would need to exist in the OdysseyAccess table before being allowed to send Odyssey documents to the ILLiad server.


Determines whether or not to add records to the OdysseyAccess table automatically for Odyssey Senders that have been accepted by the system (determined by the OdysseyAccept value).

Note: This key is used only when the value for the OdysseyAccept key is set to Automatic. If the OdysseyAccept value is later changed to Manual, Odyssey senders already in the OdysseyAccess table will still be accepted.


Contains the current list of institutions and associated IP addresses that will be used to transmit/receive Odyssey documents.

Warning: Shared System Table - Changes may affect other sites in Shared Server Systems.



Specifies the PDF coversheet file on the Odyssey server to be used for Odyssey Doc Del.

Example: ddcoversheet.pdf


Specifies the location on the Odyssey server of the PDF coversheet for Odyssey Doc Del.

Example: c:\illiad\elecdel\


Specifies the PDF coversheet file on the Odyssey server to be used for Odyssey Borrowing.

Example: coversheet.pdf


Specifies the location on the Odyssey server of the PDF coversheet for Odyssey Borrowing.

Example: c:\illiad\elecdel\



The location on the local workstation or remote share of those Doc Del files to be processed by the Electronic Delivery Utility.

Example: c:\illiad\images\


The location on the local workstation or remote share of those Lending files to be processed by the Electronic Delivery Utility.

Example: c:\illiad\images\


Specifies the IP address (recommended) or DNS name for your Odyssey Server.

Note: This is usually your ILLiad Web server.

OdysseyEnabledForManualRequests Should Odyssey be enabled by default for manual requests created in the client?

Specifies the number of times Odyssey will reattempt delivery if the first delivery attempt fails.

Note: This is a global setting for shared server installations.

OdysseyReceive Enables/disables Odyssey receiving functions for Borrowing. Note: Must be set to Yes for Odyssey to function.
OdysseySend Specifies whether Odyssey should be used, if available, for sending lending articles. If set to No, transactions will not be routed to the Lending Scanning Queues.

Specifies the number of seconds between each attempt to send an Odyssey document.

Note: This is a global setting for shared server installations.


Specifies the temporary location on the Odyssey server for the received documents coming from other libraries or from local ILLiad clients for local processing.

Example: c:\illiad\odyssey\receive\


Specifies the temporary location on the Odyssey server for scanned documents being sent to other libraries or to your own users for local processing.

Example: c:\illiad\odyssey\send\


Specifies your Odyssey Server IP address followed by your NVTGC code.

Example: If you are in a single server ILLiad system, that value is (where is your Odyssey server IP address). If you are in a Shared Server ILLiad System, replace ILL in the above example with the appropriate NVTGC code for each site.


Turns on Odyssey Sending and Receiving.

Note: In Shared Server ILLiad systems when ANY NVTGC site(s) wish to use Odyssey, this must be set to Yes for the ILL site. Must be set to Yes for Odyssey to function.


AlwaysTrustLocalDelivery This key should generally be set to No. If set to Yes, articles sent between sites on a Shared Server would not need to have the senders Trusted checkbox checked for automatic delivery.

If set to Always, all articles go directly to the customer without staff review. If set to Never, all articles must be reviewed by staff. If set to Trusted, only articles received from Trusted senders bypass staff review.

Example: Always, Never, Trusted


Article Exchange


Comma-separated list of System ID's other than OCLC used to determine when to send Article Exchange delivery notifications.


ArticleExchangeTrusted Possible values are Always, Never, or Trusted. Always means all articles go directly to the customer without staff review. Never means all articles must be reviewed by staff. Trusted means only articles received from Trusted senders bypass staff review.
SendArticleExchangeOnOdysseyFailure Use Article Exchange as a backup delivery method if Odyssey requests fail to send.


BillingManagerLive Enables/disables Billing Manager in Live mode.

Local path for Billing Manager print data files.

Example: c:\ILLiad\Print\

Custom Flags

CustomFlags Table Contains the current list of Custom Flags and their corresponding NVTGC and Flag Name values.

Custom Queues

CustomQueues Table Contains the current list of Custom Queues and their corresponding ProcessType and NVTGC values.

Database Manager

DataManDeleteNonFinishedItems Enables/Disables the ability of the Database Manager to delete Transactions that are not yet at a Finished status. The default value for this key is No.
DataManMinOthereleteDays Specifies the cutoff date for allowing the deletion of items on the Other tab of the Database Manager. The date specified must be earlier than the current date minus this value. The default value (366) would only allow deletions for dates prior to one year before the current date.
DataManMinTransDeleteDays Specifies the cutoff date for allowing the deletion of items on the Transactions tab of the Database Manager. The date specified must be earlier than the current date minus this value. The default value (1096) would only allow deletions for dates prior to three years before the current date.


DocDelEmailFromAddress Specifies the email address from which all ILLiad Document Delivery emails will come.
DocDelEmailFromName Specifies the name associated with the above email address.

If UserPassword is not working for your site, you may experiment with MD5 based on your SMTP server.

Example: UserPassword, MD

EMailFromAddress Specifies the email address from which all ILLiad Borrowing emails will come.
EMailFromName Specifies the Name associated with the above email address. This is usually set to a service rather than to an individual.
EMailImport Table Contains the specific information for any email Imports of ILLiad requests that have been set up on your system.
EmailImportActive Setting the key to Yes enables email importing by the System Manager.
EmailImportInterval How often, in minutes, the System Manager should import emails. Set to 30 by default.
EMailNoAccountAddress Specifies the email address to which all notifications will be sent for users with no email address specified.
EMailRouting Table Contains the specific information for any email Routing options (custom emails) that have been set up on your system.
EMailSecure Determines if SMTP server requires SSL.
EMailSMTPPort Specifies which port ILLiad should attempt to use to connect to the email server to send emails.

Specifies the email server that ILLiad should use to send email notifications and custom emails.

Example: Any legitimate SMTP server to which you have the appropriate permissions and rights to use for sending ILLiad emails.

LendingEMailFromAddress Specifies the email address from which all ILLiad Lending emails will come.
LendingEMailFromName Specifies the Name associated with the above email address. This is usually set to a service rather than to an individual.

Specifies the password for ILLiad to use to send email.

Example: Any legitimate password required to access your SMTP Server for sending emails


Specifies the userid for ILLiadto use to send email.

Example: Any legitimate userid that has the appropriate permissions and rights to access your SMTP Server for sending emails



Optionally specifies a central addon repository via UNC path or mapped drive. If present, ILLiad will update its local addon directory with newer versions from this location.

This key is not present by default and must be manually added to the ILLiad Customization Manager. For more information, see Addon Locations in the Atlas addon documentation.
ApiRequestMapping Table

Allows you to configure mappings that will transform the submitted values for specified fields on incoming ILLiad requests before they are stored in the ILLiad database when receiving new transactions from an external application or system through the ILLiad Web Platform.

