This is a listing of available legacy ILLiad web tags for use in the DLL. These currently still work as before but only due to the DLL translating them into usable tags. These legacy tags only display standard table configuration and allow for less customization; they will be gradually phased out completely in favor of the non-CGIFN tags.
Tag | Tag Description | Database Table | Table Field |
CGIFN=^VARTransaction Number^ |
** | Transactions | TransactionNumber |
CGIFN=^VARFirstName^ | ** | Users(ALL) | FirstName |
CGIFN=^VARLastName^ | ** | Users(ALL) | LastName |
CGIFN=^VARSSN^ | ** | Users(ALL) | SSN |
CGIFN=^VARNotifyGroup^ | This tag corresponds to the NotificationMethod field in the Users table. | Users(ALL) | NotificationMethod |
CGIFN=^VAREMail Address^ |
** | Users(ALL) | EMailAddress |
CGIFN=^VARPhone^ | ** | Users(ALL) | Phone |
CGIFN=^VARAddress^ | ** | Users(ALL) | Address |
CGIFN=^VARAddress2^ | ** | Users(ALL) | Address2 |
CGIFN=^VARCity^ | ** | Users(ALL) | City |
CGIFN=^VARState^ | ** | Users(ALL) | State |
CGIFN=^VARZip^ | ** | Users(ALL) | Zip |
CGIFN=^VARSAddress^ | ** | Users(ALL) | SAddress |
CGIFN=^VARSAddress2^ | ** | Users(ALL) | SAddress2 |
CGIFN=^VARSCity^ | ** | Users(ALL) | SCity |
CGIFN=^VARSState^ | ** | Users(ALL) | SState |
CGIFN=^VARSZip^ | ** | Users(ALL) | SZip |
CGIFN=^VARSite^ | ** | Users(ALL) | Site |
CGIFN=^VARWantedBy^ | ** | Transactions | WantedBy |
CGIFN=^VARCall Number^ |
** | Transactions | CallNumber |
CGIFN=^VARNumber^ | ** | Transactions | Number |
CGIFN=^Organization^ | ** | Users(ALL) | Organization |
CGIFN=^VARFax^ | ** | Users(ALL) | Fax |
CGIFN=^VARCountry^ | ** | Users(ALL) | Country |
CGIFN=^VARShipping AcctNo^ |
** | Users(ALL) | ShippingAcctNo |
CGIFN=^VARCopyright PaymentMethod^ |
** | Transactions | CopyrightPayment Method |
CGIFN=^VARShipping Options^ |
** | Transactions | ShippingOptions |
CGIFN=^VARReference Number^ |
** | Transactions | ReferenceNumber |
CGIFN=^VARIntl ShippingOptions^ |
** | Transactions | IntlShippingOptions |
CGIFN=^VARLocation^ | ** | Transactions | Location |
CGIFN=^VARPhoto JournalTitle^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoJournalTitle |
CGIFN=^VARPhoto JournalVolume^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoJournalVolume |
CGIFN=^VARPhoto JournalIssue^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoJournalIssue |
CGIFN=^VARPhoto JournalMonth^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoJournalMonth |
CGIFN=^VARPhoto JournalYear^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoJournalYear |
CGIFN=^VARPhoto JournalInclusivePages^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoJournal InclusivePages |
CGIFN=^VARPhoto ArticleAuthor^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoArticleAuthor |
CGIFN=^VARPhoto ArticleTitle^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoArticleTitle |
CGIFN=^VARDueDate^ | ** | Transactions | DueDate |
CGIFN=^VARRenewals Allowed^ |
** | Transactions | RenewalsAllowed |
CGIFN=^VARCitedIn^ | ** | Transactions | CitedIn |
** | Transactions | ESPNumber |
CGIFN=^VARCitedDate^ | ** | Transactions | CitedDate |
CGIFN=^VARCited Volume^ |
** | Transactions | CitedVolume |
CGIFN=^VARCited Pages^ |
** | Transactions | CitedPages |
CGIFN=^VARNot WantedAfter^ |
** | Transactions | NotWantedAfter |
CGIFN=^VARNotes^ | ** | Notes | Note |
CGIFN=^VARISSN^ | ** | Transactions | ISSN |
CGIFN=^VARLoan Author^ |
** | Transactions | LoanAuthor |
CGIFN=^VARLoanTitle^ | ** | Transactions | LoanTitle |
CGIFN=^VARLoan Publisher^ |
** | Transactions | LoanPublisher |
CGIFN=^VARLoanPlace^ | ** | Transactions | LoanPlace |
CGIFN=^VARLoanDate^ | ** | Transactions | LoanDate |
CGIFN=^VARMaxCost^ | ** | Transactions | MaxCost |
CGIFN=^VARLoan Edition^ |
** | Transactions | LoanEdition |
CGIFN=^VARAccept NonEnglish^ |
** | Transactions | AcceptNonEnglish |
CGIFN=^VARAccept AlternateEdition^ |
** | Transactions | AcceptAlternate Edition |
CGIFN=^VARPhoto ItemAuthor^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoItemAuthor |
CGIFN=^VARPhoto ItemPlace^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoItemPlace |
CGIFN=^VARPhotoItem Publisher^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoItemPublisher |
CGIFN=^VARPhotoItem Edition^ |
** | Transactions | PhotoItemEdition |
CGIFN=^VAROther^ | This tag is only used for the Other web requests and creates an entry in the citation table. | Citation | Other |
CGIFN=^VAR ReplacementPages^ |
** | Transactions | ReplacementPages |
CGIFN=^VARStatus Group^ |
This tag corresponds to the Status field in the Users table. | Users(ALL) | Status |
CGIFN=^VARDepartment^ | ** | Users(ALL) | Department |
CGIFN=^VARAuthorized Users^ |
** | Users(ALL) | AuthorizedUsers |
CGIFN=^VARNVTGC^ | ** | Users(ALL) | NVTGC |
CGIFN=^VARNVTGC Description^ |
** | Delivery Locations | Value |
CGIFN=^VARUsername^ | ** | Users(ALL) | Username |
CGIFN=^VARPassword1^ | Temporary storage value for the first password entered on the NewUserRegistration.html web page. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARPassword2^ | Temporary storage value for the second password entered on the NewUserRegistration.html web page. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARDelivery Group^ |
