All customization keys used for administering overdue notices are found in the ILLiad Customization Manager under System | General. Customization keys used for Lending overdue notices are found under Lending | Overdues.
System Manager Settings
NOTE: Setting LendingOverdueNoticesActive to "No" does not allow the manual sending of overdues. It completely disables overdues.
LendingOverdueNoticesActive | Enables or disables the processing of lending overdue notification emails via System Manager. Default = Yes |
OverdueNoticesRuntime | The time each day at which the System Manager should process overdue notification emails. Default = Time of Day |
OverdueNoticesRunNow | Determines whether or not the System Manager should execute the overdue notice email process immediately. This will revert to 'No' after running. Default = No |
Email Templates
The email templates used to send lending overdue email notices are stored in the database and called based on their default names:
- Lending Overdue Reminder
- Lending Overdue 1
- Lending Overdue 2
- Lending Overdue 3
Notification Settings and Grace Period
You can configure the number of grace days before an email is sent as well as the number of days between each type of notice.
LendingReminderDaysBeforeDueDate | The number of days before the due date when an overdue reminder should be sent out. A value of 0 will disable lending reminders. Default = 0 |
LendingOverdueGraceDays | The number of days after the due date before an item is considered overdue. Default = 1 |
LendingOverdueNoticeOneDays | The number of days after the due date that it still is considered Level One overdue. After this many days it moves to Level Two. Default = 7 |
LendingOverdueNoticeTwoDays | The number of days after the due date that it still is considered Level Two overdue. After this many days it moves to Level Three. Default = 14 |