For more information on configuring this table, see Transforming Incoming Transaction Field Values Using the ApiRequestMapping Table.

BarometerExclusions Table Contains a list of all queues excluded from the Barometer report displayed in the Report Group.
BorrowingOverdueNoticesActive Enables or disables the processing of borrowing overdue notification emails via System Manager.
CopyZ3950BibInfo Determines if the default behavior for copying Z39.50 search result information to the request should include the bibliographic information.
CustomDropDown Table

This table holds the default dropdown fields that display on the web pages and forms within the client. The Location (NVTGC) field in the client is an exception as it is pulled from the DeliveryLocations table.

Example: Default Values exist for Department, NTVGC, State, and StatusGroup. The Location (NVTGC) field in the client is an exception as it is pulled from the DeliveryLocations table.

Customization Table Contains all of the Customization settings for your Institution or NVTGC site.
DeliveryLocations Table

Contains all of the Delivery Locations that exist in your ILLiad system. The Location (NVTGC) field in the client is populated from here as well as the Delivery Location field used in Alerts.

Warning: Shared System Table - Changes may affect other sites in Shared Server Systems.


Setting this key to Yes will allow patrons to choose their delivery method for articles each transaction. If set to No (the default), ILLiad will use the delivery method (for articles) associated with a patron's user account and not allow them to choose per transaction.

Note: Previous to ILLiad 8.6, this key was previously named LocalRouting.

ESPSupport This is a System Value and should not be changed.
HttpContentSecurityPolicyHeader Adds the Content-Security-Policy header to responses from the ILLiad web server to prevent cross-frame scripting (XFS) vulnerabilities. 
HttpXFrameOptionsHeader Add the X-Frame-Options header to responses from the ILLiad web server to prevent cross-frame scripting (XFS) vulnerabilities. 
LendingOverdueNoticesActive Enables or disables the processing of lending overdue notification emails via System Manager.

Determines is a password expiration is required. If set to Yes, lenders will be prompted to change their password after a certain number of days. If set to No, users will not be prompted to change passwords on a scheduled basis.

Note: If a password change is required, lenders will not be able to navigate away from the password change form. If they attempt to click on any other links in the Web, they will be redirected to the password change form.

LWebPasswordExpirationDays The number of days a password will last before expiring. Default 180 days.
OverdueNoticesRunNow Determines whether or not the System Manager should execute the overdue notice email process regardless of what time it currently is.
OverdueNoticesRuntime The time each day at which the System Manager should process overdue notification emails.

Specifies the path to the ILLiad print document templates from the ILLiad Client. This path is then used by the ILLiad Client to auto-open the appropriate print documents for most ILLiad print processes.

Example: \\ILLiadShareprint\, c:\illiad\print\


The directory the client should check for saved custom search files.

Example: Either a local folder or network share

SharedServerSupport Enables/Disables Shared Server Support. Note: Do not change this key value without first contacting Atlas Systems, Inc.
SSSLenderAddressesALL In a Shared Server system in which the LenderAddresses table has been split out by NVTGC and renamed to LenderAddressesALL, this key should be set to Yes. In a single server system, or in a Shared Server system sharing LenderAddresses for all NVTGCs, this key should be set to No.

Regular Expression that staff passwords should adhere to. Staff administrators have the option to override password requirements when creating new staff accounts with initial password.

Criteria: (8 characters: 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number), Example: (?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,}$

StaffPasswordExpirationEnabled Determines is a password expiration is required. If set to Yes, staff will be prompted to change their password after a certain number of days. If set to No, users will not be prompted to change passwords on a scheduled basis. Default is set to Yes.
StaffPasswordExpirationDays The number of days a password will last before expiring. Default 180 days.
StaffPasswordHashingIterations A hashing customization key used to set the number of hash iterations when storing a staff password. Passwords utilize the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) hashing strategies. The iterations store the hashed passwords as an algorithm for increased security. When a staff member logs in with a password, it will be compared with the hash algorithm to verify the password is correct before permitting clearance into ILLiad. If you wish to change the default iterations, it is highly recommended to contact support for the number of iterations that work best for the speed of your computer and the hash algorithm. Generally, hash iterations should not be set to less than 100,000. Default hash iterations 156,000.

URL used for staff proxies logging into the web as a patron. Defaults to the value of the WebURL key if this key is empty. (The Logon to Web feature was removed from ILLiad 8.3 in version; it will be reintroduced in  ILLiad 8.4.)


SystemIDDOCSymbol Specifies your institution's Docline symbol.
SystemIDISOSymbol Specifies your institution's ISO ILL symbol.
SystemIDOCLCSymbol Specifies your institution's OCLC symbol.
SystemManagerAddonInterval The interval at which the System Manager should execute server addon scripts.
AddonConnectionPoolSize The integer value determining how many separate database connection pools are created as a part of the pool size. Default value: 25 simultaneous database connections. 
UserPasswordExpirationEnabled Determines is a password expiration is required. If set to Yes, users will be prompted to change their password after a certain number of days. If set to No, users will not be prompted to change passwords on a scheduled basis.
UserPasswordExpirationDays The number of days a password will last before expiring. Default 180 days.
WebPasswordHashingIterations A hashing customization key used to set the number of hash iterations when storing a user password. Passwords utilize the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) hashing strategies. The iterations store the hashed passwords as an algorithm for increased security. Default hash iterations When a user logs in with a password, it will be compared with the hash algorithm to verify the password is correct before permitting clearance into the web. Default hash iterations 156,000. If you wish to change the default iterations, it is highly recommended to contact support for the number of iterations that work best for the speed of your computer and the hash algorithm. Generally, hash iterations should not be set to less than 100,000.

The DeliveryMethodPerItem key, located under System | General in the Customization Manager, controls the ability to ask for Delivery Methods on a per request basis. If you add the two DeliveryMethod dropdown boxes from the NewUserRegistration.html page, then you can have the user choose which Delivery Method and Electronic Delivery preference they want each time they submit a request.

For this to work, two fields need to be present in the Transactions table: Web and DeliveryMethod. In early installations of ILLiad, these were not present, and will have to be added.

  • Web is a varchar(3)
  • DeliveryMethod is a varchar(15)

If these fields are not present, contact Atlas Systems (if you are an original licensee) or OCLC (if you are an OCLC licensee) and we will add them for you.

