Using the default RSS Feed link on your web interface allows your web users the option to elect to receive RSS Feeds of Viewing Email Notifications on the Web and Web Alerts either to their RSS Feed reader or to their email inbox. The twenty most recent Email Notifications are shown on the user's web interface Notifications page and will display as RSS feeds. There is no limit to the number of Web Alerts that can be displayed.
The default HTML pages containing the links are
- ViewNotifications: Email Notifications. "Subscribe to Notifications Feed"
- ILLiadMainMenu: Web Alerts. "Subscribe to Alerts Feed"
RSS Feeds of Web Alerts include any system, username, symbol, status, and delivery location alerts pertaining to the particular user. Creating the Web Alert within the client generates the Alerts RSS Feed. RSS Feeds of Email Notifications include any emails that are sent by the client to the user during the course of normal request processing. This includes notifications that a requested item is available, recall notifications, overdue notices, etc., as well as the site's additions to the EmailRouting table.
The Registration email is an exception to this rule as new users cannot elect to receive RSS Feeds until registration is complete. Email Notification RSS Feeds are generated from the database table EmailCopies. The query for Email Notifications looks for items in the EmailCopies table for any username registered for RSS Feed. Any email in EmailCopies that can be linked to a transaction will be sent to an RSS Feed. Note that sending the email does not trigger the RSS Feed. The "trigger" for sending the email RSS Feed is the actual generation of the email in the client, by Odyssey Manager, etc.
The status of the email is not taken into account when it is sent as an RSS Feed. Therefore, if the email is a scheduled email, the RSS feed will still deliver the Email Notification RSS Feed immediately, according to the RSS Feed's delivery schedule. RSS Feeds are sent as XML files from the server, via the ILLiad DLL through port 80. By default the RSS feeds are built into your DLL/Web page functionality; all your users need to do is sign up to receive them via an RSS reader of some sort. You can prevent users from adding Email Notifications and Web Alerts to their RSS readers by removing the associated links in the corresponding .html pages, shown above.
RSS Feed Customization Keys
RSS Feeds for Alerts and Notifications both use customization keys to define their title and description.
The keys are located in the Customization Manager at Web Interface | Defaults, except for RSSAlertsTitle, which is located at Web Interface | Default.
- RSSAlertsDescription: ILLiad Alerts
- RSSAlertsTitle: This is the main title displayed on the Alerts feed. It is ILLiad Alerts by default.
- RSSNotificationsDescription: ILLiad Notifications
- RSSNotificationsTitle: This is the main title header displayed on the Notifications feed. It is ILLiad Notifications by default.