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The ERROR tag acts as a placeholder for an error icon to display if the value entered by the web user does not match the format specified in the WebValidation table.

This tag behaves slightly differently in that it is inserted as part of a class tag to be used by CSS. If the corresponding parameter doesn't match for the format in WebValidation, ILLiad returns a value of validationError.

If the parameter does pass, ILLiad returns a value of valid. You can then specify in your CSS file to mark items with a class of validationError with a particular icon, font style, etc. An example of how this tag would display in the HTML:

<label for="Phone">
	<span class="field">
		<span class="req">*</span>
		<span class="<#ERROR name="ERRORPhone">"><b>Daytime Phone</b></span>
	<input id="Phone" name="Phone" type="text" size="40" class="f-name" tabindex=
	"3" value="<#PARAM name="Phone">"><br />

Note that the ERROR tag is in the span surrounding only the words "Daytime Phone" which CSS will format depending on if that class="valid" or class="validationError". The other HTML is only provided as a reference point for placement.



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