The CustomDropdown Table

This table holds the default dropdown fields that display on the web pages and forms within the client. (The Location (NVTGC) field in the client is an exception as it is pulled from the DeliveryLocations table.) Columns in this table are NVTGC, GroupName, LabelName, and LabelValue. LabelName is the value that displays on your form. LabelValue is the value that is set in the database. This table contains the following columns and default entries. Default values for the CustomDropDown table are NVTGC (seeded from site's current DeliveryLocations table during update to version 8.3; seeded with ILL/ILL Office on initial installations), Department and StatusGroup (seeded from values used in default web forms) and State (seeded with US States).

Click to see table


















Other - Unlisted

Other - Unlisted







ILL Office




































District of Columbia












































































New Hampshire




New Jersey




New Mexico




New York




North Carolina




North Dakota




















Rhode Island




South Carolina




South Dakota




























West Virginia












Distance Ed Grad

Distance Ed Grad


















ExternalFieldMapping Table

Name The name of the mapping entry (either Loan or Photoduplication). This value shows in the dropdown menu on the Doc Del and Lending request forms.
Value This field controls what value is sent to the external system for the ExternalType and ExternalField identified in the entry. The value can contain template tags; these will get replaced by the system when mapping the value to an external request field.
SystemID Identifies the external system to which this mapping applies. Must correspond to the ID column of one of the WebPlatformConfig entries.
ExternalType Identifies the type of field to which you are mapping. At this time, integration only supports creating Aeon transactions, so there are only two valid values: Transaction maps directly to an Aeon Transaction field, and Parameter includes the value as a GET parameter when sending the request to the Aeon web platform.
ExternalIDField Identifies the actual field name to which the value should be mapped. For Transaction types it will be an Aeon Transaction field such as ItemTitle or InvoiceNumber. For Parameter types the only current valid value is IsPhotoduplicationRequest. Setting this parameter to TRUE as is the case in Photoduplication mapping, tells Aeon that you want a copy of the item rather than a loan.

WebPlatformConfig Table

See Configuring the ILLiad Web Platform.




Specifies whether or not incoming ISO ILL requests will overwrite the shipping address in the LenderAddresses(ALL) table with the address information given in the request.

ISOCanSendReceived This is an ISO System Value and should not be changed.
ISOCanSendReturned This is an ISO System Value and should not be changed.

Designates the type of currency being used.

Example: USD

ISOEnabled Enables/disables ISO ILL functionality.

Designates whether or not IFM will be used for ISO ILL Borrowing.

This is an ISO ILL system setting. Do not change.


Designates whether or not IFM will be used for ISO ILL Lending.

This is an ISO ILL system setting. Do not change.

ISOIFMPaymentProvided ISO ILL Requester statement that payment of responder charges has been authorized, is being sent, or will be enclosed with the returned material. Note: This key is only used if you are communicating directly with OCLC via ISO ILL.

Designates whether IFM will be used to pay fees.

Note: This key is only used if you are communicating directly with OCLC via ISO ILL.

ISOMonetaryValue Specifies the MaxCost value for ISO ILL requests and OCLC Direct Request.
ISOPOPPassword If you are using SMTP transport for ISO ILL processing, this is the POP password used for checking the email address listed as your ISOSMTPReplyTo address.
ISOPOPPort If you are using SMTP transport for ISO ILL processing, this is the port used for checking the email address listed as your ISOSMTPReplyTo address.
ISOPOPUsername If you are using SMTP transport for ISO ILL processing, this is the account/username checked when checking the email address listed as your ISOSMTPReplyTo address.

Determines if ILLiad automatically attempts to send to the new referred site or if it waits for staff intervention. A Yes value allows the potential lender to route an ISO ILL request locally within a Shared Server system to another site in that system that can supply the requested item. A No value prohibits this.

Note: This key is ignored in Single-Server ILLiad systems.

ISORequesterCheckedIn An indication by the requester as to whether or not it requires to receive the CHECKED-IN APDU.
ISORequesterShipped An indication by the requester as to whether or not it requires the SHIPPED APDU.

Specifies your ISO server's IP address and port for return ISO messages.


ISOSMTPEnabled Enables/disables the ISO ILL protocol's ability to use SMTP to send and receive requests.

If you are using SMTP transport for ISO ILL processing, this is the email address that will be used to send and receive ISO ILL requests.

Note: The specified address should be used only for sending and receiving ISO ILL requests.


Specifies the email server that ILLiad should use to send and receive ISO ILL requests.

Example: Any legitimate SMTP server to which you have the appropriate permissions and rights to use for sending and receiving ISO ILL requests.


If you are using SMTP transport for ISO ILL processing, this is the POP password used for checking the email address listed as your ISOSMTPReplyTo address.

Example: Any legitimate password required to access your SMTP Server for sending receiving ISO ILL requests.


If you are using SMTP transport for ISO ILL processing, this is the port used for checking the email address listed as your ISOSMTPReplyTo address.

Example: Any legitimate port used by the email server for sending emails.


If you are using SMTP transport for ISO ILL processing, this is the email address that will sent as a part of the encoded file as the address to which replies will be sent. Note: While this address will typically be identical to the address used for the ISOSMTPFrom key, it is theoretically possible for this to be set to a different address if there is a need to do so.

Example: Any legitimate email address. Note: The specified address should be used only for sending and receiving ISO ILL requests.


If you are using SMTP transport for ISO ILL processing, this is the account/username checked when checking the email address listed as your ISOSMTPReplyTo address.

Example: Any legitimate userid that has the appropriate permissions and rights to access your SMTP Server for sending emails.

ISOSystemID Specifies the ISO System ID of your system.


SendPatronInfoLOCL Indicates if patron information is included in outgoing LOCL requests.


ConnectionManagerActive Enables/disables the ILLiad Connection Manager Service.
ConnectionManagerActiveBorrowing Enables/disables the Borrowing functions performed by the Connection Manager Service.
ConnectionManagerActiveLending Enables/disables the Lending functions performed by the Connection Manager Service.
GAC Table Stores a list of OCLC Groups to which symbols may belong.

The default constant data value used for all article requests sent automatically to OCLC.

Example: DEFAULT


The default constant data value used for all loan requests sent automatically to OCLC.

Example: DEFAULT


Allows the system to automatically choose the constant data record to be used by the ILLiad Client for the sending of Articles.

If this key is used, set cd (Where is the actual name of a legitimate constant data record.) Otherwise this key value will be blank.

OCLCILLArticleHoldingsPath Specifies the Holdings Path to be used to display Holdings for Articles.
OCLCILLAuthorization Specifies the OCLC Authorization for ILLiad to use for the ILLiad Live Link and the ILLiad Connection Manager.
OCLCILLAutoBackgroundHoldings Set to Yes to have ILLiad automatically obtain the default custom holdings for the first result in a search list. This makes holdings displays faster but increases connections to OCLC.
OCLCILLAutoBackgroundSearch Set to Yes to have ILLiad automatically perform an OCLC search when opening a request on the borrowing Request form. This makes searching faster but increases connections to OCLC.

