Modifying Overdues Date Ranges

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Borrowing and lending overdue email notices are sent out by the System Manager. These email notices are based on the default overdue email templates provided in the database. They are visible in the Customization Manager for editing purposes. See Processing Borrowing Overdues for instructions on manually processing overdue and reminder emails and print templates for patrons who do not have an email address on record.      

To learn how to edit the body of the database templates from within the Customization Manager, see Creating and Editing Email Templates. Unfortunately, you can't alter the names of these templates.  

When email notification processing is turned on, the System Manager will send out one overdue notice for each transaction based on the overdue level date range. If a transaction is not processed as complete within the overdue level and progresses to the next level, the borrower will receive another reminder notice. Each of the three overdue notices and the reminder notice, if used, are sent out only once to each borrower so that they are not receiving multiple copies of notices except for the third overdue notice which continues to be sent out every X days based on the value of the interval. The Date Ranges for each Overdue notice level are determined by the following keys in the Customization Manager under either Borrowing | Overdues or Lending | Overdues:  

  • BorrowingReminderDaysBeforeDueDate - The number of days prior to the due date when the reminder notice will be sent. If set to the default of 0, the feature is disabled.
  • BorrowingOverdueGraceDays - The number of days after the due date before overdues should start being sent. 
  • BorrowingOverDueNoticeOneDays - The number of days after the due date when the second overdue notice will be sent. 
  • BorrowingOverDueNoticeTwoDays - The number of days after the due date when the third overdue notice will be sent. 

BorrowingOverdueGraceDays (level 1)

Specifies the number of days, calculated from the Due Date, the system will wait before sending Overdue level 1 notices. Once the key is trigger by the date range, patrons will receive one notification per transaction until the date range for the BorrowingOverdueNoticeOneDays value is reached, where the borrower will receive the level 2 notice.  

For example, to send the first overdue notice after the book is 2 days overdue, the BorrowingOverdueGraceDays should be set to 2. If the Due Date of an item is 12/1/YYYY, the customer or institution would begin receiving the notice level 1 Overdue message on 12/3/YYYY. 

BorrowingOverDueNoticeOneDays (level 2)

Specifies the number of days, calculated from the Due Date, the system will wait before sending Overdue level 2 notices. Once the key is trigger by the date range, patrons will receive one notification per transaction until the date range for the BorrowingOverDueNoticeTwoDays value is reached, where they will receive the level 3 notice.  

For example, to send the second overdue notice after the book is 5 days overdue, the key should be set to 5. If the Due Date of an item is 12/1/YYYY, the customer or institution would begin receiving the notice level 2 Overdue message on 12/6/YYYY. 

BorrowingOverDueNoticeTwoDays (level 3)

Specifies the number of days, calculated from the Due Date, the system will wait before sending Overdue level 3 notices. This notice will continue to send until either the item is returned of the status of the transaction is changed to allow for payment or some special circumstance.

For example, to send the third overdue notice after the book is 14 days overdue, the key should be set to 14. If the Due Date of an item is 12/1/YYYY, the customer or institution would begin receiving the notice level 3 Overdue message on 12/15/YYYY. This overdue notice would be sent out every 14 days with the key set to a value of 14.


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