This tag corresponds to the DeliveryMethod field in the Users table. | Users(ALL) | DeliveryMethod |
CGIFN=^VARLoan DeliveryGroup^ |
This tag corresponds to the LoanDeliveryMethod field in the Users table. | Users(ALL) | LoanDelivery Method |
CGIFN=^VARWeb DeliveryGroup^ |
This tag corresponds to the Web field in the Users table (Yes/No value for Electronic Delivery). | Users(ALL) | Web |
CGIFN=^VARRush^ | ** | Transactions | Rush |
CGIFN=^VARUser DeliveryMethod^ |
This tag is used on request pages to insert the default DeliveryMethod from the Users table. | Users(ALL) | DeliveryMethod |
CGIFN=^VARUserWeb Group^ |
This tag is used on request pages to insert the default Web value from the Users table. | Users(ALL) | Web |
CGIFN=^VARSpecial Service^ |
This tag corresponds to a Yes/No value that triggers a customized process. Most sites will never user this field. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARNextYear^ | This tag will be replaced by a date one year from today. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARNotWanted After^ |
** | Transactions | NotWantedAfter |
CGIFN=^VARView OutstandingRequests^ |
This tag will be replaced by a table of outstanding requests that can be clicked on to view the individual request information. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARView RequestHistory^ |
This tag will be replaced by a table of finished requests that can be clicked on to view the individual request information. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARShow CurrentAccounts^ |
This tag will be replaced by a table of accounts for the user, allowing them to update/add/remove. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARValid AccountsDropDown^ |
This tag will be replaced by a drop-down box of valid accounts for the user. It is used when assigning an account on a request. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARViewRenew CheckedOutItems^ |
This tag will be replaced by a table of checked out requests that can be clicked on to view the individual request information. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARView ResubmitCancelledItems^ |
This tag will be replaced by a table of canceled requests that can be clicked on to view the individual request information. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARTracking Information^ |
This tag will be replaced by a table of tracking information for the current transaction number. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARNotes Information^ |
This tag will be replaced by a table of notes information for the current transaction number. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARElectronic Delivery^ |
This tag will be replaced by a table of electronically delivered requests that can be clicked on to view and download the requests. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARDetailed Information^ |
This tag will display detailed information about a request. | N/A | N/A |
CGIFN=^VARDetailed DocTypeInformation^ |
This tag will be replaced with detailed information about a request, supplied by an accompanying HTML file. | N/A | N/A |
**This tag will be replaced by the corresponding field out of the database.
These tags are visible on the unedited ILLiad default web pages when they are viewed without the ILLiad.dll, which fills in the appropriate values for each tag using information stored in the various tables of the ILLData database.
To changethe information displays on the Detailed Information pages for different document types. The CGIFN=^VARDetailedInformation^ tag on the ViewDetailedInformation.html page is what instructs the ILLiad DLL to display the detailed information.
If you replace this CGIFN=^VARDetailedInformation^ tag with CGIFN=^VARDetailedDocTypeInformation^, the ILLiad DLL is instead instructed to display the contents of the ViewDetailed{DocType}Information.html, where {DocType} is the document type of the transaction being displayed, regardless of what is on that page (text, other tags, etc.).
Note: These ViewDetailed{DocType}Information.html pages do not exist by default and would need to be created before this would work properly.
For example, for a transaction with a DocumentType value of Patent, it would display the contents of http://ILLiadServer/ILLiad/ViewDetailedPatentInformation.html instead of the default detailed information.
If http://ILLiadServer/ILLiad/ViewDetailedPatentInformation.html contained the following:
- Author(s): CGIFN=^VARPhotoItemAuthor^
- Patent Number: CGIFN=^VARPhotoItemEdition^
- Country: CGIFN=^VARPhotoItemPlace^
- Year: CGIFN=^VARPhotoJournalYear^
- Title: CGIFN=^VARPhotoJournalTitle^
Then it will replace the CGIFN=^VARDetailedDocTypeInformation^ tag with the text and tagged information specified from the html file. This allows you to change what information is displayed.
To implement this change to the Detailed Information pages, you would need to create a DocumentType web page (ViewDetailed{DocType}Information.html) like the one above for every document type that can be requested from the ILLiad main menu.