Specifies the order of searches attempted by the automatic background search for articles.

Example: OCLC, ISSN, AuthorTitle, DerivedTitle, Keyword, ScanTitle


Specifies the order of searches attempted by the automatic background search for loans.

Example: OCLC, ISSN, AuthorTitle, DerivedTitle, Keyword, ScanTitle

OCLCILLAutoLimitType Enables/disables the automatic limiting of OCLC search results by format - book or serials - for the OCLC background search.

Optional command to choose the constant data record to be used by the ILLiad Connection Manager for Borrowing updating.

If this key is used, set cd (Where is the actual name of a legitimate constant data record.) Otherwise this key value will be blank.


Optional command to choose the constant data record to be used by the ILLiad Connection Manager for Lending updating.

If this key is used, set cd (Where is the actual name of a legitimate constant data record.) Otherwise this key value will be blank.


Allows the system to automatically choose the constant data record to be used by the ILLiad Client for the sending of Loans.

If this key is used, set cd (Where is the actual name of a legitimate constant data record.) Otherwise this key value will be blank.

OCLCILLLoanHoldingsPath Specifies the Holdings Path to be used to display Holdings for Loans.
OCLCILLPassword Specifies the OCLC Password for ILLiad to use for the ILLiad Live Link and the ILLiad Connection Manager.
OCLCILLState Allows you to specify your institution's state.
OCLCItemAvailabilityEnabled Determines whether retrieval of OCLC Item Availability information is enabled. Further setup with OCL is necessary as well before using this option.
OCLCItemAvailabilityWskey The security key provided by OCLC for use when querying the OCLC Item Availability service.
OCLCILLWebServiceURL This is a System Value and should not be changed.
OCLCStatusOverride Table  
OCLCWebServiceV2APIKey The security key provided by OCLC for use when interacting with OCLC WsKey V2 WebServices.
OCLCWebServiceV2APISecret The secret token provided by OCLC for use when interacting with OCLC WsKey V2 WebServices.
OCLCWorldCatRegistryID The WorldCat Registry ID to use when searching the OCLC Item Availability service.
UpdateLendingShippedLibraryUseOnly Updates LendingRestrictions as Library Use Only based on ILLiad request settings.
UpdateLendingShippedNoRenewals Updates LendingRestrictions as No Renewals based on ILLiad request settings.
WorkFormMapping Table Maps ILLiad data fields to the corresponding location on the OCLC work form. Instructs the ILLiad client as to what ILLiad information should populate the OCLC work form for particular types of requests.



A single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when printing a lender address.

Example: PrintAddress.doc


A single document or a list of documents separated by commas that will be opened automatically when printing a user.

Example: PrintUser.doc


RapidBranch A mandatory, case-sensitive value identifying your institution, or branch if you have more than one location. This is a value assigned by Rapid; if you are unsure of your Rapid Branch designation, contact Rapid support staff.
RapidCode A three-letter symbol unique to your institution, assigned by Rapid. In most cases this is the same as your OCLC symbol. If you are unsure of your RapidCode, check with Rapid support staff.
RapidManagerActive This turns on Rapid Manager.
RapidManagerActiveBorrowing This turns on Rapid Manager borrowing processing to send requests.
RapidManagerActiveLending This turns on Rapid Manager lending processing to receive requests.
RapidPassword The password you use to access the Rapid website.
RapidUsername The username you use to access the Rapid website. Usually the same as your Rapid code.

The URL location of the Rapid Web Service. Rapid Manager connects to this to process requests.


SendPatronInfoRapid Indicates if patron information is included in outgoing Rapid requests.

This value is used to identify the Borrower and Lender for Odyssey processing. It informs the Borrower which library or institution filled a request. Currently used only for Odyssey transactions, the value is displayed as RAPID: RapidCode with RapidCode being the three-letter symbol assigned by Rapid.

Example: RAPID:XXX


RoutingOn Enables/disables the automatic routing (System Routing) of transactions to other statuses or Custom Queues based on the rules in the Routing Table.
Routing Table

Contains all of the values that govern the automatic routing (System Routing) of transactions to other statuses or Custom Queues.

Warning: Shared System Table - Changes may affect other sites in Shared Server Systems.


ILLiadAuthUserRegistrationEnabled Determines if new user registrations can be created via basic ILLiad authentication (ILLiadAuth) from the web interface.


The Captcha provider used to verify new users. This value may be None, reCaptcha_v2_Checkbox, reCaptcha_v2_Invisible, reCaptcha_v3, hCaptcha, or MTCaptcha.
CaptchaSecret The Secret Key associated with your Captcha Provider.
CaptchaSiteID The Site ID associated with your Captcha Provider.

Retrieve the RemoteAuth fields from HTTP headers and server variables when determining remote authentication details, such as username. This key is set to No for new installations but will be set to Yes by default for all sites upgrading to v9.1.2, in order to not break existing RemoteAuth configurations.


The number of failed logins a user may attempt before their account is locked. Used in conjunction with the UsingUserLockout to determine if the web user should be locked out. Default: 6.


Determines if web users should be locked out after a certain number of failed login attempts. Used in conjunction with the UserLoginAttemptsBeforeLock to determine the number of failed login attempts. A status line can be displayed to the customer if the SLUserLockedOut key is active.

Example: Yes, No

User Expiration


Determines if the System should automatically expire users. If set to yes, the system will set the cleared value of expired users to the value specified by the 'AutoExpireUsersClearedValue' key. The default value is set to No.
Example: Yes, No


The cleared value the System Manager will set for expired users. The default value is set to EXP. Note: The value will not be added to the user record unless the 'AutoExpireUsers' key is set to 'Yes'.
Examples: EXP (expired) or B (Blocked)


Determines if the user's expiration date will be updated any time a user updates their user information. The default value is set to No.
Example: Yes, No


The cleared status for expired users is set to this key-value after a user has reviewed and updated their user information. The default value is set to No. Note: The value will not be added to the user record unless the 'AutoExpireUsersClearedValue' key is set to 'EXP'. 
Example: Yes, No


VersionAutoUpdater Your current ILLiad AutoUpdater version number.
VersionBillingManager Your current ILLiad Billing Manager version number.
VersionClient Your current ILLiad Client version number.
VersionClientSetup Your current ILLiad Client Setup version number.
VersionConnectionManager Your current ILLiad Connection Manager version number.
VersionCustomizationManager Your current ILLiad Customization Manager version number.
VersionDatabaseComponents ILLiad Database Components Version.
VersionDatabaseManager Your current ILLiad Database Manager version number.
VersionDLL Your current ILLiad Web DLL version number.
VersionElecDelCleanup Your current ILLiad Electronic Delivery Cleanup program version number.
VersionElectronicDeliveryUtility The version number of the ILLiad Electronic Delivery Utility.
VersionISO Your current ILLiad ISO ILL version number.
VersionISOManager Your current ILLiad ISO Manager version number.
VersionOdysseyManager Your current ILLiad Odyssey Manager version number.
VersionRapidManager Your current ILLiad Rapid Manager version number.
VersionSharedComponents Your current ILLiad Shared Components version.
VersionSystemManager Your current ILLiad System Manager version.
VersionUserManager Your current ILLiad User Manager version number.
VersionWebCirc Your current ILLiad Web Circ version number.
VersionWebPlatform ILLiad Web Platform Version.
VersionWebReports Your current ILLiad Web Reports DLL version number.

Web Platform


This key tells ILLiad which platform configuration entry to use when trying to talk to its own web platform, such as when the ILLiad client needs to use the platform to retrieve external information. The key value should be set to the ID value for the WebPlatformConfig table entry that identifies the ILLiad web platform.


This key determines if the Web Platform requests require the use of SSL. Note: For Shared Servers, this key can't be set individually per site.

System Billing


The following are all Shared System Tables. Changes may affect other sites in Shared Server Systems.

BillingAdditions Table Contains all of the values that set up additional fee amounts that can be applied to specific transactions. This table governs what displays in the additional fee dropdowns on the Add Billing Charges form.
BillingDefaults Table Contains all of the values that set the default Billing Fee amounts for various document types and Billing Categories. This table will be referenced and the appropriate default charges will be applied to all transactions for which Billing is enabled.
BillingServiceLevels Table Contains all of the values that set up service level fee amounts that can be applied to specific transactions. This table governs what displays in the service level fee dropdowns on the Add Billing Charges form.
BillingServiceType Table

Allows you to specify a default service type that can be stored in the transaction record of a request in the Wanted by field. This table is used for printing, processing, and for statistics in Lending and is not a true Billing function.

Note: This table is not typically populated.

BillingShippingFees Table Contains all of the values that set up shipping fee amounts that can be applied to specific transactions. This table governs what displays in the Shipping fee dropdowns on the Add Billing Charges form.
DefaultAccounts Table Contains all of the values that set up default billing accounts that can be applied to specific transactions. This table governs what displays in the Billing Account dropdown on the Add Billing Charges form and the Request Form.

Web Interface


AllowBlockedAccess Determines if blocked users can access the ILLiad web pages. Key is valid for all authorization types.
AutoClearPreregisteredUsers Determines if users in UserValidation, LDAP or PatronAPI exclusive server are auto-cleared in ILLiad when registering.
AutoClearSendEMail If pre-registered users are added to the system, this key determines if they should receive a welcome email.
RemoteAuthSupport Determines if the borrowing web authentication is getting a username from a remote system.

The variable ILLiad looks for within the header if RemoteAuthSupport is set to Yes.


The RemoteAuthUserVariable key is only applicable to ILLiad 9.0 and any previous versions. ILLiad 9.1 has replaced this key and added a Username entry to RemoteAuthValidation table. See Authentication Enhancements for more information.

The URL to send users who are logging out of ILLiad with RemoteAuthSupport set to Yes.



The local web path for the directory controlled by remote authentication.

Example: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad\


Tells ILLiad which type of authentication is being used for web users. If the WebAuthType is anything other than ILLiad, the value will be Default. Checking the ILLiad Authentication checkbox on the User form sets the user's AuthType to ILLiad.

Example: ILLiad, Default

UserValidation Table

Limits access to the ILLiad web to a known list of users. The ILLiad web verifies against the entries in the UserValidation table before allowing users to register or login. (Note that the Blocked field found in this table is NOT USED).



LendingWebCancelAfterProcess Determines if a borrowing library can cancel a lending web request after it has gone to In Stacks Searching.

Specifies the default NVTGC value to assign to the Lending Web pages if none is assigned in the html itself.

Example: For Single Server ILLiad systems: Lending. For Shared Server ILLiad systems: Any legitimate NVTGC value.


Specifies the web page to which users will be directed by the ILLiad DLL when they log out of the Lending Web pages.

Example: Any web page filename that exists in the ILLiad web folder, or any non-ILLiad URL preceded by http://. Examples: lendinglogon.html,


The default description for the RSS feed for Alerts.

Example: Important information from your ILL office


Title for ILLiad Alerts RSS feed.

Example: ILLiad Alerts


The default description for the RSS feed for Notifications. Notifications are copies of sent ILLiad e-mails.

Example: ILLiad Notifications


The default title for the RSS feed for Notifications.

Example: ILLiad Notifications

WebDefaultAcceptAlternateEdition Specifies the default value for Accept Alternate Edition? on the request pages. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists.
WebDefaultAcceptNonEnglish Specifies the default value for Accept Languages Other than English? on the request pages. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists.
WebDefaultCity Specifies the default city to display on the registration page for new users. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists.

Specifies the default Preferred Article Delivery Method to display on the registration page for new users. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists.

Example: Hold for Pickup, Mail to Address


Specifies the default department to display on the registration page for new users. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists. To have this option available as a drop-down in the NewAuthRegistration.html, NewUserRegistration.html, and/or ChangeUserInformation.html page(s), you'll need to add the value(s) to the CustomDropDownTable. 

Note: You may also use this value to display instruction to the user by using a value like "Choose a Department".


Specifies the default Preferred Loan Delivery Method to display on the registration page for new users. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists.

Example: Hold for Pickup, Mail to Address

WebDefaultMaxCost Specifies the default maxcost value to display on Borrowing web requests.

Specifies the default method of customer contact to display on the registration page for new users. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists.

Example: E-Mail, Phone, Mail

WebDefaultNotWantedAfterDays Specifies the default Not Wanted After Date to display on the registration page for new users. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists.
WebDefaultRush Specifies the default Rush value to assign to the transaction record upon submission by the customer if no value is assigned on the pages themselves.

Specifies the default site to display on the registration page for new users.

Note: The Site field is not typically used, so this value is usually blank.

WebDefaultState Specifies the default state to display on the registration page for new users. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists.

Specifies the default status to display on the registration page for new users. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists. To have this option available as a drop-down in the NewAuthRegistration.html, NewUserRegistration.html, and/or ChangeUserInformation.html page(s), you'll need to add the value(s) to the CustomDropDownTable.

Example: Any legitimate Status in your system. Examples: Faculty, Undergraduate, Staff, etc. Note: You may also use this value to display instructions to the user by using a value like "Choose a Status".

WebDefaultWebDeliveryGroup Specifies the default Preferred Electronic Delivery value to display on the registration page for new users. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists.
WebDefaultZip Specifies the default zip code to display on the registration page for new users. The specified default will be selected on the page, although this value may be overridden by the user if the option to do so exists.

Specifies the web page to which users will be directed by the ILLiad DLL when they log out of the Borrowing Web pages.

Example: Any web page filename that exists in the ILLiad web folder, or any non-ILLiad URL preceded by http://. Examples: logon.html,


A comma separated list of the note types from the Notes table that should be filtered out of the Notes Information in the DLL view of the web pages. The listed notes types do not display to the customer on the ILLiad web pages.

Example: Lender, ISO, System, User



Allows you to add Delivery Address information to the request pages on a per transaction basis using the TAddress fields. This allows the customer to specify delivery address information on a per transaction basis.

Note: This option is very rarely used. It requires editing the Request pages to include the TAddress fields.

Automatic Renewals Enables/disables Automatic Renewals in the Web DLL.
DisplayStatuses Table Display statuses table. This allows you to set status aliases on the web pages.

The root URL for ILLiad Lending. This URL should end in a / and not have the lendinglogon.html or illiadlending.dll at the end.



The full URL for ILLiad web reports. This is used by the client to link staff to the reports from the Web group of the System Ribbon.


WebCancelAfterProcess Allows/disallows customers to cancel requests after being processed by the ILL staff.

The root URL for ILLiad Borrowing and Document Delivery. This URL should end in a / and not have the logon.html or illiad.dll at the end.


WebUserCanChangeSSN Allows/disallows customers to change the SSN value associated with his/her User record after registration.
WebUserCanChangeStatus Allows/disallows customers to change the Status value associated with his/her User record after registration.



Specifies the URL of the PatronAPI server you are using.

Example: Any legitimate IP address of a PatronAPI server preceded by http://.

InnopacPatronAPIExclusive Specifies whether or not PatronAPI authentication is exclusive. If set to Yes, new users must meet all PatronAPI criteria or will be denied access to the system. If set to No, ILLiad only verifies that the user exists in the PatronAPI server and auto clears the user. Patrons not authenticated are reviewed by ILL staff who will authenticate or disavow the customer manually using Basic ILLiad Authentication.
InnopacPatronAPIExpireDate Determines if ILLiad should use the expired date in the III OPAC when determining if a user is valid.

Value used to override Delphi ShortDateFormat.

Note: This may be required for systems that operate in mixed date-format environments.


String formatted date of expiration. The format may be overridden by InnopacPatronAPIExpireDateFormat.

Example: Any regular expression that successfully matches the Expiration Date result values sent from your PatronAPI server. Example:

EXP DATE\[p[0- 9]+\]=([-0-9]+)

Specifies the ILLiad field to be used for authentication with the PatronAPI server.

Example: SSN, Number


Resolves the Fine Amount to a (string) float - e.g. 7.35.

Example: Any regular expression that successfully matches the Fine Amount result values sent from your PatronAPI server. Example:

MONEY OWED\[p[0- 9]+\]=\$([0- 9]+)


InnopacPatronAPIFineBlock Enables/disables using Fine information as a part of PatronAPI authentication.
InnopacPatronAPIFineBlock 0 Sets the OPAC Fine Amount after which a customer will be blocked in ILLiad. If the fine in the OPAC exceeds this number, the customer will be blocked from using ILLiad.
InnopacPatronAPIFineBlock 1 Sets the OPAC Fine Amount after which a customer will be blocked in ILLiad. If the fine in the OPAC exceeds this number, the customer will be blocked from using ILLiad.
InnopacPatronAPIFineBlock 2 Sets the OPAC Fine Amount after which a customer will be blocked in ILLiad. If the fine in the OPAC exceeds this number, the customer will be blocked from using ILLiad.

Resolves the Innovative Patron Type to a number. The actual value is a string.

Example: Any regular expression that successfully matches the Patron Type result values sent from your PatronAPI server. Example:

P TYPE\[p[0- 9]+\]=([0-9]+)

Note: This expression can also be set up to exclude certain patron type values (for patron types that may exist in the OPAC but may not have ILL privileges). Example:

P TYPE\[p[0- 9]+\]=([0-9]|[10- 4]|22|47+)



WebFormValues Table Contains all of the ILLiad web page button text values mapped to the system values looked for by the ILLiad DLL. This allows you to change button text on the ILLiad web forms without disabling the buttons.



Specifies the LDAP bind style being used for authentication.

Example: OneStep, TwoStep


In TwoStep LDAP authentication, this specifies the initial "username" for the system to use to establish the connection to the LDAP server.

Note: This key is used only for TwoStep LDAP Authentication.


In TwoStep LDAP authentication, this specifies the initial "password" for the system to use to establish the connection to the LDAP server.

Note: This key is used only for TwoStep LDAP Authentication.


Specifies the port used to communicate with the LDAP server. Example: Any port that is set up on the LDAP server for LDAP use.

Usually port 389.


Determines the users Domain Name from the UserID given on the login form.

Example: (uid=$uid)


Specifies the Prefix to prepend to the username for LDAP Authentication. The Prefix + Username+ Suffix is what will be sent to the LDAP server for authentication.

Example: uid=


Specifies the scope of the LDAP search.

Example: Base, One, SubTree (Usually SubTree.)


Specifies the Suffix to append to the username for LDAP Authentication. The Prefix + Username+ Suffix is what will be sent to the LDAP server for authentication.

Example: Determined by your LDAP system administrator. Example: o=Atlas Systems,st=Virginia,c=US

LDAPSecureSSL Enables/disables Secure SSL connection to the LDAP Server.
LDAPSecureSSLPort Specifies the port used by the Secure SSL connection to the LDAP Server.
LDAPServerName Specifies the IP address or DNS of the LDAP server to be used for authentication.
LDAPVersion The version of the LDAP server ILLiad is connecting to. The default version of LDAP used for LDAP authentication via the ILLiad web. Generally this value is 2 or 3.


Note: If you have created status-specific limits for statuses other than those listed below, you will have other entries in this table in the below format, with the real status being used replacing the text.

RequestLimit Specifies the default active request limit to which the Status will be limited. A 0 (zero) value disables request limits.
RequestLimitFaculty Specifies the default active request limit to which Faculty will be limited. A 0 (zero) value disables request limits.
RequestLimitGraduate Specifies the default active request limit to which Graduates will be limited. A 0 (zero) value disables request limits.
RequestLimitStaff Specifies the default active request limit to which Staff will be limited. A 0 (zero) value disables request limits.
RequestLimitUndergraduate Specifies the default active request limit to which Undergraduates will be limited. A 0 (zero) value disables request limits.
UserRequestLimit Enables/disables status-specific active request limits.


OpenURLMapping Table Contains all of the mappings that translate information sent via OpenURL into ILLiad field values. This table also designates which ILLiad web form is used for each OpenURL genre.



Specifies whether the system should offer a password hint to customers who have forgotten their passwords.

Note: Setting this key to Yes requires that the web pages be set up for Password Hints.


RenewalBeforeWindowDays Specifies the number of days before the due date at which it becomes too late to request a renewal. A value of 1 would allow renewals up until (and including) the day before the due date. A value of 0 would allow renewals up until (and including) the due date itself. A value of -1 would allow renewals up until (and including) the day after the due date.
RenewalWindowDays Specifies the number of days before the due date at which it becomes possible to request a renewal.


SymphonyAPIAddress The URL including the port number and the path to the API (i.e. symws) for the SymphonyAPI server make up the SymphonyAPIAddress. Normally, the key also has a port after it of 8080. An example value would be where is the SymphonyAPI server at your site. Also, the ILLiad server needs to have access to query the SymphonyAPI server. Most SymphonyAPI servers restrict access by ip address. Example:
SymphonyAPIExclusive This determines if SymphonyAPI is used to auto-clear users or restrict access to only those who pass all criteria in the SymphonyAPI server. This key should be set to No if customers not in the SymphonyAPI server should still be allowed to register and Yes to only allow customers who pass the SymphonyAPI authentication to register with ILLiad. Details on this are below. Example: Yes or No
SymphonyExpireDate Only used if SymphonyAPIExculusive and ExpireDate are set to Yes. ILLiad will compare the Symphony expiration date of the user. If the current date is before the SymphonyExpireDate, then the user will not be blocked and unable to register for Symphony


The type of infomation retrieved from Symphony during a user lookup (e.g. the user's barcode or alternativeID)
SymphonyUserLookupField Maps ILLiad to the user look up field in Symphony. The lookup field default should be a key from the ILLiad User Table fieldname (e.g. SSN)
SymphonyAPIStandingBlock ILLiad will check the Symphony Standing to verify if user is considered an unauthorized standing (default: BARRED,DELINQUENT)


Only used if SymphonyAPIExclusive is set to Yes and the SymphonyAPIStandingBlock produces a value in the default list. The user will be blocked if their Standing value matches an unauthorized standing (e.g. BARRED,DELINQUENT). The value can be customized
SymphonyAPIStaffUsername The staff username that connects to the API to establish an API session and perform a user lookup
SymphonyAPIStaffPassword The staff password associated with the staff username that connects to the API to establish an API session and perform a user lookup
SymphonyAPIClientID Your library's specific ClientID provided by SIRSI/Symphony
SymphonyAPILibraryID Your library ID associated with SIRSI/Symphony. Used to perform lookup in Symphony
SymphonyAPICheckProfile Determines if the SymphonyAPI authentication should check if the profile is valid. Default value is set to No. To have this key verify profile validity, change the value to yes. 
SymphonyAPIAcceptedProfileTypes Designated profile types that are considered valid for using ILLiad. Profile types allow you to assign users to a policy group(s) for user access. The default value is Null and the key can be comma-delimited for multiple values.

Status Lines


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer successfully adds a billing account for Borrowing/Doc Del.

Example: Account added.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer successfully removes a billing account. Note: The account will have been disabled by this process rather than actually removed.

Example: Account Removed. You can add new accounts by filling out the information at the bottom and pressing the Add Account button.


Displays on the list of active requests. ILLiad first displays the SLShowDetailedInfo status line and then this line.

Example: Total number of active requests: <#ACTIVEREQUESTS>


Displays on the list of active requests. ILLiad first displays the SLShowDetailedInfo status line and then this line if the customer has a request limit.

Example: Total number of active requests: <#ACTIVEREQUESTS> out of <#REQUESTLIMIT>.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to renew a transaction that has already been renewed once.

Example: There can be no further renewals.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer successfully requests a renewal for a transaction.

Note: This is only used when Automatic Renewals are enabled.

Example: This item has been requested for renewal with a due date of:


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer is blocked from logging into the system.

Example: You have been blocked. Contact your Interlibrary Loan office for assistance.

SLCaptchaFailure Status Line that is displayed when a user fails the CAPTCHA challenge during user registration.

Specifies the status line value to display when a customer navigates to one of the Edit Request pages.

Example: When Finished Editing, press the Submit Request button below.


Displays if a customer is disavowed and tries to login to ILLiad.

Example: You have been disavowed. Contact your ILL office for assistance.


Displays when it appears a duplicate request is submitted.

Example: This form has already been submitted. Duplicate request not created.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer navigates to the Edit Account Information page.

Example: Edit your Account Information below.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer navigates to one of the Edit Request pages.

Example: When finished editing, press the Submit Request button below.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to modify a transaction that has already been sent.

Note: This key is only used when the WebCancelAfterProcess key is set to No.


Displays if a customer clicks on a URL to reset his/her password, but that resetid is no longer valid.

Example: Invalid password reset id. Contact your ILL office for assistance.


Displays if the RSSID the customer clicks on is invalid.

Example: Invalid RSS id. Contact your ILL office for assistance.


Specifies the status line value to display when a Lending customer navigates to the Lending Main Menu page.

Example: Choose an option from the choices below.


Specifies the status line value to display when a Lending customer successfully requests the renewal of Lending item.

Example: Lending renewal requested.


Specifies the status line value to display when a Lending customer attempts to renew a Lending item that does not allow renewals.

Example: Lending renewals not allowed.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to log into the system with the incorrect username or password.

Example: Login failed. Please check your username and password before trying again.


Displays on the logon form for OpenURL requests.

Example: Enter your username and password to logon.


This message should never display but be handled within the DLL; it is here as a safeguard.

Example: There was an error during logon. Contact your ILL office for assistance.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer logs out of the ILLiad web pages, unless another logout page is specified.

Example: You have been logged out of ILLiad.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer navigates to the Main Menu page.

Example: Choose an option from the choices below.


Specifies the status line value to display on the NewAuthRegistration.html page.

Example: Complete your registration information and click submit.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer successfully changes his/her password.

Example: Password changed.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to change his/her password but does not enter the correct current password.

Example: Current Password incorrect. Password NOT changed.

SLPasswordDoesNotMeetHistoryRequirement Displays a "Your new password must be different than the previous password" notice to users who attempt to reset their passwords to the same value as their previous password.

Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to log into the system with an unrecognized username.

Note: This key is only used when the Password Hint feature is properly set up and enabled.


Note: No longer in use beginning with version 9.0. SLLoginFailed is the new status line that displays for a failed login.


Displays after the e-mail has been sent to the customer for a password reset.

We recommend the message value match the message used for the SLPasswordResetInvalidEmail key to ensuring the privacy and security of the user account without revealing whether or not an ILLiad account exists for that particular email address. This only applies if the SLPasswordResetEmailConfirmation has not already been changed by the patron's library.

Example: If an address is on file, a password reset e-mail sent. Check your e-mail and click the link to continue.


Displays if there is an error sending the password reset e-mail to the customer. This may be due to a server error, invalid email address format, etc.

Example: Error sending password reset e-mail. Contact your ILL Office for assistance.


Display when an invaid username attempts to reset their password with an email address that doesn't match the email ILLiad has on file.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to change his/her password but the new password verification does not match the new password as entered.

Example: Passwords do not match.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to log into the system and the Patron API server is not accessible from ILLiad.

Note: This key is only used when Patron API authentication is properly set up and enabled, and is not exclusive.

Example: Unable to connect to Patron API server


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to log into the system and Patron API authentication indicates that the customer is blocked due to excessive fines.

Note: This key is only used when Patron API authentication is properly set up and enabled, and is set to block for fines.

Example: Blocked due to fines


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to log into the system and Patron API authentication fails due to an invalid patron type.

Note: This key is only used when Patron API authentication is properly set up and enabled, and is not exclusive.

Example: Blocked due to invalid patron type


User has an invalid profile and is not allowed to register or login. The error message default value will say 'Blocked due to invalid patron profile'.



Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to log into the system and Patron API authentication indicates that the customer is blocked due to an expired patron record.

Note: This key is only used when Patron API authentication is properly set up and enabled, and is set to block for fines.

Example: Blocked due to patron record expired


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to log into the system and Patron API authentication fails.

Note: This key is only used when Patron API authentication is properly set up and enabled, and is not exclusive.

Example: Blocked due to user not found


Displays after the customer deletes an electronically received article and moves it to a status of Request Finished.

Example: Request finished for Transaction Number <#TRANSACTIONNUMBER>


Displays after the customer undeletes an electronically received article, moving it back to Delivered to Web from Request Finished.

Example: PDF undeleted for Transaction Number <#TRANSACTIONNUMBER>


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer successfully requests a renewal for a transaction.

Example: This item has been requested for renewal. There can be no further renewals.

Note: This key is only used when Automatic Renewals are disabled.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to Renew an item for which renewals are not allowed.

Example: This item does not allow renewals.


Displays if the customer requests a renewal outside of the time for the renewal window.

Example: You can only renew this item between the dates of <#RENEWALSTART> and <#RENEWALEND>.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to modify a transaction that has already been sent.

Example: You cannot cancel a request that has been sent.

Note: This key is only used when the WebCancelAfterProcess key is set to No.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer successfully cancels a transaction from the web pages.

Example: Request Cancelled. You can resubmit cancelled requests from the View/Resubmit Cancelled Requests option below.


Displays if the customer attempts to fill out a request but has already reached the request limit for his or her account.

Example: You already have <#REQUESTLIMIT> active requests.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer successfully submits a request.

Example: Request Received. Transaction Number:


Displays if the customer clicks on a button or link and there is no session id in the WebSession table.

Example: Invalid session id. Please logon again.


Displays if the customer clicks on a button or link and the session id for that username is expired.

Example: Session timed out. Please logon again.


Displays if the customer clicks on the link to display all requests.

Example: Below are your requests (active, finished and cancelled).


Displays at the top of a detailed information form for a cancelled request.

Example: This request has been cancelled. You may edit and resubmit the request.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer navigates to the Change Password page.

Example: Enter your new password below.


Displays at the top of the detailed information form for a checked out request.

Example: This request is currently checked out to you.


Displays at the top of the detailed information form for a request.

Example: Below is the detailed information about your request.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer navigates to the View/Edit Outstanding Requests or View/Renew Checked Out Items page.

Example: Choose a request below for detailed information.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer navigates to the Electronically Received Articles page.

Example: Click on a link below to download or view.


Displays if customer views electronic delivery items that have been deleted in order to undelete them.

Example: The requests below have been deleted but can be undeleted and put back in your list of electronically received articles.


Displays at the top of the detailed information form for a completed request.

Example: Below is the detailed information about your completed request


Displays at the top of the list of notifications sent to the customer.

Example: Below are the recent e-mail notifications that have been sent. Click on any subject for the content of the e-mail.


Displays at the top of the detailed information form for an outstanding request.

Example: Below is the detailed information about your outstanding request.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer navigates to one of the request pages.

Example: Enter information below and press the Submit Request button to send.


Displays at the top of the search results form.

Example: Below is the list for your search results. Clicking on the transaction number for any item will take you to the detailed information.


As of ILLiad v9.1, specifies the web status line that appears if a user account cannot be created via remote authentication because the username is already in use by an account created via the default ILLiad authentication.

Example: Your single sign-in username could not be used to create a new ILLiad account. 


Displays when a user has been locked out due to exceeding the failed login limit.

Example: Please contact library staff to unlock this account.


Specifies the status line value to display when a customer attempts to register with a username that is already in use.

Example: Username is already in the database. Please pick another.


Note: No longer in use beginning with version 9.0. SLLoginFailed is the new status line that displays for a failed login.

SLUserPasswordExpired Displays a "Your Password has expired. Please update your password" notice to users if they attempt to logon with an expired password.

Status Line that is displayed if user registration has been disabled using the ILLiadAuthUserRegistrationEnabled key.


Displays on the individual notification form for any notifications selected.

Example: Below is the detailed information for your e-mail notification.



Restrict session cookies to first-party or same-site context. Valid values are NoneLax, and Strict.

The default value is None. It is not recommended to change the value in this key from its default setting.

The local path to the ILLiad web pages from the perspective of the ILLiad web server.

Example: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\illiad d\:ILLiadWeb\

WebSessionMinutes Specifies the number of minutes of inactivity the system will allow before the web session times out.
GetBuildInfoShowDetailed Controls whether HTTP Headers and Server Variables are displayed when using the GetBuildInfo in the Web DLL. If set to Yes, the HTTP headers will display once and then toggle to change the key's value to no. Note: This is a system-level setting and should not be changed by sites.


The ILLiad web pages have some form fields that are marked by default as "required." The WebValidation table, accessible through the customization manager at Web Interface | Validation, stores the fields that your users are required to populate. Below is a list of the default web pages and the fields that are required on those pages. See the WebValidation table in the customization manager to view the regular expressions governing each validation and the error tags associated with them.













Change Password





Password 2










































































































































































WebCircEnableCheckIn Determines if checkin is enabled.
WebCircEnableCheckOut Determines if checkout is enabled.
WebCircEnableCirculationForBlockedUsers Determines if circulation is enabled for blocked users.
WebCircEnableMarkInTransitFromCustomer Determines if items can be marked in transit from customer within Web Circ.
WebCircEnableMarkInTransitToPickupLocation Determines if items can be marked in transit to pickup location within Web Circ.
WebCircEnableRenew Determines if renew is enable.


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